Submissions from 1996
Preface, James E. Hickey Jr
The Government Structure Over the U.S. Electric Industry: Federal-State Tensions, James E. Hickey Jr
The Connection Between Environment Regulation and Energy Prices: Electricity Pricing Experiencing in the U.S., James E. Hickey Jr.
Submissions from 1995
The Lawyer's Moral Obligation of Justification, Monroe H. Freedman
Deprived of "Fatal Liberty": The Rhetoric of Child Saving and the Reality of Juvenile Incarceration, J. Herbie DiFonzo
The Law Debates the Family: Reproductive Transformations, Janet L. Dolgin
Judicial Deference To Revenue Rulings: Reconciling Divergent Standards, Linda Galler
Refining the Precautionary Principle In International Environmental Law, James E. Hickey Jr. and Vern R. Walker
Problems for Captive Ratepayers in Nonunanimous Settlements of Public Utility Rate Cases, Stefan H. Krieger
Shared Management of Reasonable Risk: Implications for Environmental Assessment and Monitoring, Vern R. Walker
Watching Czechs Look West, Norman Silber
Direct Inference, Probability, and a Conceptual Gulf in Risk Communication, Vern R. Walker
Am I My Partner’s Keeper? Peer Review in Law Firms, Susan Saab Fortney
Some Implications of Arrow's Theorem for Voting Rights., Grant M. Hayden
Dispute Resolution - The Domestic Arena: A Survey of Methods, Applications and Critical Issues, Robert A. Baruch Bush
Planning for P.E.A.C.E.: The Development of Court-Connected Education Programs for Divorcing and Separating Families, Andrew Schepard and Stephen W. Schlissel
John J. Regan, Ronald H. Silverman
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Trust Created to Facilitate Secured Financing Held Ineligible for Bankruptcy Relief, Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: How The Bankruptcy Act of 1994 Affects Secured Creditors and Mortgagees in Business Cases, Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Applying Adequate Protection Payments From Postpetition Rents: Do They Reduce The Debt?, Alan N. Resnick
Submissions from 1994
Kaye Scholer - Overzealous or Overblown?, Monroe H. Freedman
Women's Jury Service: Right of Citizenship or Privilege of Difference?, Joanna L. Grossman
A Few Straight Men: Homosexuals in the Military and Equal Protection, Alafair Burke
Coercive Conciliation: Judge Paul W. Alexander and the Movement for Therapeutic Divorce, J. Herbie DiFonzo
The "Intent" of Reproduction: Reproductive Technologies and the Parent-Child Bond, Janet L. Dolgin
The Family in Transition: From Griswold to Eisenstadt and Beyond, Janet L. Dolgin
Beyond Dworkin’s Dominions: Investments, Memberships, the Tree of Life and the Abortion Question, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Atticus Finch—Right and Wrong, Monroe H. Freedman
Retroactivity, Equal Protection and Standing, Leon Friedman
No-Fault Marital Dissolution: The Bitter Triumph of Naked Divorce, J. Herbie DiFonzo
Why the U.C.C. Should Not Subordinate Itself to Federal Authority: Imperfect Uniformity, Improper Delegation and Revised Section 3-102(c), Norman I. Silber
A Reply to the Commentators on the Ethical Dilemmas Study,, Robert A. Baruch Bush
Reconciling Professional Ethics and Prosecutorial Power: The No-Contact Rule Debate, Alafair S.R. Burke
Paradox of Change: The English Background to the California Divorce Revolution, J. Herbie DiFonzo
Direct Inference in the Lost Chance Cases: Factfinding Constraints Under Minimal Fairness to Parties, Vern R. Walker
From the Bankruptcy Courts: A Lesson in Drafting Home Mortgages After Nobelman: When Taking More Results in Less, Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Windsor on the River: The Eighth Circuit Makes It Harder to Find an Accepting Impaired Class Needed for Cramdown, Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: When Money Mistakenly Paid to the Debtor Is Transferred to its Rightful Owner on the Eve of Bankruptcy—Voidable Preference or Constructive Trust?, Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: When Being Delinquent Is Ordinary: The Eighth Circuit Expands the “Ordinary Course of Business Exception” under Section 547(C)(2) of the Bankruptcy Code, Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick
From the Bankruptcy Courts: Fifth Circuit Preserves Rights of Leasehold Mortgagee as Third-Party Beneficiary of a “Deemed Rejected” Lease, Benjamin Weintraub and Alan N. Resnick
Judicial Review, Equal Protection, and the Problem with Plebiscites, Robin Charlow
Gross Profits? An Introduction to a Program on Legal Fees, Roy Simon
Television and Violence: A Symposium - Introductions, Stuart Rabinowitz and Leon Friedman
Submissions from 1993
Just a Gene: Judicial Assumptions About Parenthood, Janet L. Dolgin
Judicial Control of Evidence of Cancer Causation: A Comparative Analysis of the Divergent Motion Practices in New Jersey and New York, Vern R. Walker, Christine Beggs Hickey, and Erica M. Bernhardt
Toward "Neutral Principles" in the Law: Selections from the Oral History of Herbert Wechsler, Norman I. Silber and Geoffrey Miller
War and P.E.A.C.E.: A Preliminary Report and a Model Statute on an Interdisciplinary Educational Program for Divorcing and Separating Parents, Andrew Schepard