Hofstra Law Review
Volume 38, Issue 1 (2009)
Front Matter
Small is the New Biglaw: Some Thoughts on Technology, Economics, and the Practice of Law
Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Habeas by Any Other Name
Eric M. Freedman
Categorizing Zipporah's Petition
William E. Nelson
Legal Turmoil in a Factious Colony: New York, 1664-1776
William E. Nelson
Discovering Secrets: Act of State Defenses to Bribery Cases
Elizabeth Spahn
An Attorney-Client Privilege for Embattled Tax Practitioners: A Legislative Response to Uncertain Legal Counsel
William H. Volz and Theresa Ellis
The Case of the Headless Baby
The Case of the Headless Baby: Did Interracial Sex in the Massachusetts Bay Colony Lead to Infanticide and the Earliest Habeas Corpus Petition in America?
Melinde Lutz Sanborn
Redefining the Legal Family: Protecting the Rights of Coparents and the Best Interests of Their Children
Marissa Wiley
Giving Public Opinion the Process That is Due: What the Supreme Court Can Learn from Its Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence
Rebecca Wilhelm
End Matter