Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 27, Issue 1 (2009)
Front Matter
Employer Reputation at Work
Samuel Estreicher
On the Authority of the Two-Member NLRB: Statutory Interpretation Approaches and Judicial Choices
Ronald Turner
Section 8(F) Prehire Agreements and the Exception to Majority Representation: Are Construction Workers Getting the Shaft?
Desiree LeClercq
Abusing Abuse of Discretion: Judicial Review of ERISA Fiduciaries' Discretionary Decisions in Denial of Benefits Cases
Christopher R. Stevenson
ERISA: The Foundational Insufficiencies for Deferential Review in Employee Benefit Claims- Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. v. Glenn
Donald T. Bogan
Who's Your Daddy? A Proposal for Paid Family Leave to Promote the Growth of Families
Ashleigh Garvey and Claire Mitchell
Falling Through the Cracks: The Plight of Domestic Workers and Their Continued Search for Legislative Protection
Adam J. Hiller and Leah E. Saxtein
End Matter