Hofstra Law Review
Volume 25, Issue 3 (1997)
Front Matter
A Symposium on Judicial Independence
The Threat to Judicial Independence by Criticism of Judges - A Proposed Solution to the Real Problem
Monroe H. Freedman
Judicial Independence and Independent Judges
Steven Lubet
The Judge's Ethical Duty to Report Misconduct by Other Judges and Lawyers and its Effect on Judicial Independence
Leslie W. Abramson
Should Lawyers be Free to Publicly Excoriate Judges?
Hal R. Lieberman
Interview: A Unique Perspective on Judicial Independence
Judge Harold Baer Jr., Roy D. Simon Jr., and Karen E. Baldwin
Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet: Establishing Conditions for Lesbian and Gay Intimacy, Nomos, and Citizenship, 1961-1981
William N. Eskridge Jr.