ACTEC Law Journal
Volume 48, Number 1 (2022)
Front Matter
Of Privacy and Publicity: Symbiotic Rights (Or Wellspring of Obfuscation)
Jeffrey L. Carson and Trace Brooks
Common Law Business Trusts, Anonymity, and Inclusion
Eric C. Chaffee
Privacy in Plain Sight: How Blockchain Assets and Decentralized Technology Can Increase Privacy in Inheritance
Tye J. Cressman
Identity Appropriation and Wealth Transfer: Twain, Cord, and the Post-Mortem Right of Publicity
Alyssa A. DiRusso and Timothy J. McFarlin
Joining the Global Community in the Fight Against Financial Secrecy: Congress Enacts the Corporate Transparency Act to Mandate Beneficial Ownership reporting in the United States
Glenn G. Fox, Raj A. Malviya, Michael A. Breslow, and Kevin L. Shepherd
The Post-Mortem Right of Publicity: Defining It, Valuing It, Defending It ad Planning for It
Sharon L. Klein and Jenna M. Cohn
Privacy, Probate, and Nazi-Plundered Art
Alex Swanson