Hofstra Law Review
Volume 39, Issue 3 (2011)
Front Matter
Law, Economics, and Society
Lawrence M. Friedman
The Constitutional Politics of Presidential Succession
Richard Albert
Engaged Client-Centered Representation of the Moral Foundations of the Lawyer-Client Relationship
Katherine R. Kruse
Pushing for the Injury: Tort Law's Influence in Defining the Constitutional Limitations on Punitive Damage Awards
Jill Wieber Lens
What's in a Name? - The Tale of Louis Wolfson's Affirmed
Alan M. Weinberger
Courts Mistakenly Cross-Out Memorials: Why the Establishment Clause is Not Violated by Roadside Crosses
Elizabeth A. Murphy
Grooming Dogs for the Educational Setting: The "IDEIA" Behind Service Dogs in the Public Schools
Sarah Allison L. Wieselthier
End Matter