Content Posted in 2013
21St Century Pensions: The Risk, the Hedge and the Duty to Consider, Martin Rosenburgh and Andrew C. Spieler
ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases, American Bar Association
A Ban by Any Other Name: Ten Years of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", Sharon E. Debbage Alexander
Abbott v. Burke: Reaffirming New Jersey's Constitutional Commitment to Equal Educational Opportunity, Joshua Seth Lichtenstein
A Bill to Repeal Criminal Drug Laws: Replacing Prohibition with Regulation, Joseph L. Galiber
Abolishing Parole: Assuring Fairness and Certainty in Sentencing, Karen Skrivseth
Abortion in Korea: A Human Rights Perspective on the Current Debate Over Enforcement of the Laws Prohibiting Abortion, Andrew Wolman
Abusing Abuse of Discretion: Judicial Review of ERISA Fiduciaries' Discretionary Decisions in Denial of Benefits Cases, Christopher R. Stevenson
A Call for Bright-Lines to Fix the Fair Labor Standards Act, Robert D. Lipman, Allison Plesur, and Joel Katz
A Call For Clarification: Achieving A Uniform Proof Structure In Reasonable Accomodation Cases Under the Americans With Disabilities Act, Gregory Scolieri and Matthew H. Woodard
A Case Against the Kantian Retributivist Theory of Punishment: A Response to Professor Pugsley, Leon Pearl
A Cautionary Tale: Fiduciary Breach as Legal Malpractice, Charles W. Wolfram
Access to State Bar Examinations for Foreign-Trained Law School Graduates, Douglass G. Boshkoff
Access to the Media - A Contemporary Appraisal, Jerome A. Barron
Accidental Clients, Susan R. Martyn
A Central Banker in Iraq, Michael F. Silva and Sophia Vicksman
A Clash of Cultures: Immigration and Housing Code Enforcement on Long Island, Stefan H. Krieger
A Comment on Twerski and Mayer: A Pragmatic Step Towards Consensus as a Basis for Choice-of-Law Solutions, Donald T. Trautman
A Comprehensive Review of Private Sector Drug Testing Law, Jeffrey J. Olsen
A Compromise between Mitigation and Comparative Fault?: A Critical Assessment of the Seat Belt Controversy and a Proposal for Reform, Michael B. Gallub
A Critical Review of the Firm in Africa, Nimi Wariboko
A Cruel Choice: Patients Forced to Decide Between Medical Marijuana and Employment, Ari Lieberman and Aaron Solomon
A Dangerous Discretionary "Duty": U.S. Antidumping Policy Toward China, Patricia H. Piskorski
Add Resources and Apply Them Systemically: Governments' Responsibilities Under the Revised ABA Capital Defense Representation Guidelines, Eric M. Freedman
A Dialogue with the Chairman of the Labor Board: Challenging Conventional Wisdom on the Impact of Current Law on Alternative Forms of Employee Representation, Charles J. Morris
Administrative Delay in Providing Hearings for Social Security Disability, Peter G. Warren
Administrative Due Process as Social-Cost Accounting, Jerry L. Mashaw
Administrative Law and the Burger Court, Bernard Schwartz
Administrative Law: Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law, 2007 National Lawyers Convention of the Federalist Society, T. Alexander Aleinikoff
Administrative Law: Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law, 2007 National Lawyers Convention of the Federalist Society, Kris W. Kobach
Administrative Law: Immigration, Amnesty, and the Rule of Law, 2007 National Lawyers Convention of the Federalist Society, Gerald L. Neuman
Administrative Law Treatise (2d ed. Volumes 1 & 2). By Kenneth Culp Davis, Henry J. Friendly
Admissions and Discipline of Attorneys in Federal District Courts: A Study and Proposed Rules, Burton C. Agata
Adoption in the Non-Traditional Family--A Look at Some Alternatives, Myra G. Sencer
A Double Standard for Lawyer Dishonesty: Billing Fraud Versus Misappropriation, Lisa G. Lerman
Advertising and Solicitation by Lawyers: A Proposed Redraft of Canon 2 of the Code of Professional Responsibility, Monroe H. Freedman
Advertising, Product Safety, and a Private Right of Action under the Federal Trade Commission Act, James A. Castleman
A Family Tale: Behavioral Finance and the Seagram-Vivendi Merger, Lawrence J. Raifman
Affirmative Action: A Delicate Balance in Employment and Education, Carol A. Lieb
Affirmative Action, Equal Access and the Supreme Court's 1988 Term: The Rehnquist Court Takes a Sharp Turn to the Right, Mary C. Daly
Affirmative Action in the Workplace: Forty Years Later, Richard N. Appel, Alison L. Gray, and Nilufer Loy
Affirmative Duty after Tarasoff, Shlomo Twerski
A Former Alabama Appellate Judge's Perspective on the Mitigation Function in Capital Cases, William M. Bowen Jr.
Against a Sui Generis System of Intellectual Property for Computer Software, John M. Griem Jr.
Against the Law: The Nixon Court and Criminal Justice. By Leonard Levy., Edward R. Korman
Age Discrimination and Police Employment Practices, Francesca Capitano
A Global Look at the Reform of Public Pension Systems, Edward J. Zychowicz
A Grand Slam of Professional Irresponsibility and Judicial Disregard, Stephen A. Saltzburg
A Guide to the Perplexed Claims of Efficiency in the Law, Lewis A. Kornhauser
A Historical Perspective on the Public's Right of Access to the Media, Angela J. Campbell
A History of Prima Facie Tort: The Origins of a General Theory of Intentional Tort, Kenneth J. Vandevelde
AIDS and Employment Law Revisited, Arthur S. Leonard
AIDS and Quarantine: The Revival of an Archaic Doctrine, Wendy E. Parmet
AIDS and the Criminal Law: Traditional Approaches and a New Statutory Proposal, David Robinson Jr.
AIDS: An Overview of the British, Australian, and American Responses, Marlene C. McGuirl and Robert N. Gee
AIDS, Astrology, and Arline: Towards a Casual Interpretation of Section 504, Gary Lawson
AIDS in the Classroom, Frederick A. O. Schwarz Jr. and Frederick P. Schaffer
AIDS: Social Meanings and Legal Ramifications, Janet L. Dolgin
A Law and Economics Analysis of the Right to Face-to-Face Confrontation Post-Maryland v. Craig: Distinguishing the Forest From the Trees, Peter T. Wendel
A Leash Upon Labor: RICO Trusteeships on Labor Unions, Kenneth R. Wallentine
A Legislator's Look at Hague and Choice of Law, Jack Davies
Alimony Modification: Cohabitation of Ex-Wife with Another Man, Robert I. Komitor
A Listener's Free Speech, a Reader's Copyright, Malla Pollack
Alleged Conflicts of Interest Because of the "Appearance of Impropriety", Ronald D. Rotunda
All Players to the Table: Getting Total Buy-In to an Economic Approach to Women's Land Rights Reform, Nia K.N. Johnson
All's O.K. Between Consenting Adults: Enlightened Rule on Privacy, Obscene Rule on Ethics, Lawrence J. Fox
All the King's Horses and All the King's Men: The Failing Company Doctrine as a Conditional Defense to Section 7 of the Clayton Act, Roger B. Kaplan
All the World's a Courtroom: Judging in the New Millennium, Shirley S. Abrahamson and Michael J. Fischer
A Look at the Causes, Impact and Future of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Scott Green
A Lower "Salt" Content for Employers, Katie A. Mabanta and Alyson B. Skloot
A Medical Review of AIDS, Marc J. Sicklick M.D. and Arye Rubinstein M.D.
A Meditation on the First Principles of Judicial Ethics, Charles Fried
America: Land of Opportunity or Exploitation?, Irene Zopoth Hudson and Susan Schenck
American Taxpayers Bear the Burden of Beating Iraq in the Courtroom, Donna M. Balducci
Amoco Oil Co. v. Environmental Protection Agency, Steven C. Spronz
A Modest Proposal for Helping to Tame the Corporate Beast, Arthur S. Miller
An Alternative View of Media-Judiciary Relations: What the Non-Legal Evidence Suggests about the Fair Trial-Free Press Issue, Robert E. Drechsel
An Analysis of the Family Farmer Bankruptcy Act of 1986, Steven Shapiro
An Analysis of the NLRB's "Runaway Shop" Doctrine in the Context of Mid-Term Work Relocation Based on Union Labor Costs, Jan W. Sturner
An Analysis of the Potential Use of RICO to Impede the Flow of Runaway Shops, Leslie Tarantola
An Argument in Favor of Decriminalization, Kurt L. Schmoke
An Attorney-Client Privilege for Embattled Tax Practitioners: A Legislative Response to Uncertain Legal Counsel, William H. Volz and Theresa Ellis
An Attorney's View: Calendar Practice-What a Waste, Neil T. Shayne
An Economic Justification for Corporate Reorganizations, Charles W. Adams
An Essay in Support of the Second Circuit's Decisions in Marshel v. AFW Fabric Corp. and Green v. Santa Fe Industries, Mordecai Rosenfeld
A New Chapter in Constitutional Law: Saenz v. Roe and the Revival of the Fourteenth Amendment's Privileges or Immunities Clause, Stacey L. Winick
A New Profession for an Old Need: Why a Mitigation Specialist Must Be Included on the Capital Defense Team, Pamela Blume Leonard
An Examination of the Right to Jury Trial Where Copyright Statutory Damages Are Elected, Ted J. Feldman
An Exchange: About Law and Economics: A Letter to Ronald Dworkin, Guido Calabresi
An Extended Presence, Interstate Style: First Notes on a Theme from Saenz, Bernard E. Jacob
An International Minimum Wage: Can a Historical Solution Solve a Modern Day Problem?, Rex E. Zachofsky
"Announcement" by Federal Judicial Nominees, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
An Offer They Can't Refuse: Crafting an Employer's Immigration Compliance Program, John R. Bunker
An Old Means to a Different End: The War on Terror, American Citizens... and the Treason Clause, Benjamin A. Lewis
An Overview of Title I of the Americans With Disabilities Act and its Impact Upon Federal Labor Law, Harvey S. Mars
Antitrust in the Commodities Field: After Gordon, Philip F. Johnson
A Personal Reflection on International Covenants on Human Rights, Dean Rusk
A Plea for the Enforceability of Gestational Surrogacy Contracts, Denise E. Lascarides
Appellate Review of Sentencing: Recommendation for a Hybrid Approach, Charles R. Richey
Applicants Laid Bare: The Privacy Economics of University Application Files, Martin C. McWilliams Jr.
