Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 24, Issue 1 (2006)
Front Matter
Shoring Up the Citadel (At-Will Employment)
Matthew W. Finkin
Labor-Management Relations During the Clinton Administration
Robert B. Moberly
Unilateral-Modification Provisions in Employment Arbitration Agreements
Michael L. DeMichele and Richard A. Bales
Practitioners' Notes
Mediation of a Sexual Harassment Claim
Robert Lewis
The Whistleblower Provision of Sarbanes-Oxley: Discerning the Scope of "Protected Activity"
Robert P. Riordan and Leslie E. Wood
Be Our Guest: Synthesizing a Realistic Guest Worker Program as an Element of Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Dennis J. Loiacono and Jillian Maloff
The Suspension of the Davis Bacon Act and the Exploitation of Migrant Workers in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina
Haley E. Olam and Erin S. Stamper
End Matter