Journal of International Business and Law
Volume 16, Issue 2 (2017)
Front Matter
Editor's Preface
Editor's Preface
Alyssa C. Goldrich
Legal & Business Articles
Americold, Diversity Jurisdiction, and Modern Business Entities: Reconciling Two Centuries of Supreme Court Precedent with Today's Domestic and Global Forms of Business Organizations
Anthony M. Sabino, Michael A. Sabino, and James N. Sabino
To Be or Not to Be: An Empirical Study on Dual-Class Share Structure of Us Listed Chinese Companies
Fa Chen and Lijun Zhao
An Economic Comparison of U.S. GAAP and IFRS
Meghan DeGennaro
How Social Conspicuousness and Quality Affect the Luxury Market
Quian Xiong, Xianglan Yan, and Yue Ma
Notes & Student Works
A Guiding Light to a More Efficient Market: Why High-Frequency Trading is Not a Flash in the Dark
Anthony B. Benvegna
Corporate Tax Avoidance: Addressing the Merits of Preventing Multinational Corporations from Engaging in the Practice and Repatriating Overseas Profits
Alexander J. Morgenstern
Book Review
End Matter