A Preface on Modeling the Regulated United States Economy, Stanley Reiter and Jonathan Hughes
A Preferred Position for Journalism?, Anthony Lewis
A Prohibition on Discretion Under Section 304(B) of the Bankruptcy Code, Sarika Kapoor
A Rational Constitutional Faith: Remarks in Response to Professor Amsterdam, Eric M. Freedman
Arbitral Views of Sexual Harassment: An Analysis of Arbitration Cases, 1990-2000, Carrie G. Donald and John D. Ralston
Arbitration of Employment Discrimination Claims: Doctrine and Policy in the Wake of Gilmer, Joseph R. Grodin
Arbitration of Employment Discrimination Claims Under Pre-Dispute Agreements: Will Gilmer Survive?, Michael Delikat and Rene Kathawala
Arbitration of Statutory Claims in a Union Setting: History, Controversy and a Simpler Solution, Janet McEneaney
Arbitration Theory and Practice: A Survey of AAA Construction Arbitrators, Dean B. Thomson
Are Agreements to Keep Secret Information Learned in Discovery Legal, Illegal, or Something in Between?, Susan P. Koniak
Are Consensual Relationship Agreements a Solution to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace?, Alison J. Chen and Jonathan A. Sambur
A Regulatory Vacuum Leaves Gaping Wounds-Can Common Sense Offer a Better Way to Address the Pain of ERISA Remedial Law, Andrew L. Oringer
Are New York's Rockefeller Drug Laws Killing the Messenger for the Sake of the Message?, Lisa R. Nakdai
A Reply to Some Recent Criticisms of the Efficiency Theory of the Common Law, Richard A. Posner
A Reply to Women Denied Partnerships Revisited, Christine Neylon O'Brien
Are Property and Contract Efficient?, Duncan Kennedy and Frank Michelman
A Retributivist Argument Against Capital Punishment, Robert A. Pugsley
A Return to Reason for Price Restraints, Ira S. Sacks and Hillel R. Silvera
Are We a Profession or Merely a Business?: The Erosion of the Conflicts Rules Through the Increased Use of Ethical Walls, Neil W. Hamilton and Kevin R. Coan
Are We Still Americans?, Eric Lane
Are We There Yet? Forty Years After the Passage of the Civil Rights Act: Revolution in the Workforce and the Unfulfilled Promises that Remain, Thomas H. Barnard and Adrienne L. Rapp
Are You In or Are You Out? The Effect of a Prior Criminal Conviction on Bar Admission & A Proposed National Uniform Standard, Anthony J. Graniere and Hilary McHugh
Argument for the Ban of Tobacco Advertising: A First Amendment Analysis, Kenneth L. Polin
A Right to Reach an Audience: An Approach to Intermediary Bias on the Internet, Jennifer A. Chandler
A Scout is Morally Straight, Brave, Clean, Trustworthy...and Heterosexual? Gays in the Boy Scouts of America, Marissa L. Goodman
A Secret Society: Hedge Funds and their Mysterious Success, Matthew Goldstein
A Simple Code of Ethics: A History of the Moral Purpose Inspiring Federal Regulation of the Securities Industry, John H. Walsh
Asset-Backed Securitization: Is Congressional Intervention Necessary?, Craig D. Bloom
Asset Securitization: How Remote Is Bankruptcy Remote?, Michael J. Cohn
"Assistance of Counsel for His Defence": The Problem of Conflicts of Interest, Jacob Mishler
Association Discrimination Under the Americans with Disabilities Act: Another Uphill Batllle for Potential ADA Plaintiffs, Lawerence D. Rosenthal
As the Asbestos Crumbles: A Look at New Evidentiary Issues in Asbestos-Related Property Damage Litigations, Lee S. Siegel
As Time Goes By: The Effect of Knowledge and the Passage of Time on the Abnormally Dangerous Activity Doctrine, Christine M. Beggs
A Subjective Approach to Contracts?: How Courts Interpret Employee Handbook Disclaimers, Natalie Bucciarelli Pedersen
A Survey, Analysis, and Evaluation of Holographic Will Statutes, Kevin R. Natale
A Swan Song for Live Music?: Problems Facing the American Federation of Musicians in the Technological Age, Christopher Milazzo
Asylum and Oral Argument: The Judiciary in Immigration and the Second Circuit Non-Argument Calendar, Erick Rivero
A Symposium on the Death Penalty, The Association of the Bar of the City of New York and Leon Friedman
A Toast to the Dignity of States: What Eleventh Amendment Jurisprudence Portends for Direct Shipment of Wine, Eric L. Martin
A Toss of the Dice...The Gamble with Post-Divorce Relocation Laws, Mandy S. Cohen
A Transactional Approach to Lease Analysis, Neil Z. Auerbach
A Tribute to the Imaginative Creativity of Roger Traynor, Fleming James Jr.
At the Crossroads of Environmental Laws and the Bankruptcy Code: Abandonment and Trustee Personal Liability, Joseph S. Maniscalco
At the Intersection of Global Economics and Politics, Dennis Keegan
Attitudes About Human Embryos, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and Related Matters, Janet L. Dolgin, Catherine Fisher, and Terri Shapiro
Attorney-Client Confidentiality: A New Approach, Fred D. Heather
Attorney Contributions in Judicial Campaigns: Creating the Appearance of Impropriety, Bradley A. Siciliano
Attorney Disbarment Proceedings and the Standard of Proof, David M. Appel
Attorneys as Gatekeepers to the Court: The Potential Liability of Attorneys Bringing Suits Based on Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Cynthia Grant Bowman and Elizabeth Mertz
Attorneys' Fees, the NLRB, and the Equal Access to Justice Act: From Bad to Worse, Risa L. Lieberwitz
Attorney Solicitation of Clients: Proposed Solutions, Nomi N. Zomick
Attractive Complexity: Tax Deregulation, the Check-the-Box Election, and the Future of Tax Simplification, Steven A. Dean
At-Will Employment: A Proposal for its Statutory Regulation, Kurt H. Decker
A Unified Theory of Preemption and Access to Migrant-Worker Camps, Allan David Dinkoff
Austrian Economics and the Current Debate Between Critical Legal Studies and Law and Economics, Linda A. Schwartzstein
Authentic Democracy: Endowing Citizens with a Human Right in Their Genetic Information, Richard Cole
Authors' and Artists' Rights in the United States: A Legal Fiction, Neil G. Kenduck
A View from inside the Ropes: A Prosecutor's Viewpoint on Disclosing Exculpatory Evidence, Fred Klein
A Vision for Collaborative Practice: The Final Report of the Hofstra Collaborative Law Conference, J. Herbie DiFonzo
Awarding Damages for Permanent Injuries: A Proposal to Eliminate the Unreasonableness of "Reasonable Certainty" in Jordan v. Bero, Leonard Grumbach
A Wishful Thinker's Rehearing in the Hague Case, Frederic L. Kirgis Jr.
