Hofstra Law Review
Volume 23, Issue 4 (1995)
Front Matter
Helping Jurors Determine Pain and Suffering Awards
Oscar G. Chase
When Lawyers Represent Their Adversaries: Conflicts of Interest Arising Out of the Lawyer-Lawyer Relationship
Steven C. Krane
Some Words of Caution About Divorce Mediation
Phyllis Gangel-Jacob
Planning for P.E.A.C.E.: The Development of Court-Connected Education Programs for Divorcing and Separating Families
Andrew Schepard and Stephen W. Schlissel
At the Crossroads of Environmental Laws and the Bankruptcy Code: Abandonment and Trustee Personal Liability
Joseph S. Maniscalco
Beyond Mastrobuono: A Practitioners' Guide to Arbitration, Employment Disputes, Punitive Damages, and the Implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991
Jordan L. Resnick
End Matter