Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 10, Issue 2 (1993)
Front Matter
Symposium: Implications of the North American Free Trade Agreement - Articles
The North American Free Trade Agreement: The Sale of U.S. Industry to the Lowest Bidder
William Cunningham and Segundo Mercado-LIorens
North American Free Trade and Labor Issues: Accomplishments and Challenges
Shellyn G. McCaffrey
Economists' Assessments of the Likely Employment and Wage Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement
William E. Spriggs and James Stanford
The Right to Unionize in the United States, Canada, and Mexico: A Comparative Assessment
David L. Gregory
The Environmental Implications of a North American Free Trade Agreement
James P. Duffy III
Labor Force Recomposition and Industrial Restructuring in Electronics: Implications for Free Trade
M. Patricia Fernandez-Kelly
The Cost of Retaining vs. the Cost of Retraining: An Analysis of the Family and Medical Leave Act
Elissa Hope Gainsburg