Hofstra Law Review
Volume 24, Issue 2 (1995)
Front Matter
Days of Our Lives: The Impact of Section 197 on the Depreciation of Copyrights, Patents, and Related Property
Mary LaFrance
The Norms of Contract: The Fairness Inquiry and the "Law of Satisfaction"--A Nonunified Theory
Larry A. DiMatteo
Will Kindness Kill Contract?
Douglas K. Newell
Dedications to the Memory of John J. Regan
Professor John J. Regan
Stuart Rabinowitz
John J. Regan
Ronald H. Silverman
John J. Regan
Robert N. Brown
Tribute to Professor John J. Regan
Michael Gilfix
Remembering John J. Regan
The Members and Staff of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law
John J. Regan
Nancy Neveloff Dubler
Retroactivity, Implied Waiver, and the FSIA: Is it Time to Reform the Law on Sovereign Immunity?
Michael W. Hoops
Retroactivity of the Civil Rights Act of 1991: Landgraf v. USI Film Products and Rivers v. Roadway Express, Inc.
Linda B. Contino