Submissions from 2010
Collection Development 2010: Making the Cut, Part III, A Serious Look at Serials, Courtney L. Selby
Pet Custody: Distorting Language and the Law, John DeWitt Gregory
Laws, Sausages, and Bailouts: Testing the Populist View of Causes of the Economic Crisis, J. Scott Colesanti
Class Competition and American Health Care: Debating the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, Janet L. Dolgin
Hear My Voice - Perspectives of Current and Former Foster Youth, Theo Liebmann and Emily Madden
More Voice for the People?, Eric Lane and Laura Seago
International Law and the Dispute over the Falkland Islands, Julian Ku
Brains!, Courtney L. Selby
Civic Ignorance and the Rise of the President-King, Eric Lane
Unitary Executive Theory and Exclusive Presidential Powers, Julian G. Ku
The Impossible Has Happened: No Federal Estate Tax, No GST Tax, And Carryover Basis For 2010, Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Mitchell M. Gans, Howard M. Zaritsky, and Diana S.C. Zeydel
Retroactive Estate Tax: Can It Be Made Constitutional?, Mitchell M. Gans
Prosecutorial Agnosticism, Alafair Burke
Talking about Prosecutors, Alafair Burke
Sticky Copyrights: Discriminatory Tax Restraints on the Transfer of Intellectual Property, Bridget J. Crawford and Mitchell M. Gans
The Cult of Efficiency in Corporate Law, Stephen E. Ellis and Grant M. Hayden
When Family Matters, Alafair Burke
A Tale of Election Day 2008: Teaching Storytelling Through Repeated Experiences, Stefan H. Krieger and Serge A. Martinez
Foreword: The Ethics of Lawyers in Government, Roy Simon
A View from inside the Ropes: A Prosecutor's Viewpoint on Disclosing Exculpatory Evidence, Fred Klein
The Influence of the American Lawyers' Code of Conduct on ABA Rules and Standards, Monroe H. Freedman
Too Big A Canon in the President’s Arsenal: Another Look at United States v. Nixon, Eric Lane, Frederick A.O. Schwarz Jr., and Emily Berman
Albany’s Dysfunction Denies Due Process, Eric Lane and Laura Seago
Jam Tomorrow: Distributive Justice and the Limits of International Economic Law, Barbara Stark
When Others Get Too Close: Immigrants, Class, and the Health Care Debate, Janet L. Dolgin and Katherine R. Dieterich
Deliberative Democracy on the Air: Reinvigorate Localism-Resuscitate Radio's Subversive Past, Akilah N. Folami
Misunderstanding Lawyers' Ethics, Monroe H. Freedman and Abbe Smith
Final Regs. on Deducting Expenses and Claims Under Section 2053-Part 1, Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Mitchell M. Gans, and Diana S.C. Zeydel
IRS Rules Self-Settled Alaska Trust Will Not Be In Grantor's Estate, Gideon Rothschild, Douglas J. Blattmachr, Mitchell M. Gans, and Jonathan G. Blattmachr
Court Reform Enters the Post-Caperton Era, James Sample
Caperton: Correct Today, Compelling Tomorrow, James Sample
Debts, Disasters, and Delinquencies: A Case for Placing a Mandatory Force Majuere Provision into Consumer Credit Agreements, Norman I. Silber
Naming's Necessity, Elizabeth M. Glazer
Abstention: The Unexpected Power of Withholding Your Vote, Grant M. Hayden
Shareholder Democracy and The Curious Turn Toward Board Primacy, Grant Hayden and Matthew T. Bodie
How System Criminality Could Exacerbate the Weaknesses of International Criminal Law, Julian G. Ku
Circuit Breakers and the Mission of Stock Market Stability, J. Scott Colesanti
Foreword: New Directions in American Health Care: Innovations from Home and Abroad, Janet Dolgin, Rachel Kreier, and Corinne Kyriacou
Trust and the Reform of Securites Regulation, Ronald J. Colombo
Leaks, Lies, and the Moonlight: Fiduciary Duties of Associates to Their Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
Proposing a Federal Wind Siting Policy, Ashira Perlman Ostrow
Transactional Planning and Advice, Linda Galler and Michael B. Lang
Zealous Representation: The Pervasive Ethic, Monroe Freedman and Abbe Smith
Classroom Storytelling, Alafair S. Burke
No Gain at Death: in the Context of an Installment Sale, Gain is NOT Triggered by the Grantor's Death - and the IRD Regime is NOT Applicable, Mitchell M. Gans and Douglas J. Blattmachr
The New Politics of Judicial Elections 2000-2009: Decade of Change, James Sample, Charles Hall, and Linda Casey
Foreword: New Perspectives on Brady and Other Disclosure Obligations: What Really Works?, Ellen Yaroshefsky
Keynote Address: Enhancing the Justice Mission in the Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion, Ellen Yaroshefsky
My Client, the Cooperator, Lied: Now What?, Ellen Yaroshefsky
The New Politics of Judicial Elections 2000-2009: Decade of Change, James Sample, Adam Skaggs, Linda Casey, and Charles Hall