ACTEC Law Journal
Volume 43, Number 1 (2017)
Front Matter
Foreword -- Festschrift in Memory of Dennis I. Belcher
Bridget J. Crawford
Part I
Foreword to the 2016 Joseph Trachtman Memorial Lecture
Michael H. Barker and William I. Sanderson
2016 Joseph Trachtman Memorial Lecture March 19, 2016: Do We Need a Canary or Did the Canary Stop Singing and We Missed It?
Dennis I. Belcher
Part II
Memories of a Partner, Colleague, Servant-Leader, and Friend
Ronald D. Aucutt
In Memoriam Dennis Belcher: Lessons I Learned at the Feet of the Master
Dana G. Fitzsimons Jr.
Dennis Belcher
Skip Fox
Larger Than Life
Carol Harrington
Remembering Dennis Belcher
W. Bjarne Johnson
Tribute to Dennis Belcher
Ed Koren
Dennis Belcher: A Good, Gifted, and Decent Man
Daniel H. Markstein III
Memories of Dennis Belcher
Lou Mezzullo and Judi Mezzullo
A Remarkable Man; An Extraordinary Year
Karen M. Moore
In Memory of Dennis Belcher
C. Ware Palmer
What Made Dennis Special?
Jeffrey N. Pennell
Remembering Dennis Belcher: A Trusted Advisor and Friend
Tina Portuondo
Reflections on Dennis I. Belcher: A True Leader
Pam H. Schneider
Leach v. Hyatt: Recasting Indefiniteness
Thomas E. Simmons
A Celebration of Dennis Belcher
Bruce Stone
Dennis Irl Belcher: An Appreciation
James H. Walsh
Dennis Belcher
Anne Marie Whittemore
Remembering Dennis
Tom Word