Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 26, Issue 1 (2008)
Front Matter
Compulsory Arbitration as Part of a Broader Employment Dispute Resolution Process: The Anheuser-Busch Example
Richard A. Bales and Jason N.W. Plowman
Constitutional Viability of the Employee Free Choice Acts's Interest Arbitration Provision
Philip B. Rosen and Richard I. Greenberg
Federalism's False Hope: How State Civil Rights Laws Are Systematically Under-Enforced in Federal Forums (And What Can Be Done About It)
Steven Andrew Smith and Adam Hansen
A Subjective Approach to Contracts?: How Courts Interpret Employee Handbook Disclaimers
Natalie Bucciarelli Pedersen
Knowing When to Keep Quiet: Weingarten and the Limitations on Representative Participation
Jodie Meade Michalski
Practitioners' Note
The ADA Amendments Act: Dramatic Changes in Coverage
David K. Fram Esq.
Are You In or Are You Out? The Effect of a Prior Criminal Conviction on Bar Admission & A Proposed National Uniform Standard
Anthony J. Graniere and Hilary McHugh
From the Rat to the Mouse: How Secondary Picketing Laws May Apply in the Computer Age
Thomas Moyher and Robert T. Szyba
A Lower "Salt" Content for Employers
Katie A. Mabanta and Alyson B. Skloot
End Matter