Submissions from 2000
Bankruptcy as a Vehicle for Resolving Enterprise-Threatening Mass Tort Liability, Alan N. Resnick
The Evolving Judicial Role in Child Custody Disputes: From Fault Finder to Conflict Manager to Differential Case Management, Andrew Schepard
The Delegation of Federal Power to International Organizations: New Problems with Old Solutions, Julian G. Ku
The First Bite Is Free: Employer Liability for Sexual Harassment, Joanna L. Grossman
From the Bankruptcy Courts: The Effect of a Cross-Default Provision on the Ability to Assume an Executory Contract or Unexpired Lease, Alan N. Resnick and Brad Eric Scheler
From the Bankruptcy Courts: The Right of a Senior Ceditor to Receive Post-Petition Interest from a Subordinated Creditor's Distributions: Did the Rule of Explicitness Survive the Enactment of the Bankruptcy Code?, Alan N. Resnick and Brad Eric Scheler
From the Bankruptcy Courts: A Flexible Standard for Shielding Tardily Perfected Security Interests from Preference Attack, Alan N. Resnick and Brad Eric Scheler
Deconstructing the Framers' Right to Property: Liberty's Daughters and Economic Rights, Barbara Stark
The 1999 Amendments to the Ethical Considerations in New York's Code of Professional Responsibility, Roy Simon
Submissions from 1999
Whose Child Is It, Anyway: The Demise of Parental Autonomy and Parental Authority, John DeWitt Gregory
Supporting Parent-Clients in Mediation of Child Custody Disputes, Andrew Schepard
The Future of The Legal Profession, Linda Galler
You Should See It In Every Clause: Emanuel B. Halper, Ground Leases and Land Acquisition Contracts, Bernard E. Jacob
"Practice of Law" in the New Millennium: New Roles, New Rules, But No Definitions, Linda Galler
The Limits of Social Choice Theory: A Defense of the Voting Rights Act, Grant M. Hayden
Reclaiming Social Rights: International and Comparative Perspectives, Barbara Stark
Intent, Purpose and Motivation in Constitutional Litigation, Leon Friedman
Line Item Veto and Separation of Powers, Leon Friedman
Some Keys to the NBA Lockout, Grant M. Hayden
First Amendment Imperialism (A Response to Michael Walzer's Leary Lecture), Daniel J.H. Greenwood
The Future of Death Futures: Why Viatical Settlements Must Be Classified as Securities, Miriam R. Albert
The Age of Autonomy: Legal Reconceptualizations of Childhood, Janet L. Dolgin
Definition Of War Crimes and Their Use In The International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Leon Friedman
Federal Transfer Taxation And The Role Of State Law: Does The Marital Deduction Strike The Proper Balance?, Mitchell M. Gans
Interdependency Theory - Old Sausage In a New Casing: A Response to Professor Czapanskiy, John DeWitt Gregory
Adoption in the Progressive Era: Preserving, Creating, and Re-Creating Families, Chris Guthrie and Joanna L. Grossman
Symposium on Human Cloning: Legal, Social, and Moral Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century- Foreword: Cloning Debate, Janet L. Dolgin
On Protecting Accountability, Eric M. Freedman
How to Read a Statute in New York: A Response to Judge Kaye and Some More, Eric Lane
Perjury as a Ground for Impeachment-A Textual and Contextual Analysis, Monroe H. Freedman
From the Bankruptcy Courts: When an Oversecured Creditor Is Entitled to Postpetition Interest at the Default Rate: The Thirty-Six Percent Award, Alan N. Resnick and Brad Eric Scheler
The CIVITAS Model for the Participation of Community Organizations in Russian Urban Environments, James E. Hickey Jr.
Cooperation with Federal Prosecutors: Experiences of Truth Telling and Embellishment, Ellen Yaroshefsky
Submissions from 1998
Men Are Not Angels: The Realpolitik of Direct Democracy, Eric Lane
The Morality of Choice: Estate Planning and the Client Who Chooses Not to Choose, Janet L. Dolgin
The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: Did The "Rushed Debate: Really Spell the End of Securities Claims and RICO?, J. Scott Colesanti
Blood Ties: A Rationale for Child Visitation by Legal Strangers, John DeWitt Gregory
Exile on Campus, Barbara Stark
Forgive Us Our Sins: The Inadequacies of the Clergy-Penitent Privilege, Ronald J. Colombo
Religion is Not Totally Irrelevant to Legal Ethics, Monroe H. Freedman
Professional Responsibility and Liability Issues Related to Limited Liability Law Partnerships, Susan Saab Fortney
Remarks at Symposium on the Future of Legal Services, Eric M. Freedman
Selling Death Short: The Regulatory and Policy Implications of Viatical Settlements, Miriam R. Albert
Essential Speech: Why Corporate Speech Is Not Free, Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Physician Assisted Suicide, Leon Friedman
Freedom of Speech: How Does the New York Constitution Compare to the United States Constitution, Eileen R. Kaufman and Leon Friedman
Voting Rights, Eric Lane
Our Constitutionalized Adversary System, Monroe H. Freedman
Parental Conflict Prevention Programs and the Unified Family Court: A Public Health Perspective, Andrew Schepard