Hofstra Law Review
Volume 37, Issue 2 (2008)
Front Matter
Biomedical Research and the Law - Embryonic Stem Cells, Clones, and Genes: Science, Law, Politics, and Values
Foreword: Biomedical Research and the Law-Embryonic Stem Cells, Clones, and Genes: Science, Law, Politics and Values
Janet L. Dolgin and Joel Weintraub
Attitudes About Human Embryos, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and Related Matters
Janet L. Dolgin, Catherine Fisher, and Terri Shapiro
United States Regulation of Stem Cell Research: Recasting Government's Role and Questions to Be Resolved
Owen C.B. Hughes, Alan L. Jakimo, and Michael J. Malinowski
Using Excess IVF Blastocysts for Embryonic Stem Cell Research: Developing Ethical Doctrine, Secular and Religious
Gerard Magill
Turning Away from Islam in Iraq: A Conjecture as to How the New Iraq Will Treat Muslim Apostates
Timothy G. Burroughs
Your Death: The Royal Flush of Wall Street's Gamble
Ariella Gasner
End Matter