Hofstra Law Review
Volume 37, Issue 4 (2009)
Front Matter
Energy and the Environment: Empowering Consumers
Energy and the Environment: Empowering Consumers
Katrina Fischer Kuh
Using Local Knowledge to Shrink the Individual Carbon Footprint
Katrina Fischer Kuh
The Ethical Responsibility to Reduce Energy Consumption
John C. Dernbach and Donald A. Brown
Reciprocity and Environmental Obligations
Leslie P. Francis
The Social Bases of Climate Change Knowledge, Concern, and Policy Support in the U.S. General Public
Aaron M. McCright
Cooperative Federalism and Wind: A New Framework for Achieving Sustainability
Patricia E. Salkin and Ashira Pelman Ostrow
What's So Civil About Civil Commitment?: Balancing the State's Interest in Treating Substance Dependence with the Protection of Individual Liberty Interests
Rebecca L. Abensur
Cracking Open the Golden Door: Revisiting U.S. Asylum Law's Response to China's One-Child Policy
Sean T. Masson
Resolving the Conflict Between Jewish and Secular Estate Law
Benjamin C. Wolf
End Matter