Journal of International Business and Law
Volume 10, Issue 1 (2011)
Front Matter
Legal Articles & Comments
The United States, Pakistan, the Law of War and the Legality of the Drone Attacks
Kurt Larson and Zachary Malamud
Economic Approaches to Global Regulation: Expanding the International Law and Economics Paradigm
Dan Danielsen
The Responsibility to Protect and International Justice
Elizabeth F. Defeis
Business Articles
The Changing Landscape of Global Sovereign Risk
Ramon Maronilla and Kevin D. Anderson
ISO Standards from Quality to Environment to Corporate Social Responsibility and their Implications for Global Companies
Mahesh Chandra
Symposium Transcripts
Creating Reform that is Sustainable for Investors
Luis A. Aguilar
Remarks Before the Hofstra Journal of International Business & Law Conference on Investment Management Law
Andrew J. Donohue
All Players to the Table: Getting Total Buy-In to an Economic Approach to Women's Land Rights Reform
Nia K.N. Johnson
End Matter