Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 22, Issue 1 (2004)
Front Matter
Liberty, Diversity, Academic Freedom, and Survival: Preferential Hiring Among Religiously-Affliated Institutions of Higher Education
Jamie Darin Prenkert
Same-Sex Marriage: The Evolving Landscape for Employee Benefits
Neal S. Schelberg and Carri L. Mitnick
The Continuing Relevance of Race-Concious Remedies and Prgrams in Integrating the Nation's Workforce
Michael L. Foreman, Kristin M. Dadey, and Audrey J. Wiggins
Facially Neutral No-Rehires Rules and the Americans with Disabilities Act
Christine Neylon O'Brien
Association Discrimination Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Another Uphill Batllle for Potential ADA Plaintiffs
Lawerence D. Rosenthal
Stepping Out of the Courtroom and Into the Personnel Department: An Analysis of Reasonable Accommodation and Disparate Impact in Raytheon v. Hernandez
Douglas Menikheim and Frederick R. Trelfa
When Harry Met Larry and Larry Got Sick: Why Same-Sex Families Should be Entitled Benefits Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Alana M. Bell and Tamar Miller
Dirty Dancing: Attributing the Moral Right of Attribution to American Copyright Law: The Work for Hire Doctrine and the Usurping of the Ultimate Grand Dame and Founder of Modern Dance, Martha Graham
Sarah Kutner and Holly Rich
End Matter