Hofstra Property Law Journal
Volume 1, Issue 1 (1988)
Front Matter
Eric J. Schmertz
An Introductory Note and Dedication
Bernard E. Jacob
A Critical Analysis of the 1987 Takings Trilogy: The Keystone, Nollan and First English Cases
John Martinez
A Practitioner's Symposium on the Recent Supreme Court Taking Cases
William Ginsberg
The Takings Clause: The Evolving and Uncertain Standards Applicable to Cities and Towns
Cynthia M. Pols
Commentary on First English and Nollan
Dwight H. Merriam
Supreme Court Land Use Rulings: Responsible Controls Are Not Endangered
David Doheny and Paul W. Edmondson
Money for the Taking: When Land Use Regulation Goes Too Far
Daniel J. Curtin Jr. and Michael Durkee
A Miranda Card for Planners
Brian W. Blaesser
New Constitutional Standards for Land Use Regulation: Portents of Nollan and First English Church
Robert K. Best
New York Condominium Conversion Laws: Examining the Protections Against Displacement and the Need for Further Amendment
Steven D. Jannace and Laura A. Keil
End Matter