Submissions from 2007
Celebrity Justice: What We (and Our Students) Learn from Hollywood Star’s Run-ins with the Law, Alafair Burke and Joanna Grossman
Proposed Retained Interest Regs: Much Left Unanswered, Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Mitchell M. Gans, Stephanie E. Heilborn, and Diana S.C. Zeydel
Review: William L. Taylor, The Passion of My Times: An Advocate's Fifty-Year Journey In The Civil Rights Movement, Leon Friedman
In Vino Veritas - Mercatum - Conventio: Agreements In Wine Trade, Juli Campagna
Domestic Violence as a Crime of Pattern and Intent: An Alternative Reconceptualization, Alafair Burke
Devil in a White Coat: The Temptation of Forensic Evidence in the Age of CSI, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern
From Habermas to "Get Rich or Die Tryin": Hip Hop, the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and the Black Public Sphere, Akilah N. Folami
"This is a Courtroom, Not a Classroom": So What is the Role of the Clinical Supervisor?, Jennifer A. Gundlach
Law and Economics After Behavioral Economics, Grant M. Hayden and Stephen E. Ellis
In Search of Validity: A New Model for the Content and Procedural Treatment of Trademark Infringement Surveys, Irina D. Manta
Addicted to Fault: Why Divorce Reform Has Lagged in New York, J. Herbie DiFonzo and Ruth C. Stern
Challenging Unjust Convictions Under Section 1983, Leon Friedman
Other Civil Rights Decisions In The October 2005 Term: Title VII, IDEA, and Section 1981, Leon Friedman
Anticonsultative Trends in Nonprofit Governance, Norman I. Silber
Human Rights and the Global Marketplace: Economic, Social and Cultural Dimensions, Barbara Stark
The Evolution of the Reference Interview, Courtney L. Selby
Should Corporations Have First Amendment Rights?, Daniel J.H. Greenwood, Kent Greenfield, and Erik S. Jaffe
The Legacy of Loving, Joanna L. Grossman and John DeWitt Gregory
Brady’s Brainteaser: The Accidental Prosecutor and Cognitive Bias, Alafair Burke
Buy, Sell, or Hold? Analyst Fraud from Economic and Natural Law Perspectives, Ronald J. Colombo
A Minor Child May Establish His Own Best Interests for Purposes of the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction, Juli Campagna
Reforming The Gift Tax And Making It Enforceable, Mitchell M. Gans and Jay A. Soled
Laid-off U.S. Workers Unable to Claim Statutory Benefits While Department of Labor Treats Similarly Situated Plaintiffs Differently, Juli Campagna
Supercharged Credit Shelter Trust, Mitchell M. Gans, Jonathan G. Blatt, and Diana S.C. Zeydel
Family Limited Partnership Formation: Dueling Dicta, Mitchell M. Gans and Jonathan G. Blattmachr
The Best Defense: Why Elected Courts Should Lead Recusal Reform, Deborah Goldberg, James Sample, and David E. Pozen
Clinical & Externship Programs, Jennifer Gundlach, Robert Dinerstein, Irene Bowen, Kerie Gould, and Christine Griffin
Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon: Stepping Back From the New World Court Order, Julian G. Ku
Family Court and the Unique Needs of Children and Families Who Lack Immigration Status, Theo Liebmann
Genius of America : How the Constitution Saved Our Country and Why it Can Again-Introduction, Eric Lane
Who's Afraid of The Criminal Law Paradigm In The "War on Terror?", Eric M. Freedman
Prosecutorial Passion, Cognitive Bias, and Plea Bargaining, Alafair Burke
Neutralizing Cognitive Bias: An Invitation to Prosecutors, Alafair S. Burke
Challenges and Guidance for Lawyering in a Global Society, Susan Saab Fortney
The Revival of Impeachment as a Partisan Political Weapon, Richard K. Neumann Jr.
The Easiest Tax to Evade, Mitchell M. Gans and Jay A. Soled
The World's Greatest Gift Tax Mystery, Solved, Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Diana S.C. Zeydel, and Mitchell M. Gans
Making Judicial Recusal More Rigorous, James Sample and David E. Pozen
Foreword: Reclaiming the First Amendment: Constitutional Theories of Media Reform, Marjorie Heins and Eric M. Freedman
Discovering the Logic of Legal Reasoning, Vern R. Walker
Are We Still Americans?, Eric Lane
Lawyering at the Edge: Foreword, Roy D. Simon
Henry Lord Brougham - Advocating at the Edge for Human Rights, Monroe H. Freedman
Military Lawyering at the Edge of the Rule of Law at Guantanamo: Should Lawyers Be Permitted to Violate the Law?, Ellen Yaroshefsky
A Default-Logic Paradigm for Legal Fact-Finding, Vern R. Walker
Submissions from 2006
What’s an Embryo?: The Debate About Human Embryonic Stem Cells, Janet L. Dolgin
What Estate Planners Need To Know About The New Pension Protection Act, Diana S.C. Zeydel, Mitchell M. Gans, and Jonathan G. Blattmachr
Foreword to the Special Issue on the Family Law Education Reform Project, Andrew Schepard and Peter Salem
Why Constitutional Rights Litigation Should Not Follow the Flag, Julian Ku