This collection contains 18th and 19th-century judicial proceedings, letters, newspapers, and other documents cited in Professor Eric M. Freedman’s works on the law of habeas corpus. His articles on this topic are linked below, and the book Making Habeas Work: A Legal History can be purchased at Many of the materials contained in this collection have not been digitized and are not available in any electronic resource. The original materials are available only in the archives and courthouses where they were discovered. Prof. Freedman made copies of these sources, and the purpose of this Special Collection is to make these documents available to scholars and the general public.

Professor Freedman's publications on habeas corpus are linked here.
Excerpts from Making Habeas Work: A Legal History
Dimension I: Habeas Corpus as a Common Law Writ
Dimension II: Habeas Corpus as a Legal Remedy
Dimension III: Habeas Corpus as an Instrument of Checks and Balances


Browse the Supporting Documents for Making Habeas Work Collections:

Documents from Making Habeas Work: A Legal History (monograph)

Documents from Dimension I: Habeas Corpus as a Common Law Writ (article)

Documents from Dimension II: Habeas Corpus as a Legal Remedy (article)

Documents from Dimension III: Habeas Corpus as an Instrument of Checks and Balances (article)