Hofstra Law Review
Volume 46, Issue 4 (2018)
Front Matter
Symposium: Effective Capital Defense Representation, the ABA Guidelines, and the Twilight of the Death Penalty
Symposium Introduction
Eric M. Freedman
Protecting People with Intellectual Disability from Wrongful Execution: Guidelines for Competent Representation
Sheri Lynn Johnson, John H. Blume, Emily Paavola, and Lindsey S. Vann
The Ethical Argument for Funding in Clemency: The "Mercy" Function and the ABA Guidelines
Laura Schaefer
Reclaiming Van Hook: Using the ABA's Guidelines and Resources to Establish Prevailing Professional Norms
Emily Olson-Gault
Evaluating Intellectual Disability: Clinical Assessments in Atkins Cases
James W. Ellis, Caroline Everington, and Ann M. Delpha
Express Yourself: Providing Greater Protection for Independent Art Authenticators Who Offer Good Faith Opinions
Savannah Holzwarth
Foreclosure Madness: Using Mortgage Deceleration to Evade the Statute of Limitations
Matthew B. Nevola
Off the Mark: Mitigating the Conflict between Local Landmark Ordinances and Individual Property Rights
Kayley B. Sullivan
End Matter