Hofstra Law Review
Volume 35, Issue 2 (2006) Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Issue
Front Matter
The Proliferation Security Initiative: A Model for International Cooperation
John Yoo and Glenn Sulmasy
You Are Living in a Gold Rush
Richard Delgado
Reviving the Nuclear Power Option in the United States: Using Domestic Energy Law to Cure Two Perceptions of International Law Illegality
James E. Hickey Jr.
The Nature and Impact of the "Tort Reform" Movement
F. Patrick Hubbard
"We'll Know It When We Can't Hear It": A Call for a Non-Pornography Test Approach to Recognizing Non-Public Information
J. Scott Colesanti
Biomedical Research and the Law - Selected Issues: The Pharmaceutical Industry and its Relationship with Government, Academia, Physicians and Consumers
Foreword: Biomedical Reasearch and the Law-Selected Issues: The Pharmaceutical industry and its Relationship with Government, Academia, Physicians and Consumers
Janet L. Dolgin and Joel Weintraub
The Office of Research Integrity: Experience and Authorities
Chris B. Pascal
You Can't Choose Your Parents: Why Children Raised by Same-Sex Couples Are Entitled to Inheritance Rights from Both Their Parents
Carissa R. Trast