A Woman's Right to Choose: Designation of Fetal Tissue Donees, Timothy J. Fazio
Babes and Barristers: Legal Ethics and Lawyer-Facilitated Independent Adoptions, Linda Jean Davie
Back to Basics: A Comment on the "Revived Case" for Enterprise Liability, Virginia E. Nolan and Edmund Ursin
Balancing Policy Tensions of the Vaccine Act in Light of the Omnibus Autism Proceeding: Are Petitioners Getting a Fair Shot at Compensation?, Laura A. Binski
Balancing the Red Cross: An Examination of Hospital Malpractice and the Nursing Shortage, Lauren Kugielska and Melissa Linker
Banning Speech Does Not Cure Social Ills, Kathleen Peratis
Bar Association Ethics Committees: Are They Broken?, Bruce A. Green
Barbarians at the Bar: Regulations of the Legal Profession Through the Admissions Process, Carol M. Langford
Batson Meets the First Amendment: Prohibiting Peremptory Challenges That Violate a Prospective Juror's Speech and Association Rights, Cheryl G. Bader
Bedrock Principles, Elusive Construction, and the Future of Equal Employment Laws, Stephen A. Plass
Beguiled: Free Exercice Exemptions and the Siren Song of Liberalism, Gerard V. Bradley
"Being Human": Cloning and the Challenges for Public Policy, Karen H. Rothenberg
Belhas v. Ya'Alon: The Case for a Jus Cogens Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, Graham Ogilvy
Bellis v. United States, John F. Molinari and Garry Richard Seligson
Be Our Guest: Synthesizing a Realistic Guest Worker Program as an Element of Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Dennis J. Loiacono and Jillian Maloff
Berman v. Allan, Kenneth C. Randall
Better Late than Never: The John Anderson Cases and the Constitutionality of Filing Deadlines, Fred H. Perkins
Better Ways of Resolving Disputes in Hong Kong; Some Insights from the Lehman Brothers-Related Investment Product Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Scheme, Gary Soo, Yunz Zhao, and Dennis Cai
Beyond Mastrobuono: A Practitioners' Guide to Arbitration, Employment Disputes, Punitive Damages, and the Implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Jordan L. Resnick
Beyond Reliance: Promissory Estoppel, Contract Formalities, and Misrepresentations, Randy E. Barnett and Mary E. Becker
Beyond Republican Party v. White: A Plea for a Rule of Reason for Extrajudicial Speech, Thomas Penfield Jackson
Beyond the Border of Reasonableness: Exports, Imports and the Border Search Exception, Harris J. Yale
Bias in Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Its Effect on Drug Safety, Marvin M. Lipman
Big Talk, Broken Promises: How Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act Failed Disabled Workers, Melanie D. Winegar
Biotechnology: A First Order Technico-Legal Revolution, Vincent M. Brannigan
Bismarck's Sausages and the ALI's Resatements, Charles W. Wolfram
Bloggers Beware: A Cautionary Tale of Blogging and the Doctrine of At-Will Employment, Tracie Watson and Elisabeth Piro
Board of Curators v. Horowitz, Abigail I. Petersen
Board of Education, Island Trees Union Free School District No. 26 v. Pico, Jane L. Wexton
Board of Education v. Dowell: A Look at the New Phase in Desegregation Law, Steven I. Locke
Board of Education, Wyandanch Union Free School District v. Wyandanch Teachers Association, David M. Cohen and Jeffrey P. Englander
Board of Governors v. MCorp Financial, Inc.: Evaluating the Source-of-Strength Doctrine, Craig L. Brown
'Borderline' Sexual Harassment: A Study of Sex Based Discrimination in the United States and Argentina and the Problem of Extraterritorial Application of U.S. Law, Keven H. Friedman and Christine R. Mertz
Bowen v. United States Postal Service: The Duty of Fair Representation Becomes a Burden, Paul Lansing and Brian W. Peters
Breaking Down the Barriers to Transracial Adoptions: Can the Multiethnic Placement Act Meet This Challenge?, Michelle M. Mini
Breaking the Taxing Bonds of Marriage: Partial Relief for the Innocent Spouse, Laura Lee Mannino
Brief Amici Curiae of Thirty-Three Media Scholars in the St. Louis Video Games Case, with Introduction by Marjorie Heins, Marjorie Heins and Joan E. Bertin
Broadening Low-Wage Workers' Access to Justice: Guaranteeing Unpaid Wages in Targeted Industries, Hina B. Shah
Brother Can You Spare a Drug: Should the Experimental Drug Distribution Standards be Modified in Response to the Needs of Persons with AIDS?, Jon Scott Batterman
Building a Law-Abiding Society: Taking Public Views About Morality and the Legitimacy of Legal Authorities into Account When Formulating Substantive Law, Tom R. Tyler and John M. Darley
Building Trust in the Workplace, Carlton J. Snow
Burdensome Property, Onerous Laws, and Abandonment: Revisiting Midlantic National Bank v. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Leonard J. Long
Business Necessity and Hostile Work Environment: An Evolutionary Step Forward for Title VII, Eric S. Tilton
Calabresi's Revenge? Junk Science in the Work of Peter Huber, Jeff L. Lewin
Campaign Finance and Democratic Control: Comments on Gottlieb and Lowenstein's Papers, Gary C. Jacobson
Campaign Finance Reform in the 105th Congress: The Failure to Address Self-Financed Candidates, Samuel M. Walker
Campaign Misrepresentations Since Midland National Life: A Survey and Appraisal, Douglas M. Lieberman
Can Anyone Stop Big Brother? New York's Drunk Driving Laws Do Not Pass the Constitutional Test, Michael J. Langer
Can a President be Indicted While in Office?, John Ashcroft and Russell D. Feingold
Can the EC Kill the Irish Unborn?: An Investigation of the European Community's Ability to Impinge on the Moral Sovereignty of Member States, Donald A. MacLean
Can the State of Minnesota Bind the Nation?: Federal Choice-of-Law Constraints After Allstate Insurance Co. v. Hague, Linda Silberman
Cantor v. Detroit Edison Co., Bruce R. Thaw
Capital Guidelines and Ethical Duties: Mutually Reinforcing Responsibilities, Lawrence J. Fox
Carnero v. Boston Scientific Corporation: An Analysis, Daniel Allen Cohn
Casey at the Bat: Judicial Treatment of Mass Tort Litigation, Karen A. Geduldig
Categorizing Zipporah's Petition, William E. Nelson
Caught in the Rough of the PGA Tour and USGA Rules: Casey Martin and Ford Olinger's Fight for the Use of a Golf Cart Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Charles A. Omage
Causes of the Consumer Bankruptcy Explosion: Debtor Abuse or Easy Credit?, Henry J. Sommer
Caveat Lector: Conflicts of Interest of ALI Members in Drafting the Restatements, Monroe H. Freedman
CBS, Inc. v. ASCAP, Randi B. Rosenblatt
Certification of Trial Lawyers-The Judicious Structuring of the American Legal Profession, Harry Cohen
Challenges to Arbitrability in Federal Sector Grievance Cases, Dr. Mollie H. Bowers
Challenges to Arbitration Under Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Statutes, Robert Perkovich and Mark H. Stein
Challenging the Apartheid of the Closet: Establishing Conditions for Lesbian and Gay Intimacy, Nomos, and Citizenship, 1961-1981, William N. Eskridge Jr.
Changing Times, Tom C. Clark
Chapter 13 De Minimis Plans: Toward a Consensus on "Good Faith", Edmund Michael Emrich
Cheating Clients with the Percentage-of-the-Gross Contigent Fee Scam, W. William Hodes
Check, Raise, or Fold: Poker and the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act, Michael A. Tselnik
Chief Justice Traynor and Strict Tort Liability for Products, John W. Wade
Children's Rights and the Problem of Equal Respect, Lee E. Teitelbaum
China's Accession to the WTO and its Effects on Electronic Commerce, the Internet, and Digital Piracy under the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, Frederick H. Wen and Ilisa B. Haimes
Choice of Law and Article 9: Situs or Sense?, Peter L. Murray
Choice of Law: State's Rights, Robert A. Leflar
Choice of Short-Term and Long-Term Debt in Five Eastern European Countries, Anoop Rai and Victoria Danilevskaia
Choosing Competition: A Proposal to Modify Article XX of the AFL-CIO Constitution, Brian Petruska
Chris-Craft: Changing Perspectives on Contests for Corporate Control, James A. Berns
Civil Disobedience, Injunctions, and the First Amendment, Bruce Ledewitz
Civil Rights in the 1990's, John R. Dunne
Civil Rights Law and Breaking Down Patterns of Segregation: The Case of Nepotism, Seth Kupferberg
Clarification of Title IV of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act:Toward More Democratic Elections, Pamela J. Fitton
Class Action in a Products Liability Context: The Predomination Requirement and Cause-in-Fact, Zachary Alan Starr
Client Choice, Contractual Restraints, and the Market for Legal Services, Robert W. Hillman
Climate Change, Causation, and Delayed Harm, Eric Biber
Clinton's Future: Can He Polish His Image and Keep His License to Practice Law?, Gerald Walpin
Cloning: A Business Without Regulation, Emily Marden and Dorothy Nelkin
Cloning: Ethics and Public Policy, R. Alta Charo
Collaborative Lawyering: A Process for Interest-Based Negotiation, Jim Hilbert
Collective Action, Property Rights and Law Reform: The Story of the Labor Injunction, Eileen Silverstein
Collective Bargaining in the 1980's - Comments and Observations in the 1980's - Comments and Observations, Harry Huge and Layne Carlough McCarthy
Collective Bargaining in the 80's: A Prospective Analysis, Stephen E. Tallent and Burton J. Fishman
Collective Bargaining in the Reagan Era: A Management Perspective, William C. Zifchak
Colonial Patents and Open Beaches
Combating the Chapter 13 Serial Filer: An Argument for Orders Containing Prospective Relief from the Automatic Stay Provision, Spencer Zane Baretz
Commentary on Counsel's Duty to Seek and Negotiate a Disposition in Capital Cases (ABA Guideline 10.9.1), Russell Stetler
Commercial Banks in Underwriters and the Decline of the Independent Investment Bank Model, George J. Papaioannou
Commercial Litigators Reveal All: Exploring Commercial Litigation in New York State Courts, Norman I. Silber
Commercial Speech and the First Amendment: An Emerging Doctrine, Neal Robert Platt
