Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 15, Issue 2 (1998)
Front Matter
Employment Arbitration After Gilmer: Have Labor Courts Come to the United States?
Robert N. Covington
Rethinking Bargaining Unit Determination: Labor Law and the Structure of Collective Representation in a Changing Workplace
Alexander Colvin
Recovering the Costs of DoL Wage Increases Under the Service Contract Act
Allen Cannon III and Richard B. Clifford Jr.
The Family and Medical Leave Act: Unlocking the Door to the "Key Employee" Exemption
Neil S. Levinbook
'Borderline' Sexual Harassment: A Study of Sex Based Discrimination in the United States and Argentina and the Problem of Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Law
Keven H. Friedman and Christine R. Mertz
The Development of Reassignment to a Vacant Position in the Americans with Disabilities Act
Jeffrey S. Berenholz
End Matter