Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal
Volume 30, Issue 1 (2012)
Front Matter
North American Border Wars: The Role of Canadian and American Scholarship in U.S. Labor Law Reform Debates
Michael J. Zimmer and Susan Bisom-Rapp
The Labor Law Jurisprudence of Wilma Liebman
David L. Gregory, Ian Hayes, and Amanda Jaret
Beyond the Water Cooler: Speech and the Workplace in an Era of Social Media
Ann C. McGinley and Ryan P. McGinley-Stempel
Practitioners' Notes
Lactation Breaks in the Workplace: What Employers Need to Know About the Nursing Mothers Amendment to the FLSA
Sarah Andrews
The First Prong's Effect on the Docket: How the Second Circuit Should Modify the McDonnell Douglas Framework in Title VII Reverse Discrimination Claims
Ryan Mainhardt and William Volet
Drawing a Line in the Shifting Sand of Social Media: Attempting to Prevent Teachers From "Liking" a Student Outside the Classroom
James R. Baez and Kerri E. Caufield
End Matter