Submissions from 1997
Transforming Childhood: Apprenticeship in American Law, Janet L. Dolgin
Seeking Shelter in the Minefield of Unintended Consequences – The Traps of Limited Liability Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
The Push For Parent Education: Blueprints For Helping Families Cope With Divorce, Andrew Schepard, Peter Salem, and Stephen W. Schlissel
Consumer Participation in the Law Drafting Process: Past, Present, and Future, Norman I. Silber
Alternatives to Marital Fault: Legislative and Judicial Experiments in Cultural Change, J. Herbie DiFonzo
The Fate of Childhood: Legal Models of Childhood and of the Parent-Child Relationship, Janet L. Dolgin
Akhnai, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
The Tax Lawyer’s Duty to the System, Linda Galler
Substance Abuse at UCC Drafting Sessions, Norman I. Silber
The Source of International Legal Personality in the 21st Century, James E. Hickey Jr.
The Threat to Judicial Independence by Criticism of Judges - A Proposed Solution to the Real Problem, Monroe H. Freedman
Guys and Dolls: Remedial Nurturing Skills in Post-Divorce Practice, Feminist Theory, and Family Law Doctrine, Barbara Stark
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Balancing Equities to Determine the Rights of an Unauthorized Postpetition Secured Lender, Alan N. Resnick
Submissions from 1996
The Trouble with Postmodern Zeal, Monroe H. Freedman
Suffer the Children: Nostalgia, Contradiction, and the New Reproductive Technologies, Janet L. Dolgin
The Practice of Law as Play, Barbara Stark
Lifelines in Cyberspace: Should Disadvantaged Consumers Obtain Subsidized Access to the Information Superhighway?, Norman I. Silber
Response to Professor Woodhouse, Janet L. Dolgin
International Human Rights Law, Feminist Jurisprudence, and Nietzsche's "Eternal Return": Turning the Wheel, Barbara Stark
The Road Less Taken: Annulment at the Turn of the Century, Joanna L. Grossman and Chris Guthrie
Fictional Shareholders: For Whom are Corporate Managers Trustees, Revisited, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
The Suspension Clause in the Ratification Debates, Eric M. Freedman
Why Has the Best Interest Standard Survived?: The Historic and Social Context, Janet L. Dolgin
The Life-Saving Exception to Confidentiality: Restating Law without the Was, the Will Be, or the Ought to Be, Monroe H. Freedman
Parent Education as a Distinct Field of Practice: The Agenda for the Future, Peter Salam, Andrew Schepard, and Stephen W. Schlissel
Preponderance, Probability and Warranted Factfinding, Vern R. Walker
Guardians: A Research Note, Lawrence M. Friedman, Joanna L. Grossman, and Chris Guthrie
Alternative Futures: Imagining How ADR May Affect the Court System in Coming Decades, Robert A. Baruch Bush
"What Do We Need a Mediator For?": Mediation's "Value-Added" for Negotiators, Robert A. Baruch Bush
Risk Characterization and The Weight of Evidence: Adapting Gatekeeping Concepts From The Courts, Vern R. Walker
What We Talk About When We Talk About War, Barbara Stark
Parent Education and Custody Effectiveness (P.E.A.C.E.): A Preliminary Report to the New York Legal Community, Sondra Miller, Stephen W. Schlissel, and Andrew Schepard
The Bankruptcy Rulemaking Process, Alan N. Resnick
Commercial Litigators Reveal All: Exploring Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts, Norman I. Silber
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Local Bankruptcy Court Rules and Procedures: Needed Relief for the National Practitioner, Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Expiration of Letter of Credit After Payment Leaves Creditor Vulnerable to Preference Risk, Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: A Trap in the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1994: Lulling Reclaiming Sellers to Sleep, Alan N. Resnick
Consumer Protection Laws of the States: How Much Diversity Should the Central Government Discourage? Where Desirable, How Should Uniformity Be Promoted?, Norman I. Silber
Preface, James E. Hickey Jr
The Government Structure Over the U.S. Electric Industry: Federal-State Tensions, James E. Hickey Jr
The Connection Between Environment Regulation and Energy Prices: Electricity Pricing Experiencing in the U.S., James E. Hickey Jr.
Submissions from 1995
The Lawyer's Moral Obligation of Justification, Monroe H. Freedman
Deprived of "Fatal Liberty": The Rhetoric of Child Saving and the Reality of Juvenile Incarceration, J. Herbie DiFonzo
The Law Debates the Family: Reproductive Transformations, Janet L. Dolgin
Judicial Deference To Revenue Rulings: Reconciling Divergent Standards, Linda Galler
Refining the Precautionary Principle In International Environmental Law, James E. Hickey Jr. and Vern R. Walker