Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 29, Issue 2 (2012)
Front Matter
Drug Testing of Medical Marijuana Users in the Workplace: An Inaccurate Test of Impairment
Stacy A. Hickox
Punishment and Work Law Compliance: Lessons from Chile
Cesar F. Rosado Marzan
The Great Recession, the Resulting Budget Shortfalls, the 2010 Elections and the Attack on Public Sector Collective Bargaining in the United States
Kenneth Glenn Dau-Schmidt and Winston Lin
Robbing a Barren Vault: The Implication of Dukes v. Wal-Mart for Cases Challenging Subjective Employment Practices
Elizabeth Tippett
Practitioners' Notes
The "Miscellaneous Employee": Exploring the Boundaries of the Fair Labor Standards Act's Administrative Exemption
Blake R. Bertagna
Fits and Starts for Mandatory Arbitration
Roger B. Jacobs
Bad Reputation?: The Potential Negative Impact of Outsourcing on the Legal Profession
Jennifer Spellman and Jeannea Varrichio
End Matter