Hofstra Law Review
Volume 8, Issue 1 (1979)
Front Matter
Symposium on Corporate Governance
Harold M. Williams
Corporate Accountability and Regulatory Reform
Robert B. Reich
The Corporation as a Political Institution
Russell B. Stevenson Jr.
On the Governance of the Modern Corporation
Oliver E. Williamson
A Modest Proposal for Helping to Tame the Corporate Beast
Arthur S. Miller
The Business Judgment Rule Revisited
S. Samuel Arsht
Ethics and the Corporation
David Rockefeller
Corporate Goverance in Historical Perspective
Philip A. Loomis Jr. and Beverly K. Rubman
When the Sleeper Wakes: Reflections on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Rights
J.A.C. Hetherington
Berman v. Allan
Kenneth C. Randall
End Matter