Committee for GI Rights v. Callaway, Mark M. Horowitz
Committee to Improve the Availability of Legal Services - Final Report to the Chief Judge of the State of New York, Victor Marrero ,Chair
Commodities Law and Predispute Artbitration Clauses, Howard Schneider
Commodity Futures Account Protection, Jack M. Platt
Common Law Liability for Toxic Torts: A Phantom Remedy, William R. Ginsberg and Lois Weiss
Common Sense About Common Claims, David G. Karro
Commonsense Justice, Culpability, and Punishment, Norman J. Finkel
Comparative Effectiveness Research in the United States, Sonsy Pulikotil Rajan
Comparing Race and Sex Discrimination in Custody Cases, Katharine T. Bartlett
Compensation for Victims of Terror: A Specialized Jurisprudence of Injury, Marshall S. Shapo
Competence, Culpability, and Punishment: Implications of Atkins for Executing and Sentencing Adolescents, Barry C. Feld
Competent Capital Representation: The Necessity of Knowing and Heeding What Jurors Tell Us about Mitigation, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and Scott E. Sundby
Competing Bids in Class Action Settlements, Geoffrey P. Miller
Competitive Currency Depreciation: The Need for a More Effective International Legal Regime, Jeffrey S. Beckington and Matthew R. Amon
Competitor and Other "Finite-Pie" Conflicts, Charles W. Wolfram
Compulsory Arbitration as Part of a Broader Employment Dispute Resolution Process: The Anheuser-Busch Example, Richard A. Bales and Jason N.W. Plowman
Compulsory Arbitration of Statutory Discrimination Claims Under a Collective Bargaining Agreement: The Odd Case of Caesar Wright, David E. Feller
Compulsory Licenses: The Dangers Behind the Current Practice, Jamie Feldman
Computers and the Legal Profession, John L. Garland
Conceiving a Lawyer's Legal Duty to the Poor, Ronald H. Silverman
Conceptions of Fairness and the Fair Labor Standards Act, Seth D. Harris
Conference on Marriage Families and Democracy: Foreword, Jordan Leigh Santeramo
Confidential Communications and Information in a Computer Era, John T. Soma and Lorna C. Youngs
Confiscation: A Rationale of the Law of Takings, William K. Jones
Conflict and Ideology in the International Campaign Against Child Labour, David M. Smolin
Conflicting Ideals of Democracy: Reflections on Reform of the Democratic Process, James S. Fishkin
Conflicts Cases and the Problem of Relevant Time: A Response to the Hague Symposium, Louise Weinberg
Conflicts of Interest and Other Ethical Issues Facing Bankruptcy Lawyers: Is Disinterestedness Necessary to Preserve the Integrity of the Bankruptcy System?, Arthur J. Gonzalez
Conflicts of Interest in the Drug Industry's Relationship with the Government, Merrill Goozner
Conflicts of Law in Product Liability Suits: Joint Maximization of States' Interests, Shimon A. Rosenfeld
Confrontation and Hearsay: A Look Backward, A Peek Forward, Irving Younger
Confusion at the National Labor Relations Board: The Misapplication of Board Precedent to Resolve the Yale University Grade-Strike, Stephen L. Ukeiley
Congressional Interest in the Problem of Television and Violence, John Windhausen
Congressional Oversight: Interpreting the Phrase "Financial Statements" Within Section 10A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Jamie A. Barber
Congressional Power to Require DNA Testing, Larry Yackle
Constitutional Adjudication in the United States as a Means of Advancing the Equal Stature of Men and Women Under the Law, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Constitutional Contracts Clause Challenges in Public Pension Litigation, Paul M. Secunda
Constitutional Control of Choice of Law: Some Reflections on Hague, Arthur T. von Mehren and Donald T. Trautman
Constitutional Limitations on Choice of Law: The Perspective of Constitutional Generalism, Robert A. Sedler
Constitutional Rights of Noncommercial Boycotters: A Delicate Balance, Laurence Paskowitz
Constitutional Solutions to the Problem of Diplomatic Crime and Immunity, William G. Morris
Constitutional Torts Ten Years after Bivens, Sarah Callahan, Larry S. Candido, Linda Renee Giannattasio, and Peter D. Koffler
Constitutional Viability of the Employee Free Choice Acts's Interest Arbitration Provision, Philip B. Rosen and Richard I. Greenberg
Consumer Ethnocentrism Towards Outsourced Services, Nirmala Chettipally
Consumer Involvement and the Consumer Product Safety Act, Joseph A. Page
Contract Formalism, Scientism, and the M-Word: A Comment on Professor Movsesian's Under-Theorization Thesis, Jeffrey M. Lipshaw
Contracting Mediation: The Impact of Different Statutory Regimes, Ellen J. Dannin
Contracts; Notice of Shutdown; Chart of Arbitration Decisions, Eric J. Schmertz and Poletti, Freidin, Prasher & Gartner
Contracts; Notice of Shutdown; Chart of arbitration decisions, Eric J. Schmertz and Poletti, Freidin, Prashker & Gartner
Control on the New York Mercantile Exchange: Seat Ownership, Membership, and Voting Rights, Adam E. Faber
Conversations About Families in Canadian Courts and Legislatures: Are There "Lessons" for the United States?, Mary Jane Mossman
Convocation Inaugurating the Samuel M. Kaynard Distinguished Visiting Professorship in Labor and Employment Law, Stuart Rabinowitz, Eric J. Schmertz, Shuart M. James, John D. Feerick, Meryl R. Kaynard, and Ann Kaynard
Cooperative Federalism and Wind: A New Framework for Achieving Sustainability, Patricia E. Salkin and Ashira Pelman Ostrow
Copyright, Privacy, and Fair Use, Stephen B. Thau
Copyright Protection for Computer Programs in Read Only Memory Chips, Peter D. Aufrichtig
Copyrights and Copyremedies: Unfair Use and Injunctions, Honorable James L. Oakes
Corporate Accountability and Regulatory Reform, Robert B. Reich
Corporate and Related Attorney-Client Privilege Claims: A Suggested Approach, Stephen A. Saltzburg
Corporate Attorney-Client Privilege in Shareholder Litigation and Similar Cases: Garner Revisited, Stephen A. Saltzburg
Corporate Buyer Beware: Deficiencies in Directors' and Officers' Insurance for Employment Practices Liability, Robert Cavallaro
Corporate Defense Law for Dispersed Ownership, Nicholas L. Georgakopoulos
Corporate Goverance in Historical Perspective, Philip A. Loomis Jr. and Beverly K. Rubman
Corporate Inversion: Will the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 Reduce the Incentive to Re-Incorporate?, Eloine Kim
Corporate Opportunity and Corporate Competition: A Double-Barreled Theory of Fiduciary Liability, Jodi L. Popofsky
Corporate Social Responsibility Through Constituency Statutes: Legend or Lie?, Gary von Stange
Correcting Culture: Extraterritoriality and U.S. Employment Discrimination Law, Kathy Roberts
Corruption, Freedom and Equality in Campaign Financing, Martin Shapiro
Counseling Organizational Clients"Within the Bounds of the Law", Roger C. Cramton
Counterclaims, the Well-Pleaded Complaint, and Federal Jurisdiction, Christopher A. Cotropia
County Sanitation District: The Need for a Legislative Response to Public Employee Strikes, Lawrence Spivak
Court Reform in New York State: An Overview for 1975, David J. Ellis
Courts and Legislatures in a Federal System: The Case of School Finance, Lewis B. Kaden
Courts Mistakenly Cross-Out Memorials: Why the Establishment Clause is Not Violated by Roadside Crosses, Elizabeth A. Murphy
Covenants Running with the Land: Viable Doctrine or Common-Law Relic?, Margot Rau
Cracking Open the Golden Door: Revisiting U.S. Asylum Law's Response to China's One-Child Policy, Sean T. Masson
Creating a Beck Statute: Recent Congressional Attempts and a Proposal for the Future, Eric J. Felsberg
Creating Reform that is Sustainable for Investors, Luis A. Aguilar
Creating Space for Lawyers to Be Ethical: Driving Towards an Ethic of Transparency, Burnele V. Powell
Creation of an International Anti-Prohibitionist League in the Field of Drugs, Marie-Andree Bertrand
Credentialism and the Proliferation of Fake Degrees: The Employer Pretends to Need a Degree; The Employee Pretends to Have One, Creola Johnson
Crimes and Punishment of the Alien: The Judicial Recommendation Against Deportation, Marisa A. Marinelli
Criminal Defense Lawyering at the Edge: A Look Back, Bruce A. Green
Crisis After Dole: The Plight Of Modern Homeworkers, Laura Helene Gonshorek
Critical Familism, Civil Society, and the Law, Don Browning
Cross-Employee Redistribution Effects of Mandated Employee Benefits, Sharon Rabin-Margalioth
Crossing the Line: The Second, Sixth, Ninth, And Eleventh Circuits' Misapplication of the Equal Pay Act's "Any Other Factor Other Than Sex" Defense, Jeffrey K. Brown
Cuban Baseball Players, the Unlucky Ones: United States-Cuban Professional Baseball Relations Should be an Integral Part of the United States-Cuba Relationship, Rachel D. Solomon
Cultural Competency in Capital Mitigation, Scharlette Holdman and Christopher Seeds
Cultural Imperialism vs. Cultural Protectionism: Hollywood's Response to UNESCO Efforts to Promote Cultural Diversity, Eireann Brooks
Current Bond Market Issues and the Development of the Electronic Asian Bond Market, Andrew Greenwood
Cutting the Party Line: How the SEC Can Silence Persisting Phone Call Tips, Kristen A. Truver
Cyberterrorism: Are We Legally Ready?, Aviv Cohen
David K. Kadane, Stuart Rabinowitz
Days of Our Lives: The Impact of Section 197 on the Depreciation of Copyrights, Patents, and Related Property, Mary LaFrance
Debating Conflicts: Medicine, Commerce, and Contrasting Ethical Orders, Janet L. Dolgin
Deconstructing the Framers' Right to Property: Liberty's Daughters and Economic Rights, Barbara Stark
Dedications to the Memory of Eric J. Schmertz, Distinguished Professor of Law and Dean Emeritus, Hofstra University School Of Law (1982-1989) - in Rememberence of Eric J. Schmertz, Stuart Rabinowitz, Nora V. Demleitner, Malachy T. Mahon, Eric Lane, Alan N. Resnick, John DeWitt Gregory, David B. Feldman, Jeffrey P. Englander, and Joanne F. Goldstein
Deductions for a Former Residence: Don't Leave Home Without Them, Allan J. Samansky
Deepwater Mobile Oil Rigs in the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Uncertainty of Coastal State Jurisdiction, Rebecca K. Richards
