Hofstra Law Review
Volume 52, Issue 3 (2024)
Front Matter
The Role of Congress in Enforcing Supreme Court Ethics
Jennifer Ahearn and Michael Milov-Cordova
The Supreme Court and the Limits of Human Impartiality
James J. Sample
Recency Bias and the Supreme Court: The Problem is the Institution, Not the People Who Sit on It
Eric J. Segall
Americans and the Court: How Public Outcry Has Influenced the Court to Address Judicial Ethics Crises
Brie Sparkman Binder and Debra Perlin
The Underappreciated Virtues of the Supreme Court's Ethics Code
Louis J. Virelli III
Repeal, Replace and Expose: A Case Study and Call for Public Records Transparency with Police Records in New York
Roy S. Gutterman
The Quest to Quell the Let's Play Controversy: A Strategy Guide on Resolving Tensions Between Developers and Gamers
Gina Aliberti