Submissions from 2023
Making the Most of Opportunities: Microskills of Negotiation, Amy R. Stein
The Rise of China, the United States, and the Limits of International Law, Julian Ku
Co-signer to Amicus Curiae Brief of Law Professors and Former SEC Officials in Support of Appellants FirstEnergy Corp. and Certain Individual Appellants and Reversal, Ronald J. Colombo
Expanded Criminal Defense Lawyering, Ronald Wright and Jenny Roberts
The End of Government Speech, G. Alex Sinha
Executing Racial Justice, Ian M. Kysel and G. Alex Sinha
Using Communities of Practice in the Legal Writing Classroom to Facilitate Professional Identity Formation, Amy R. Stein
Exemplary Legal Writing Honoree (2023), Norman I. Silber
Outside In: The Oral History of Guido Calabresi, Norman I. Silber
Wireless Investors & Apathy Obsolescence, Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci and Christina M. Sautter
Submissions from 2022
Reducing Stress and Fostering Community through Zoom Conferences and Office Hours, Amy R. Stein
Turning Formative Assessment into a Dialogue Through the use of Writing Reflections, Amy R. Stein
Research-Driven 1L Interventions for Academic and Bar Success, Jennifer Gundlach
Challenges for the Coming Decades, Robert A. Baruch Bush
Hofstra Law Scholarly Commons Hits 3 Million Downloads!, Jacob Nunnally
The Wireless Investors Movement, Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci and Christina M. Sautter
Judith S. Kaye: A Chief Judge for Families and Children, Andrew Shepard
Tax Opinion Policies and Procedures, Linda Galler
Hari-Kari on First Street, Eric M. Freedman
Sorry, They Were on Mute: The SEC’s “Token Proposal 2.0” As Blueprint for Regulatory Response to Cryptocurrency, J. Scott Colesanti
Choosing Death, Shaping Death: Assumptions About Disabilities, Race, and Death, Janet L. Dolgin
Transactional Clinical Support for Mutual Aid Groups: Toward A Theory of Transactional Movement Lawyering, Michael Haber
When Exemptions Discriminate: Unlawfully Narrow Religious Exemptions to Vaccination Mandates by Private Colleges and Universities, Ronald J. Colombo
Voting Rights or Voting Entitlements?, James J. Sample
Wrongful Imprisonment and Coerced Moral Degradation, G. Alex Sinha and Janani Umamaheswar
Can You Be a Legal Ethics Scholar and Have Guts?, Cynthia Godsoe, Abbe Smith, and Ellen Yaroshefsky
Expanding the Federal Work Product Doctrine to Unrepresented Litigants, Jennifer A. Gundlach and Zeus Smith
Considering the Consequences of an Unchecked Presidential Recognition Power for U.S. Taiwan Policy, Julian G. Ku
The Elephant in the Room in Clinical Scholarship: Ethical Guardrails and Case Histories, Theo Liebmann and Stefan H. Krieger
Choosing Death, Shaping Death: Assumptions About Disabilities, Race, and Death, Janet L. Dolgin
The Thin Blue Line Between Virtue and Vice: Confronting the Moral Harms of Policing, G. Alex Sinha
Integral Citizenship, Cassandra Burke Robertson and Irina D. Manta
Defending Individuals in Government Investigations, Allison Caffarone
Chapter 6: Family Obligations and Socio-economic Rights Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Barbara Stark
Family Law with Skills Ten Years Later: Experiential Education in the Introductory Family Law Course, Andrew Schepard
The Educated Retail Investor: A Response to “Regulating Democratized Investing”, Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci and Christina M. Sautter
The Corporate Forum, Sergio Alberto Gramitto Ricci and Christina M. Sautter
Submissions from 2021
Keeping Racial Bias Out of Jury Selection, A. Gail Prudenti
Why More Taxpayers Should Pursue Attorney’s Fees through Qualified Offers, Maria Dooner and Linda Galler
Standing up for Civil Discourse, Irina D. Manta
Who's Afraid of Josh Hawley?, Irina D. Manta
Inequality, Covid-19, and International Human Rights: Whose Lives Matter?, Barbara J. Stark
Security for Expense Statutes for LLCs and Limited Partnerships: Adding Value or Simply Adding to the Owners’ Hopelessness?, Miriam R. Albert
Judicial Application of Strict Liability Local Ordinances, Guyora Binder and Brenner M. Fissell
Equal Supreme Court Access For Military Personnel: An Overdue Reform, Eugene Fidell, Brenner M. Fissell, and Phillip D. Cave
Partnership, Democracy, and Self-Rule in Jewish Law, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
COVID-19 Mutual Aid, Anti-Authoritarian Activism, and the Law, Michael Haber
Montgomery and "Substantive" Rights Enforceable Retroactively in State Post-Conviction Proceedings: A Brief Reply to Professor Vazquez, Eric M. Freedman
Writing for the Long and Short Run, Susan Greene