Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 29, Issue 1 (2011)
Front Matter
Waging War on "Unemployables"? Race, Low-Wage Work, and Minimum Wages: The New Evidence
Harry G. Hutchison
Practitioners' Notes
Social Media, Trade Secrets, Duties of Loyalty, Restrictive Covenants and Yes, the Sky is Falling
Marisa Warren and Arnie Pedowitz
Speak the Truth and Tell No Lies: An Update for the Employee Polygraph Protection Act
David Barnhorn and Joey E. Pegram
Coming Out to Fight for Our Country: Achieving Equality for Gay Service Members in a Post-"Dont Ask, Don't Tell" Military
Ashley L. Behre
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008: It's in Title VII's Genes
Phillip K. Vacchio and Joshua L. Wolinsky
End Matter