Hofstra Law Review
Volume 29, Issue 1 (2000)
Front Matter
Handicapped Parking
Geoffrey P. Miller and Lori S. Singer
Law, Belief, and Bildung: The Education of Harry Edwards
Brian C. Murchison
The New Law Firm Economy, Billable Hours, and Professional Responsibility
Douglas R. Richmond
Neil T. Shayne Memorial Lecture
Neil T. Shayne Memorial Lecture: Foreword
Chris McDonough
The 1999 Amendments to the Ethical Considerations in New York's Code of Professional Responsibility
Roy Simon
In What Often Appears to Be a Crapshoot Legislative Process, Congress Throws Snake Eyes When It Enacts the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act
Neil Scott Cohen
Casey at the Bat: Judicial Treatment of Mass Tort Litigation
Karen A. Geduldig
End Matter