Hofstra Law & Policy Symposium
Current Volume: Volume 3 (1999)
Front Matter
Editors Messages
Peace With Justice
Susan Tiefenbrun
Definition of War Crimes and Their Use in the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda
Leon Friedman
The Status of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda: Goals and Results
Louise Arbour
War Crimes in the 21st Century
Marsha V. Mills
Medical Ethics and Human Rights : Legacies of Nuremberg
George J. Annas and Michael A. Grodin
Doctors and War Crimes: Understanding Genocide
Jonathan Tiefenbrun
"The Murderers Among Them" - German Justice and the Nazis
Fritz Weinschenk
The Klaus Barbie Trail and Crimes Against Humanity
Jean-Olivier Viout
The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia: It's Functioning and Future Prospects
Claude Jorda
Report of The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Robert F. Van Lierop
Status Report on The International Criminal Court
David Stoelting
An Absence of Accountability for the My Lai Massacre
Jeannine Davanzo
End Matter