Hofstra Law Review
Volume 6, Issue 1 (1977)
Front Matter
Symposium on Commodity Futures Regulation
Regulating the Grain Gambler and His Successors
John V. Rainbolt II
The Mechanics of Futures Trading: Speculation and Manipulation
Joseph J. Bianco
Manipulation in Commodity Futures Trading: Toward a Definitition
Thomas A. Hieronymus
The Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Thomas A. Russo and Edwin L. Lyon
Tax Aspects of Commodity Futures Trading
Stephen F. Selig and R. Wayne Schmittberger
Antitrust in the Commodities Field: After Gordon
Philip F. Johnson
Commodities Law and Predispute Artbitration Clauses
Howard Schneider
On Being Regulated: Remarks by a Futures Commission Merchant
Stephen Greenberg
The Mechanics of a Commodity Futures Exchange: A Critique of Automation of the Transaction Process
Leo Melamed
Legislative Proposal
Commodity Futures Account Protection
Jack M. Platt
The Constituional Mandate of Effective Assistance of Counsel: The Duty to Intvestigate
Marilyn Labb Zeitlan