Defamation at the Workplace Employers Beware, Richard J. Larson
Defamation Law: Once a Public Figure Always a Public Figure?, Alan Kaminsky
Defamed but Retained Public Employees: Addressing a Gap in Due Process Jurisprudence, Nat Stern
Defending Defending: The Case for Unmitigated Zeal on Behalf of People Who Do Terrible Things, Abbe Smith
Defense-Oriented Judges, Abbe Smith
Deferral to Arbitration: Accommodation of Competing Statutory Policies, Mark A. Shank
Defining Religion: An Immodest Proposal, Dmitry N. Feofanov
Defining Technology and Innovation Markets: The DOJ's Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property, Azam H. Aziz
Delaware: Home of the World's Most Expensive Raincoat, Jonathan Macey
Delaware Reexamines its Merger Laws: New Protection for Minority Shareholders?, Lynn F. Samuels
Delayering Corporate Law, Reza Dibadj
Delight and Disaster Relief through the Use of Multimedia, Laura Lally and Mohammad Ahad
Demanding Human Rights: A Change in the World Legal Order, Eric Lane
Democracy and Distrust. By John Hart Ely, Andrew L. Kaufman
Democratic Families: "The Logic of Congruence" and Political Identity, Nancy L. Rosenblum
Deregulating Labour Markets and Industrial Relations in British and United States Construction, Stephen Evans and Roy Lewis
Deregulation and Competition in Underwriting: Review of the Evidence and New Findings, George J. Papaioannou and Adrian Gauci
Deregulation and Labour Law in Britain and Western Europe, Professor Lord Wedderburn FBA
Deregulation and Labour Law in the United States, Samuel M. Kaynard
Deregulation, Flexibility and Individual Labour Law in the United Kingdom, Brian Napier
Deregulation - The United States Experience, Charles G. Moerdler
Design Requirements for Mediator Development Programs, Joseph B. Stulberg and B. Ruth Montgomery
Developer Leases under the Condominium and Cooperative Abuse Relief Act of 1980, Salvatore LaMonica
Developing Standards Under Amended Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Edward D. Cavanagh
Developing the Asset Protection Dynamic: A Legacy of Federal Concern, John K. Eason
Development of a Worldwide Currency: Is it Feasible?, Dominick Kerr
Developments in Tender Offers for Corporate Control. By Edward R. Aranow, Herbert A. Einhorn, and George Berlstein, J. William Robinson
Did Bose Speak Too Softly?: Product Critiques and the First Amendment, Vincent Brannigan and Bruce Ensor
Did the Senate Trial Satisfy the Constitution and the Demands of Justice?, Asa Hutchinson
Direct Inference in the Lost Chance Cases: Factfinding Constraints Under Minimal Fairness to Parties, Vern R. Walker
Direct-to-Consumer Advertising and Pharmaceutical Ethics: The Case of Vioxx, Ronald M. Green
Dirty Dancing: Attributing the Moral Right of Attribution to American Copyright Law: The Work for Hire Doctrine and the Usurping of the Ultimate Grand Dame and Founder of Modern Dance, Martha Graham, Sarah Kutner and Holly Rich
Dirty Dirt, Clean Hands, and the Murky Waters of Liability Under Article 12 of the New York Navigation Law, James Clark
Disadvantaged By Design: How the Law Inhibits Agricultural Guest Workers from Enforcing Their Rights, Michael Holley
Disadvantaging the Disadvantaged: The Discriminatory Effects of Punitive Damage Caps, Troy L. Cady
Discipline in Sports, George Nicolau
Disclosure of Corporate Payments Abroad and the Concept of Materiality, Charles M. Chernick
Discounted Mini-Tender Offers: A Fraudulent Business Scheme, Russell L. Hirschhorn
Discovering Secrets: Act of State Defenses to Bribery Cases, Elizabeth Spahn
Discovering the Logic of Legal Reasoning, Vern R. Walker
Divorce and the Disposition of Frozen Embryos, Mark C. Haut
Divorce Related Property Division v. Alimony, Maintenance and Support in the Bankruptcy Context: A Distinction Without a Difference?, David M. Susswein
Do as We Say or Do as We Do?: How the Supreme Court Law Clerk Controversy Reveals a Lack of Accountability at the High Court, Robert M. Agostisi and Brian P. Corrigan
Do Bar Association Ethics Committees Serve the Public or the Profession? An Argument for Process Change, Hon. David G. Trager
Does Full Value Mean Full Value? Prospects for Assessment Reform in New York in Light of the Experiences of Other States with Hellerstein's Progenitors, Irving I. Lesnick
Does New York's Code of Professional Responsibility Force Lawyers to Put Their Jobs on the Line? A Critical Look at Wieder v. Skala, Christopher G. Senior
Does Title VII Contemplate Personal Liability for Employee/Agent Defendants?, Janice R. Franke
Domestic Agreements, Brian Bix
Domestic Violence and Custody Litigation: The Need for Statutory Reform, Linda R. Keenan
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell": A Qualified Defense, Eugene R. Milhizer
"Don't Be Evil": Gmail's Relevant Text Advertisements Violate Google's Own Motto and Your E-Mail Privacy Rights, Jason Isaac Miller
Do Public Policy Grounds Still Exist For Vacating Arbitration Awards?, Judith Stilz Ogden
Dorothy Day's Lessons for the Transformation of Work, David L. Gregory
Douglaston Civic Association, Inc. v. Galvin, Joel H. Joseph
Drawing Lines around the Fourth Amendment: Robbins v. California and New York v. Belton, Anthony E. Kaplan
Drawing the Line After Hoffman Plastic Compounds, Inc. v. NLRB: Strategies for Protecting Undocumented Workers in the Title VII Context and Beyond, Christopher Ho and Jennifer C. Chang
Dreams and Formulas: The Roles of Particularism and Principlism in the Law, R. George Wright
Drug Legalization: The Importance of Asking the Right Question, Mark A. R. Kleiman and Aaron J. Saiger
Drug Paraphernalia Legislation: Up in Smoke?, Elizabeth Luckow
Due Process and the Concept of Ordered Liberty: "A Screen of Words Expressing Will in the Service of Desire"?, Jacob W. Landynski
Due Process Denied: Judicial Coercion in the Plea Bargaining Process, Richard Klein
Earl Washington's Ordeal, Eric M. Freedman
Early Retirement Incentives and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Richard G. Kass
Easing Default Provisions of State Limited Liability Company Statutes in the Context of a Transfer of Interest in a Small Business, Victor Tai Wung Chiu
East Coast Volume 1 1943-1959, Poletti, Freidin, Prashker & Gartner
East Coast Volume 1 1960-1968, Poletti, Freidin, Prashker & Gartner
Economic Approaches to Global Regulation: Expanding the International Law and Economics Paradigm, Dan Danielsen
Economic Crisis and the BRIC Countries, Walter Molano
Economics of Electronic Waste Disposal Regulations, Heather L. Drayton
Economists' Assessments of the Likely Employment and Wage Effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement, William E. Spriggs and James Stanford
Edgar v. MITE Corp. and CTS Corp. v. Dynamics Corp. of America: A Subjective Look at State Takeover Legislation, P. Joseph Campisi Jr.
Educating the Masses: Expanding Title VII to Include Sexual Orientation in the Education Arena, Sheila Hatami and David Zwerin
Education as a Fundamental Right: Challenging the Supreme Court's Jurisprudence, Timothy D. Lynch
Education for Divorcing Parents: A New Direction for Family Courts, Peter Salem
Effective Democracy and Formal Rights: Retaliatory Removals of Union Officials Under the LMRDA, George Feldman
Efficiency, Utility, and Wealth Maximization, Jules L. Coleman
Eisen v. Carlisle & Jacquelin, Morton Jeremiah Marshack
Electoral Regulation: Some Comments, Sanford Levinson
Embryonic Stem Cell Research: A Comparative Study of the Philosophies of the United States and the United Kingdom, George Kanellopoulos
Embryonic Stem Cells, Intellectual Property, and Patents: Ethical Concerns, Samuel Packer
Embryo Transplant, Parental Conflict, and Reproductive Freedom: A Prospective Analysis of Issues and Arguments Created by Forthcoming Technology, Michele N. Coleman
Employee Involvement Programs and Electromation: Is the TEAM Act the Solution?, Ralph A. Petruzzo
Employer Health-Care Plans: The Feasibility of Disability-Based Distinctions Under ERISA and the Americans With Disabilities Act, Susan Nanovic Flannery
Employer Liability for Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment Based on a Single Occurrence, Francis Achampong
Employer Reputation at Work, Samuel Estreicher
Employer Supported Child Care as a Mandatory Subject of Collective Bargaining, Carol Ann Diktaban
Employers Who Cry 'RIF' and the Courts That Believe Them, Daniel B. Kohrman and Mark Stewart Hayes
Employment Arbitration After Gilmer: Have Labor Courts Come to the United States?, Robert N. Covington
Employment Arbitration and Voluntary Consent, Stephen J. Ware
Employment at Will and Scientific Management: The Ideology of Workplace Control, Raymond L. Hogler
Employment Benefits: Will Your Significant Other Be Covered?, Renee M. Scire and Christopher A. Raimondi
Employment Discrimination and the First Amendment: Case Analysis of Catholic Charities, Kristen Colletta and Darya Kapulina
Ending Marriage as We Know It, Nancy D. Polikoff
Energy and the Environment: Empowering Consumers, Katrina Fischer Kuh
Enforcement of Money Judgments Against Real Property in New York
Enforcement of WTO Rulings: An Interest Group Analysis, Mark L. Movsesian
Enforcing Internal Revenue Service Summonses Under the Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program: The Need for Statutory Reform, Robert Schneps
Enforcing the Fundamental Premises of Partnership Taxation, Rebecca S. Rudnick
Engaged Client-Centered Representation of the Moral Foundations of the Lawyer-Client Relationship, Katherine R. Kruse
Envisioning Second-Order Change in America's Responses to Troubled and Troublesome Youth, Lois A. Weithorn
EPA Findings of Unreasonable Risk Under the Toxic Substances Control Act: Evidentiary Weapons in Toxic Tort Plaintiff's Arsenal, Margaret Veihmeyer Malone
Equal Protection or Equal Denial: Is It Time for Racial Minorities, the Poor, Women, and Other Opressed People to Regroup?, Inez Smith Reid
