Journal of International Business and Law
Volume 10, Issue 2 (2011)
Front Matter
Legal Articles
Competitive Currency Depreciation: The Need for a More Effective International Legal Regime
Jeffrey S. Beckington and Matthew R. Amon
Is China's Manipulation of Its Currency an Actionable Violation of the IMF and/or the WTO Agreements?
Elizabeth L. Pettis
Failure of Trade Liberalization: A Study of the GATS Negotiation
Christopher F. Thornberg Ph D and Frances L. Edwards J.D.
Business Articles
Target Date Funds: Can One Just Glide Into Retirement?
Jonathan Miller; Martin J. Rosenburgh CFA, Esq.; and Andrew C. Spieler Phd, CFA, FRM, CAIA
Notes & Student Works
Golan v. Holder: A Step in the International Direction for United States Copyright Law
Nicole Maciejunes
Deepwater Mobile Oil Rigs in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Uncertainty of Coastal State Jurisdiction
Rebecca K. Richards
Comparative Effectiveness Research in the United States
Sonsy Pulikotil Rajan
End Matter