ACTEC Law Journal
Volume 43, Number 2 (2018)
Front Matter
Change is Constant in Estate Planning: Reflections of an ACTEC Law Journal Editor
Bridget J. Crawford
Powers of Attorney under the Uniform Power of Attorney Act Including Reference to Virginia Law
F. Philip Manns Jr.
Discretionary Trusts: An Update
Richard C. Ausness
Et tu (a)(2)? Blattmachr & Gans Dismantle Tax Court's Powell Analysis
N. Todd Angkatavanich, James I. Dougherty, and Eric Fischer
Ronald H. Jensen
Powell and Section 2036: Our Reply
Mitchell M. Gans and Jonathan G. Blattmachr
A Comment on Modernizing New York Trust Law
C. Raymond Radigan and Jennifer F. Hillman
A Response to Democracy and Trusts
Jake Calvert
"Undemocratic" Trusts and the Numerus Clausus Principle
E. Gary Spitko
Response: A Modern Assessment of Intestacy Law
James G. Pressly Jr. and J. Grier Pressly III
Response to Professor Horton, Mr. James Pressly and Mr. J. Grier Pressly
Danaya C. Wright and Beth Sterner