Equal Taxation: A Commentary, John A. Miller
Erie R.R. and State Power to Control State Law: Switching Tracks to New Certification of Questions of Law Procedures, Jack J. Rose
ERISA Misrepresentation and Nondisclosure Claims: Securities Litigation Under the Guise of ERISA?, Clovis Trevino Bravo
ERISA Preemption Doctrine as Health Policy, Joshua P. Booth and Larry I. Palmer
ERISA Remedies, Welfare Benefits, and Bad Faith: Losing Sight of the Cathedral, Peter K. Stris
ERISA: The Foundational Insufficiencies for Deferential Review in Employee Benefit Claims- Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. v. Glenn, Donald T. Bogan
Errors and Ethics: Dilemmas in Death, Penny J. White
Establishing Information Privacy Violations: The New York Experience, Lawrence Friedman
Establishing Jurisdiction over Foreign Sovereign Powers: The Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act, the 'Act of State' Doctrine and the Impact of Republic of Austria v. Altmann, Andrew J. Extract
Establishment Clause Standing: The Not Very Revolutionary Decision at Valley Forge, William P. Marshall and Maripat Flood
Ethical Concerns in Grooming the Criminal Defendant for the Witness Stand, James Farragher Campbell
Ethical Issues in Asbestos Litigation, Lester Brickman
Ethics and the Corporation, David Rockefeller
Ethics, Federal Prosecutors, and Federal Courts: Some Recent Problems, Lee A. Adlerstein
Ethics in Government: A View From the Senate, Senator Ted Stevens
Ethics, Professionalism, and Meaningful Work, William H. Simon
Evaluating The Legality of Employer Surveillance Under the Family and Medical Leave Act: Have Employers Crossed the Line?, Brandon Sipherd and Christopher Volpe
Even if You Think Your Client Will Win, You May Have the Responsibility to Urge Settlement Anyway, Sol Wachtler
Evidence, Race, Intent, and Evil: The Paradox of Purposelessness in the Constitutional Racial Discrimination Cases, David Crump
Evolution in the Civil Rights Revolution: The Survival of Employment Discrimination Claims for Pain and Suffering, Michael D. Moberly
Evolving Evidentiary Needs: A Neglected Responsibility, Paul R. Rice
Evolving Standards of Decency: Advancing the Nature and Logic of Capital Mitigation, Craig Haney
Examining the Right to Premortem Cryopreservation, Velly B. Polycarpe
Executive Agreements: Beyond Constitutional Limits?, Sharon G. Hyman
Executive Power, National Security & Federal Employee Collective Bargaining Rights: The New Department of Homeland Security, Taryn M. Byrne and Gary L. Tomasulo
Executive Power, the Commander in Chief, and the Militia Clause, Richard A. Epstein
Expanding State Jurisdiction to Regulate Out-of-State Lawyers, Charles W. Wolfram
Ex Parte Proceedings in Domestic Violence Situations: Alternative Frameworks for Constitutional Scrutiny, Nadine Taub
"Experimental Treatment": Legislating Against Unfair Denials, Elaine Reckner Sammon
Express Yourself: Striking a Balance Between Silence and Active, Puposive Opposition Under Title VII's Anti-Retaliation Provision, Matthew W. Green Jr.
Expunging Criminal Records: Concealment and Dishonesty in an Open Society, Marc A. Franklin and Diane Johnsen
Extending the Constitutional Right to Privacy in the New Technological Age, Robert S. Peck
Facially Neutral No-Rehires Rules and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Christine Neylon O'Brien
Factors, Etc., Inc. v. Pro Arts Inc., Kevin E. Balfe
Facts Do Matter: A Reply to Bagenstos, Gregory Mitchell and Phillip E. Tetlock
Failure of Trade Liberalization: A Study of the GATS Negotiation, Christopher F. Thornberg Ph D and Frances L. Edwards J.D.
Fair Dealing in Employment Associations: The Reciprocity of Respect, John Nivala
Fair Enough? Reconciling the Pursuit of Fairness and Justice with Preserving the Nature of International Commercial Arbitration, Nana Japaridze
Falling Through the Cracks: The Plight of Domestic Workers and Their Continued Search for Legislative Protection, Adam J. Hiller and Leah E. Saxtein
Familial Employees: Exclusion from the Bargaining Unit, Judith Brodlieb
Faragher v. City of Boca Raton: A Personal Account of a Sexual Discrimination Plaintiff, Beth Ann Faragher
Faretta v. California, Stacey Joan Moritz
Far from Routine: Exempting Existing Sources from New Source Review Under the Equipment Replacement Provision, Adrian P. Castro
Fatherhood from the Grave: An Analysis of Postmortem Insemination, Sheri Gilbert
Fathers Are Parents Too: Challenging Safe Haven Laws with Procedural Due Process, Dayna R. Cooper
FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, David A. Levy
Federal Consumer Protection and the Toy Industry: The Dilemma of Legislative Exclusion, Judith Fryer Biggs
Federal Habeas Corpus, Constitutional Rights, and Procedural Forfeitures: The Delicate Balance, Jack A. Guttenberg
Federalism's False Hope: How State Civil Rights Laws Are Systematically Under-Enforced in Federal Forums (And What Can Be Done About It), Steven Andrew Smith and Adam Hansen
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 37(e): Spoiling the Spoliation Doctrine, Nicole D. Wright
Federal Standing: 1976, Ronald Townsend Carman
Federal Student Loan Repayment Assistance for Public Interest Lawyers and Other Employees of Governments and Nonprofit Organizations, Philip G. Schrag
Federal Tax Incentives for Historic Preservation: A Strategy for Conservation and Investment, Miriam Joels Silver
Feeney v. Massachusetts, Jeanne M. Cochran
Final Report on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court for the Implementation of the Apartheid Convention and Other Relevant International Instruments, M. Cherif Bassiouni and Daniel H. Derby
Finding a Voice: The Legal Ethics Committee, Carol M. Langford and David M.M. Bell
Finding Common Ground: How Inclusive Language Can Account for the Diversity of Sexual Minority Populations in the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, Meredith R. Palmer
Finding Worth in the New Workplace: The Implications of Comparable Worth's Reemergence in the Global Economy, Daniel N. Kuperstein
Fine Art and Moral Rights: The Immoral Triumph of Emotionalism, Thomas J. Davis Jr.
First Amendment Defense to Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment: Does Discriminatory Conduct Deserve Constitutional Protection?, Aileen V. Kent
First, Do No Harm: Why Doctors are not Omnipotent Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, Sharona Hoffman
Fixing Price with Your Victim: Efficiency and Collusion with Competitor-Based Formula Pricing Clauses, Joseph J. Simons
Focusing Title VII: The Supreme Court Continues the Battle Against Intentional Discrimination in St. Mary's Honor Center v. Hicks, JuLyn M. McCarty and Michael J. Levy
Foreign Currency Risk Management Practices in U.S. Multinationals, K. G. Viswanathan and Seema Menon
Foreward: Discipline in Professional Sports, Alfred G. Feliu
Foreward to Articles on Currency Manipulation
Foreword, Hon. Martha L. Walters
Foreword, Herbert P. Wilkins
Foreword: Biomedical Reasearch and the Law-Selected Issues: The Pharmaceutical industry and its Relationship with Government, Academia, Physicians and Consumers, Janet L. Dolgin and Joel Weintraub
Foreword: Biomedical Research and the Law-Embryonic Stem Cells, Clones, and Genes: Science, Law, Politics and Values, Janet L. Dolgin and Joel Weintraub
Foreword: Conference on Legal Ethics: "What Needs Fixing?", Roy D. Simon
Foreword: Drug Decriminalization: A Chorus in Need of Masterrap's Voice, Dwight L. Greene
Foreword: Is Justice Just Us?, Christopher Slobogin
Foreword: Mr. Justice Stewart, Lewis F. Powell Jr.
Foreword: New Directions in American Health Care: Innovations from Home and Abroad, Janet Dolgin, Rachel Kreier, and Corinne Kyriacou
Foreword: Reclaiming the First Amendment: Constitutional Theories of Media Reform, Marjorie Heins and Eric M. Freedman
Foreword: The Ethics of Lawyers in Government, Roy Simon
Forgeddabout Conflicts - If Citibar Has Its Way, We Can Have Just One Big Law Firm, Lawrence J. Fox
Forty-Three and Counting: EEOC's Challenges and Successes and Emerging Trends in the Employment Arena, Naomi C. Earp
Forum Non Conveniens and the Warsaw Convention: Leaving the Turbulence Behind?, Katherine R. Dieterich
Fostering Capacity, Equality, and Responsibility (and Single-Sex Education): In Honor of Linda McClain, Martha Minow
Fragmentation of the Supreme Court: An Inquiry into Causes, Louis Lusky
Franchisors' Liablility When Franchisees are Apparent Agents: An Empirical and Policy Analysis of "Common Knowledge" about Franchising, Robert W. Emerson
Fraud, Fiduciaries, and Insider Trading, Alison Grey Anderson
Freedom of the Press for Whom? The Question to Be Answered in Our Critical Juncture, Robert W. McChesney
From Codling, to Bolm, to Velez: Triptych to Confusion, Aaron D. Twerski
From Crane to Tufts: In Search of a Rationale for the Taxation of Nonrecourse Mortgagors, Patricia A. Cain
From Euclid to Ramapo: New Directions in Land Development Controls, Donald H. Elliott and Norman Marcus
From Fairness to Contract: The New Direction of the Rules Against Insider Trading, Jonathan R. Macey
From Plato's Preconceptions to Dewey's Instrumentalism: The Philosophical Bases of Legal Empiricism, Thomas P. Dugan
From Risk-Utility to Consumer Expectations: Enhancing the Role of Judicial Screening in Product Liability Litigation, Aaron D. Twerski
From Statute to Contract: The Law of the Employment Relationship Reconsidered, Eileen Silverstein
From the Border to the Schoolhouse Gate: Alternative Arguments for Extending Primary Education to Undocumented Alien Children, Maria Pabón López and Diomedes J. Tsitouras
From the Rat to the Mouse: How Secondary Picketing Laws May Apply in the Computer Age, Thomas Moyher and Robert T. Szyba
From Vengeance to Vengeance: Sentencing Reform and the Demise of Rehabilitation, Leonard Orland
Fundamental Rights at Work and the Law of Nations: An American Lawyer's Perspective, William B. Gould IV
Furman v. Georgia: Will the Death of Capital Punishment Mean a New Life for Bail?
