Submissions from 2011
“Respect” or “Defend” Marriage? The Senate Considers a Bill to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA): Part Two in a Two-Part Series of Columns, Joanna L. Grossman
“Respect” or “Defend” Marriage? The Senate Considers a Bill to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (DOMA): Part One in a Two-Part Series of Columns, Joanna L. Grossman
The Reality Show Sister Wives: Will Its Stars Prevail in Their Civil Rights Lawsuit?, Joanna L. Grossman
The Last Word: The Supreme Court Rules That Anna Nicole Smith Is Entitled to Nothing From Her Late Husband’s Estate, Joanna L. Grossman
Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal In New York: The In-State and National Ramifications, Joanna L. Grossman
Honesty is the Best Policy: Collection Development Policy Revisions in an Era of Change, Courtney L. Selby
Sodomy and Polygamy, Elizabeth M. Glazer
Training For Tomorrow: Ten Tips for a Successful Transition from Law School to Law Practice, Miriam R. Albert
At Last? Ratification of the Economic Covenant as a Congressional-Executive Agreement, Barbara Stark
In Favor of a “Bail-In”: How a Trillion Dollars Might Better Used to Start a Recovery, J. Scott Colesanti
How Marriage Became Optional: Cohabitation, Gender, and the Emerging Functional Norms, J. Herbie DiFonzo
Supporting Youth Who Are Aging Out Of Foster Care, Miriam Aroni Krinsky and Theo Liebmann
The Howey Test Turns 64: Are Courts Grading This Test on a Curve, Miriam R. Albert
Exercise Showcase: Teaching Doctrine and Skills Simultaneously, Miriam R. Albert, Lenné Espenschied, and Grace M. Giesel
Effectuating Disclosure Under the Williams Act, Ronald J. Colombo
The Children of Baby M, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern
Dimension I: Habeas Corpus as a Common Law Writ, Eric M. Freedman
Related Parties and the Need to Bridge the Gap Between Income Tax and Transfer Tax Systems, Jay A. Soled and Mitchell Gans
Sales to Grantor Trusts: A Case Study of What the IRS and Congress Can Do to Curb Aggressive Transfer Tax Techniques, Jay A. Soled and Mitchell Gans
The Uncorporation and the Unraveling of “Nexus of Contracts” Theory, Grant M. Hayden and Matthew T. Bodie
The Real Politik of Writing and Reading Statutes, Eric Lane
The Puzzle of Criminal Sanctions for Intellectual Property Infringement, Irina D. Manta
What We Don’t Know About Deal Negotiation by Lawyers, Richard K. Neumann Jr., Tina L. Stark, and Howard Katz
I Got the Shotgun: Reflections on The Wire, Prosecutors, and Omar Little, Alafair Burke
Harmony or Cacophony? A Preliminary Assessment of the Responses to the Financial Crisis at Home and in the EU, J. Scott Colesanti
Weighing Status: Obesity, Class, and Health Reform, Janet L. Dolgin and Katherine R. Dieterich
Capturing Individual Harms, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Statutes and Limitations: Thinking Collaboratively About Print State Codes, Courtney L. Selby
A framework for the extraction and modeling of fact-finding reasoning from legal decisions: lessons from the Vaccine/Injury Project Corpus, Vern R. Walker, Nathaniel Carie, Courtney C. Dewitt, and Eric Lesh
Rethinking the Fourth Amendment: Race, Citizenship & the Equality Principle, I. Bennett Capers
Social and Legal Debate About the Affordable Care Act, Janet L. Dolgin and Katherine R. Dieterich
Henry Lord Brougham and Resolute Lawyering, Monroe H. Freedman
The Women’s Convention, Reproductive Rights and the Reproduction of Gender, Barbara Stark
Hofstra’s Family Law with Skills Course: Implementing Fler (The Family Law Education Reform Project), Andrew Schepard and J. Herbie DiFonzo
Dedications to the Memory of Eric J. Schmertz, Distinguished Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, Hofstra University School Of Law (1982-1989) - in Rememberence of Eric J. Schmertz, Stuart Rabinowitz, Nora V. Demleitner, Malachy T. Mahon, Eric Lane, Alan N. Resnick, John DeWitt Gregory, David B. Feldman, Jeffrey P. Englander, and Joanne F. Goldstein
Lawyer, Candidate, Beneficiary AND Judge? Role Differentiation in Elected Judiciaries, James Sample
Democracy at the Corner of First and Fourteenth: Judicial Campaign Spending and Equality, James Sample
Globalization and Structure, Julian G. Ku and John Yoo
The Curious Case of Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute: A Flawed System of Judicial Lawmaking, Julian G. Ku
Process Preemption In Federal Siting Regimes, Ashira Ostrow
Transnational Surrogacy and International Human Rights Law, Barbara Stark
Freeing the Press from Editorial Discretion and Hegemony in Bona Fide News: Why the Revolution Must be Televised, Akilah N. Folami
Estate Planning After The 2010 Tax Relief Act: Big Changes, But Still No Certainty, Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Mitchell M. Gans, Howard M. Zaritsky, and Diana S.C. Zeydel
Civil Rites: The Gay Marriage Controversy in Historical Perspective, Joanna L. Grossman
Trust Protector Powers: Fiduciary Duty and Tax Issues, Mitchell M. Gans
A Report Card on New York’s Civic Literacy, Eric Lane and Meg Barnette
Retention Elections 2.010, James Sample
Prosecutorial Disclosure Obligations, Ellen Yaroshefsky
Ethics in Criminal Advocacy, Ellen Yaroshefsky and Peter A. Joy
The Justification of Positive Law in Plato, Brenner M. Fissell