Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 16, Issue 1 (1998)
Front Matter
Salting the Mines: the Legal and Political Implications of Placing Paid Union Organizers in the Employer's Workplace
Victor J. Van Bourg and Ellyn Moscowitz
Compulsory Arbitration of Statutory Discrimination Claims Under a Collective Bargaining Agreement: The Odd Case of Caesar Wright
David E. Feller
Arbitration of Employment Discrimination Claims Under Pre-Dispute Agreements: Will Gilmer Survive?
Michael Delikat and Rene Kathawala
The Signicance of Worker Attitudes: Individualism as a Cause for Labor's Decline
Sharon Rabin Margalioth
The Americans with Disabilities Act Protects Individuals with a History of Cancer from Employment Discrimination: Myth or Reality?
Susan M. Gibson
Jurisdictional Restraints on the Federal Labor Relations Authority: A Split in the Circuits
Brian Daniel Pfeiffer
Should the NLRB Revisit Excelsior?
David Greenhaus
End Matter