Geduldig v. Aiello, John D. Nagy
Gender and the Profession: The No-Problem Problem, Deborah L. Rhode
Generating Extra Wind in the Sails of the EU Antitrust Enforcement Boat, Corinne Bergen
Genetic Testing and the Right of Self-Determination: The Experience in the Federal Republic of Germany, Bernd R. Beier
Genetic Testing & Discrimination in Employment: Recommending a Uniform Statutory Approach, Jared A. Feldman and Richard J. Katz
Geoffrey Sidesteps Quill: Constitutional Nexus, Intangible Property and the State Taxation of Income, Michael T. Fatale
Getting It Right: Life History Investigation as the Foundation for a Reliable Mental Health Assessment, Richard G. Dudley Jr. and Pamela Blume Leonard
Getting Stuck between Bottom and Top: State Competition for Corporate Charters in the Presence of Network Effects, Brett H. McDonnell
Getting the Horse Before the Cart: Identifying the Causes of Failure of the Regulatory Commissions, Ian D. Volner
Getting the Skinny: Fast Food Litigation is Not a Legal Threat to Business, But it Should Be, J. Brad Reich
Giving Public Opinion the Process That is Due: What the Supreme Court Can Learn from Its Eighth Amendment Jurisprudence, Rebecca Wilhelm
Globalization and Developments in the Apportionment of Jurisdiction Between Arbitrators and Courts Concerning International Commercial Arbitration, Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga and Rafael Domingo Osle
Globalization: Health Challenges for Multinational Corporations, Yann Meunier
Global Markets: Currency Valuation and the Outlook for the US Dollar, Michael J. Woolfolk
Global Warming and Property Interests: Preserving Coastal Wetlands as Sea Levels Rise, Robert L. Fischman
Globe Newspaper Co. v. Superior Court, Sally M. Keenan
Going Beyond the Judicially Prescribed Boundaries of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Ben Cristal
Golan v. Holder: A Step in the International Direction for United States Copyright Law, Nicole Maciejunes
Gonna Fly Now: All the Noise about the Airport Access Problem, James F. Gesualdi
Goodbye Homo Economicus: Cognitive Dissonance, Brain Science, and Highly Effective Collaborative Practice, Pauline H. Tesler
Google Books: An Orphan Works Solution?, Alessandra Glorioso
Governmental Drug Testing: Critique and Analysis of Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Phoebe Weaver Williams
Government Censorship is Not the Solution, Education Is, Peggy Charren
Graduate Assistants at the Bargaining Table, But for How Long?, Stephen L. Ukeiley
Grandparents Versus the State: A Constitutional Right to Custody, Roberta Kotkin
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading, Andrew Otis
Grooming Dogs for the Educational Setting: The "IDEIA" Behind Service Dogs in the Public Schools, Sarah Allison L. Wieselthier
Gross Profits: A Client's Perspective, Duncan A. MacDonald
Gross Profits? An Introduction to a Program on Legal Fees, Roy Simon
Gross Profits? Questions About Lawyer Billing Practices, Lisa G. Lerman
Guardianship Reform in New York: The Evolution of Article 81, Nora von Stange and Gary von Stange
Guilty as Charged, Jay Hatheway
Guys and Dolls: Remedial Nurturing Skills in Post-Divorce Practice, Feminist Theory, and Family Law Doctrine, Barbara Stark
Habeas by Any Other Name, Eric M. Freedman
Hamlet in the District Court: Facing Personal Ethical Dilemmas, Jack B. Weinstein
Handicapped Parking, Geoffrey P. Miller and Lori S. Singer
Handicaps Which Threaten Others and the Prohibition of Discrimination Under the Rehabilitation Act, Stephen L. Mikochik
Handling Workplace Conflict: Why Transformative Mediation?, Robert A. Baruch Bush
Harassment and Constitutional Tort: The Other Jurisprudence, Mark M. Hager
Harmless Error and Misjoinder Under the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure: A Narrowing Division of Opinion, Thomas C. Wales
Hazard Communication in the Workplace, Mark L. Goldstein
Health Care Unit Determinations: The Board Ignores the Mandate of Congress and the Courts of Appeals, Michael A. Curley
Health Insurance in Switzerland: A Closer Look at a System Often Offered as a Model for the United States, Rachel Kreier and Peter Zweifel
Health Reform and Health Equity: Sharing Responsibility for Health in the United States, Erika Blacksher
Heckler's Veto Case Law as a Resource for Democratic Discourse, Cheryl A. Leanza
Heightened Notice Means Heightened Problems: Due Process Notice Concerns When Discharging Student Loan Debts Under Chapter 13, Nickolas Karavolas
Helping Jurors Determine Pain and Suffering Awards, Oscar G. Chase
Henry Lord Brougham - Advocating at the Edge for Human Rights, Monroe H. Freedman
Henry Lord Brougham and Zeal, Monroe H. Freedman
Hernandez v. New York: Courts, Prosecutors, and the Fear of Spanish, Juan F. Perea
Hoffman v. Board of Education, Robin E. Rosenberg
Holding the Due Process Line for Asylum, Linda Kelly Hill
Holmes a Hundred Years Ago: The Common Law and Legal Theory, Saul Touster
Holmes' Common Law as Legal and Social Science, Robert W. Gordon
Homeless Children Dream of College Too: The Struggle to Provide America's Homeless Youth with a Viable Education, Andrea B. Berkowitz
Homosexuality as Contagion: From the Well of Loneliness to the Boy Scouts, Nancy J. Knauer
Honesty Tests - A New Form of Polygraph?, Kurt H. Decker
Honing Our Kraft?: Reconciling Variations in the Remedial Treatment of Weingarten Violations, Michael D. Moberly and Andrea G. Lisenbee
Honorable Frank A. Gulotta Lecture Nassau County Bar Association January 28, 1987, Eric J. Schmertz
Honoring Choice by Consenting Adults: Prospective Conflict Waivers as a Mature Solution to Ethical Gamesmanship--A Response to Mr. Fox, Jonathan J. Lerner
Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment & First Amendment Content-Neutrality: Putting the Supreme Court on the Right Path, Peter Caldwell
How Different Types of Ownership Structures Could Save Major League Baseball Teams from Contraction, Brad Smith
How Do You Say Gay in Arabic? Being Essential Under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", Alastair Gamble
How Globalization and Freer Trade are Creating a New Architecture of North America, Stephen Blank
How Much Do Western Democracies Value Family and Marriage?: Immigration Law's Conflicted Answers, Nora V. Demleitner
How Much Freedom for Racist Speech?: Transnational Aspects of a Conflict of Human Rights, Friedrich Kübler
How One State Reduced Both Crime and Incarceration, Hon. Jonathan Lippman
How Reprogenetics Will Transform the American Family, Lee M. Silver
How Second-Wave Feminism Forgot the Single Woman, Rachel F. Moran
How the Taft-Hartley Act Hindered Unions, Steven E. Abraham
How to Make a Patent Market, Mark A. Lemley and Nathan Myhrvold
How to Read a Statute in New York: A Response to Judge Kaye and Some More, Eric Lane
How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (Cases): Gender Stereotypes and Sexual Harassment Since the Passage of Title VII, Miriam A. Cherry
Human Capital as Marital Property, Leslie F. Burns and Gregg A. Grauer
Human Cloning: Brave New Mistake, Sophia Kolehmainen
Human Motivation: The Inadequacy of Economists' Models, Alfred F. MacKay
Human Rights and the Emerging International Constitution, Howard J. Taubenfeld and Rita Falk Taubenfeld
Human Rights and World Public Order. By Myres S. McDougal, Harold D. Lasswell, & Lung-Chu Chen, Fred L. Morrison
Human Rights Within the World Legal Order: A Reply to Sohn and McDougal, Eric Lane
If Courts Are Open, Must Cameras Follow?, Dolores K. Sloviter
Illegal Aliens and Workers' Compensation: The Aftermath of Sure-Tan and IRCA, Mark Anthony Miele
Illinois Brick and Consumer Actions: The Passing Over of the Passing-On Doctrine, Neal Steven Schelberg
Impoundment Procedures Under the Copyright Act: The Constitutional Infirmities, Paul S. Owens
Imprudent Power Construction Projects: The Malaise of Traditional Public Utility Policies, Gary D. Allison
Incentivizing Organ Donation: A Proposal to End the Organ Shortage, Sara Krieger Kahan
Inconsistencies in the Legal Status of an Unborn Child: Recognition of a Fetus as Potential Life, Mamta K. Shah
In Defense of Public-Sector Unions, Anne Marie Lofaso
Individual Justice in Mass Tort Litigation: Judge Jack B. Weinstein on Choice of Law in Mass Tort Cases, Scott Fruehwald
Individual Protection Crumbles While Sovereignty Reigns: A Comment on Saudi Arabia v. Nelson, Steven Weisman
Individual Rights and Collective Rationality: Some Implications for Economic Analysis of Law, Bruce Chapman
Individual Rights and the Social Good: A Choice-Theoretic Analysis, Steven Strasnick
Individual Worth, Alan B. Handler
Inevitable Discovery: The Hypothetical Independent Source Exception to the Exclusionary Rule, Brian S. Conneely and Edmond P. Murphy
Informed Consent in New York under the Medical Malpractice Insurance Act, Michael W. Rosen
Inframarginal Consumers and the Per Se Legality of Vertical Restraints, Don Boudreaux and Robert B. Ekelund Jr.
