Submissions from 2020
No Visas for New International Students in Fully Online Program, Irina D. Manta
Trusted Traveler Program Access Restored for New Yorkers, Irina D. Manta
Federal Judge's Son Killed and Husband Injured by Men's Rights Activist Lawyer, Irina D. Manta
Government Rescinds July 6 Directive on Student Visa Rules, Irina D. Manta
California Challenges Changes to Student Visa Rules, Irina D. Manta
Seventeen More States Sue the Trump Administration Over Student Visa Rules Change, Irina D. Manta
Harvard and MIT Seek to Enjoin Change to Student Visa Rules, Irina D. Manta
Visas of Students Taking Online Classes at Risk, Irina D. Manta
Trump Executive Order Significantly Limits Work Visas Through 2020, Irina D. Manta
What to Make of Secretary Pompeo Decertifying Hong Kong Autonomy, Julian Ku
On bail reform, it’s time to trust our judges, A. Gail Prudenti
Logic Loses In Taxpayer's Effort to Recover Attorneys' Fees, Linda Galler
Juror misconduct is a threat to criminal justice system, A. Gail Prudenti
When Agencies Make Criminal Law, Brenner M. Fissell
Cryptocurrency Meets Bankruptcy Law: A Call for Creditor Status for Investors in Initial Coin Offerings, Miriam R. Albert and J. Scott Colesanti
Litigating Citizenship, Cassandra Burke Robertson and Irina D. Manta
The Decade of Democracy’s Demise, James Sample
The Indignities of Civil Litigation, Matthew A. Shapiro
Kaestner Fails: The Way Forward, Mitchell M. Gans
Judicial Drift, Elizabeth Nevins-Saunders
Toward a Theory of Intercountry Human Rights: Global Capitalism and the Rise and Fall of Intercountry Adoption, Barbara Stark
Remaking the “Right to Die”: Give Me Liberty but Do Not Give Me Death, Janet L. Dolgin
Response to Birth Rights and Wrongs, Janet L. Dolgin
Should Criminal Justice Reformers Care About Prosecutorial Ethics Rules?, Bruce A. Green and Ellen Yaroshefsky
The Past, Present, and Future of Christian ADR, Ronald J. Colombo
Mindful Practices for Law Practices, Susan Greene
Storytelling and Relevancy, Stefan H. Krieger and Jonathan D. Krieger
Hiding in Plain Sight: Mediation, Client-Centered Practice, and the Value of Human Agency, Robert A. Baruch Bush and Peter F. Miller
Law Students and Cell Phone Use: Results of a Six-School Survey, Linda Galler, Robert M. Jarvis, Cindy I.T. Archer, Hugh D. Spitzer, Jodi Wilson, and Mark E. Wojcik
Medical Disputes and Conflicting Values: Is There a “Right to Die” Later?, Janet L. Dolgin
Local Offenses, Brenner M. Fissell
Through the Guardianship Looking Glass: A Personal Perspective on Conflicting Commitments, Susan Greene
The Cynical Successes of the Guantánamo Bay Military Commissions, G. Alex Sinha
Psychiatry in the Courtroom: Relying on the American Psychiatric Association's Manuals to Resolve Disputes About Personal Status, Janet L. Dolgin
Euphemism and Jus Cogens, G. Alex Sinha
Brief of National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys & National Association of Federal Defenders as Amicus Curiae, Pereida v. Barr, No. 19-438, Joshua L. Dratel, Daniel L. Kaplan, David Lesser, Julia C. Pilcer, Jarret A. Zafran, and Jenny Roberts
Submissions from 2019
The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act Is Redundant, but Still Worthwhile, Julian Ku
New Plan Could be the Cure for State’s Antiquated Court System, A. Gail Prudenti
Another MA Case About Encouragement to Commit Suicide, Irina D. Manta
New York Catches up by Criminalizing ‘Revenge Porn', A. Gail Prudenti
SCOTUS Decision Affirms Basic Principle of Fairness, A. Gail Prudenti
Litigating Citizenship, Irina D. Manta and Cassandra Burke Robertson
Tort Lawsuit in Quintuple Suicide Case at Truman State University, Irina D. Manta
Mississippi Gubernatorial Candidates Out-Billy-Graham-ing Each Other, Irina D. Manta
State’s Byzantine Court System Urgently Needs Reform, A. Gail Prudenti
Tinder Now Doing the Lying for You : An April Fools' joke even less funny than many others, Irina D. Manta
The New Activist Non-Profits: Four Models Breaking from the Non-Profit Industrial Complex, Michael Haber
Denaturalizing for Post-Citizenship Crimes: Italy Edition, Irina D. Manta
Tried and True: Fair Use Tales for the Telling, Sarah E. McCleskey and Courtney L. Selby