Hofstra Law Review
Volume 27, Issue 3 (1999)
Front Matter
Symposium on Human Cloning: Legal, Social, and Moral Perspectives For the Twenty-First Century
Symposium on Human Cloning: Legal, Social, and Moral Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century- Foreword: Cloning Debate
Janet L. Dolgin
No Human Cloning: A Social Ethics Perspective
Lisa Sowle Cahill
Cloning: Ethics and Public Policy
R. Alta Charo
The Case Against Human Cloning
Vernon J. Ehlers
Who is the Parent in Cloning?
Nanette Elster
Human Cloning: Brave New Mistake
Sophia Kolehmainen
Cloning: A Business Without Regulation
Emily Marden and Dorothy Nelkin
The Demand for Human Cloning
Eric A. Posner and Richard A. Posner
Two Models of Human Cloning
John A. Robertson
"Being Human": Cloning and the Challenges for Public Policy
Karen H. Rothenberg
How Reprogenetics Will Transform the American Family
Lee M. Silver
Reflections on Human Cloning
Lewis D. Solomon
End Matter