Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 24, Issue 2 (2007)
Front Matter
The Legality of Using Employee Appearance Policies to Promote Organizational Culture
Dennis R. Kuhn and John A. Pearce II
Void Agreements, Knocked-Out Terms, and Blue Pencils: Judicial and Legislative Handling of Unreasonable Terms in Noncompete Agreements
Kenneth R. Swift
Staying Above the Surface- Surface Bargaining Claims Under the National Labor Relations Act
Marc Mandelman and Kevin Manara
Bloggers Beware: A Cautionary Tale of Blogging and the Doctrine of At-Will Employment
Tracie Watson and Elisabeth Piro
Finding Worth in the New Workplace: The Implications of Comparable Worth's Reemergence in the Global Economy
Daniel N. Kuperstein
End Matter