Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 22, Issue 2 (2005)
Front Matter
Symposium: The 40th Anniversary of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Faragher v. City of Boca Raton: A Personal Account of a Sexual Discrimination Plaintiff
Beth Ann Faragher
Drawing the Line After Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB: Strategies for Protecting Undocumented Workers in the Title VII Context and Beyond
Christopher Ho and Jennifer C. Chang
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Cases): Gender Stereotypes and Sexual Harassment Since the Passage of Title VII
Miriam A. Cherry
Affirmative Action in the Workplace: Forty Years Later
Richard N. Appel, Alison L. Gray, and Nilufer Loy
The Limits of Multiple Rights and Remedies: A Call for Revisiting the Law of the Workplace
Ann C. Hodges
Are We There Yet? Forty Years After the Passage of the Civil Rights Act: Revolution in the Workforce and the Unfulfilled Promises that Remain
Thomas H. Barnard and Adrienne L. Rapp
Why the EEOC (Still) Matters
Anne Noel Occhialino and Daniel Vail
The Argument for Making American Judicial Remedies Under Title VII Available to Foreign Nationals Employed by U.S. Companies on Foreign Soil
Olivia P. Dirig and Mahra Sarafsky
The Argument for a Hybrid Retaliation Law: A Comparative Law Study to Define Retaliation Under Title VII by Comparing the United Kingdom, Including the European Union, Australia, and Canada
Dana K. Scalere and Corinne D. Sorisi
End Matter