Ingle v. Glamore Motor Sales, Inc.: The Battle Between Ownership and Employment in the Close Corporation, Alyse J. Ferraro
In Hell There Will Be Lawyers Without Clients or Law, Susan P. Koniak and George M. Cohen
Inherently Discriminatory Conduct Revisited: Do We Know It When We See It?, Barbara J. Fick
Inheritance Rights and the Step-Partner Adoption Paradigm: Shades of the Discrimination Against Illegitimate Children, Peter Wendel
In Legitimate Stirps: The Concept of "Arbitrary," the Supremacy of Parliament, and the Coming of the American Revolution, John Phillip Reid
In Memory of Joni Cesta, Neil D. Levin, Thomas Crane Wales, Glenn J. Winuk, David N. Yellen
Innovations in Collective Bargaining: NUMMI - Driven to Excellence, Marley S. Weiss
In Praise of David K. Kadane, Bernard Jacob
In Praise of Overzealous Representation - Lying to Judges, Deceiving Third Parties, and Other Ethical Conduct, Monroe H. Freedman
In Remembrance of Samuel M. Kaynard, Stuart Rabinowitz, Eric J. Schmertz, and William B. Gould IV
In Re Smiley, John F. Molinari
In Search of a Standard: Resolving the Relocation Problem in New York, Ann M. Driscoll
In Search of Regulatory Equilibrium, Lili Levi
In Search of the Corporate Private Figure: Defamation of the Corporation, Nessa E. Moll
Insider Trading and Investment Analysts: An Economic Analysis of Dirks v. Securities and Exchange Commission, Daniel R. Fischel
Insider Trading, SEC Decision-Making, and the Calculus of Investor Confidence, Spencer Derek Klein
Inspecting the Mine Inspector: Why the Discretionary Function Exception Does Not Bar Government Liability for Negligent Mine Inspections, Jay Lapat and James P. Notter
Institutional and Individual Justification in Legal Ethics: The Problem of Client Selection, W. Bradley Wendel
Insurer Insolvency: Problems & Solutions, Adam Hodkin
Intentional Torts under Workers' Compensation Statutes: A Blessing or a Burden?, Leslie Hertz Kawaler
International Equity Markets after the Introduction of the Euro: Divergence or Convergence?, Kevin Wynne and Ronald Filante
International Law Issues in Death Penalty Defense, Richard J. Wilson
International Legal Studies in the Century of the Earth, Frederick E. Snyder
International Parties, Breach of Contract, and the Recovery of Future Profits, James W. Weller
International Sanctions: The Pressure on Iran to Abandon Nuclear Proliferation, Jamie Lang
Internet Electronic Mail: A Last Bastion for the Mailbox Rule, Paul Fasciano
Internet Monitoring Of Federal Judges: Striking A Balance Between Independence And Accountability, Hardeep Kaur Josan and Sapna K. Shah
Interpreting Searches of Pretrial Releases Through the Lens of the Fourth Amendment Special Needs Exception, Melissa Weiss
Interstate Accidents and the Unprovided For Case: Reflections on Neumeier v. Kuehner, Robert Allen Sedler
Interstate Banking, Douglas H. Ginsburg
Interview: A Unique Perspective on Judicial Independence, Judge Harold Baer Jr., Roy D. Simon Jr., and Karen E. Baldwin
Intimate Affiliation and Democracy: Beyond Marriage?, Linda C. McClain
In Tribute to Roger Traynor, Robert E. Keeton
Introduction, Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Introduction, James A. Garland
Introduction, Margaret A. Berger
Introduction, Edward M. Kennedy
Introduction, Harold M. Williams
Introduction, David F. Cavers
Introduction, William J. Pierce
Introduction, Irving Younger
Introduction, Daniel L. Goelzer
Introduction, Jacob D. Fuchsberg
Introduction, Peter W. Rodino Jr.
Introduction, Eugene Gressman
Introduction, Governor Mario M. Cuomo
Introduction, Honorable Sol Wachtler
Introduction, Eric M. Freedman
Introduction: A Good Idea, Mark L. Movsesian
Introduction: A Professional Agenda, Andrew L. Kaufman
Introduction: Human Rights and Jurisprudence, Myres S. McDougal and Lung-chu Chen
Introduction: The Social Choice Perspective, Kenneth J. Arrow
Invasion of Privacy Liability in the Electronic Workplace: A Laywer's Perspective, Christine E. Howard
Inventing Billable Hours: Contract v. Fairness in Charging Attorney's Fees, Carl M. Selinger
In What Often Appears to Be a Crapshoot Legislative Process, Congress Throws Snake Eyes When It Enacts the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Neil Scott Cohen
IRS Form 8300: The Attorney-Client Privilege and Tax Policy Become Casualties in the War Against Money Laundering, Matthew P. Harrington and Eric A. Lustig
Is a Trademark Owner's Right to Use Its Mark Protected by the First Amendment?, Neal R. Platt
Is China's Manipulation of Its Currency an Actionable Violation of the IMF and/or the WTO Agreements?, Elizabeth L. Pettis
Is it Too Late for Juvenile Curfews? QUTB Logic and the Constitution, Brian J. Lester
Islamic Sectarianism in United States Prisons: The Religious Right of Shi'a Inmates to Worship Separately From Their Fellow Sunni Inmates, Jennifer K. Beaudry
ISO Standards from Quality to Environment to Corporate Social Responsibility and their Implications for Global Companies, Mahesh Chandra
Is PepsiCo the Choice of the Next Generation: The Inevitable Disclosure Doctrine and its Place in New York Jurisprudence, James J. Mulcahy and Joy M. Tassin
Is There a Flight from Arbitration?, Christopher R. Drahozal and Quentin R. Wittrock
Is There a New National Labor Policy? The NLRB and the Courts - Views of a Neutral, Edith Baum
It's About Time: A Proposal to Establish a Specialized International Agency for Coal Miner Safety and Health, Sara Mischner and Paula Rothfeld
"Jacob's Voice, Esau's Hands": Transparency as a First Amendment Right in an Age of Deceit and Impersonation, Amit Schejter
John J. Regan, Ronald H. Silverman
John J. Regan, Robert N. Brown
John J. Regan, Nancy Neveloff Dubler
Joint Legal Custody: A Parent's Constitutional Right in a Reorganized Family, James W. Bozzomo
Joint Representation of Multiple Defendants in a Criminal Trial: The Court's Headache, Steven J. Hyman
J.P. Stevens & Co. v. Rytex Corp., Robert L. Douglas
Judges as Humans: Interdisciplinary Research and the Problems of Institutional Design, Chad M. Oldfather
Judges as Umpires, Theodore A. McKee
Judges. By Donald Dale Jackson, The Honorable Jacob Mishler
Judicial Attitudes Toward Confronting Attorney Misconduct: A View from the Reported Decisions, Judith A. McMorrow, Jackie A. Gardina, and Salvatore Ricciardone
Judicial Correctness Meets Constitutional Correctness: Section 2C of the Code of Judicial Conduct, Andrew L. Kaufman
Judicial Deference to Collectively Bargained Pension Agreements: the Implicit Economics of a Legal Standard, David Locke Hall
Judicial Discretion to Deny Summary Judgment in the Era of Managerial Judging, Jack H. Friedenthal and Joshua E. Gardner
Judicial Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements: The Stay-Dismissal Dichotomy of FAA Section 3, Angelina M. Petti
Judicial Error That Is Subject to Discipline in New York, Gerald Stern
Judicial Ethics in the Twenty-First Century: Tracing the Trends, Roger J. Miner
Judicial Ethics, The Appearance of Impropriety, and the Proposed New ABA Judicial Code, Ronald D. Rotunda
Judicial Independence and Independent Judges, Steven Lubet
Judicial Legitimacy and the Disinterested Judge, M. H. Hoeflich and Jan G. Deutsch
Judicial Review and Soldiers' Rights: Is the Principle of Deference a Standard of Review?, Barney F. Bilello
Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration Awards: Practices, Policies and Sanctions, Mark Berger
Judicial Selection in the States: A Critical Study with Proposals for Reform, Patrick Winston Dunn
Judicial Supervision of Campaign Information: A Proposal to Stop the Dangerous Erosion of Madison's Design for Actual Representation, Michael J. Ushkow
Jurisdictionality, Time, and the Legal Imagination, Perry Dane
Jurisdictional Restraints on the Federal Labor Relations Authority: A Split in the Circuits, Brian Daniel Pfeiffer
Jury Instructions Regarding Deadlock in Capital Sentencing, Laurie B. Berberich
Justice By Consent: Plea Bargains in the American Courthouse. By Arthur Rosett & Donald R. Cressey., Stephen F. Gillers and Robert L. Clarey
Justice Scalia and His Meta-Cannon of Absurdity, Ella Govshtein
Justice Thomas and Lechmere, Inc. v. NLRB: A Reply to Professor Robert A. Gorman, Leonard Bierman
Justiciability and the Limits of Presidential Foreign Policy Power, Paul Hubschman Aloe
Just Say No: The Cipro Craze and Managed Care - Applying the Hand Formula to Managed Care Decisions, Daniel L. Freidlin
Karl Llewellyn and the Realist Movement. By William Twining; Roscoe Pound: Philosopher of Law. By David Wigdor., Samuel J.M. Donnelly
Keeping Sections 2(5) and 8(a)(2) of the NLRA Intact: A Fresh Look at Worker Participation Committees Through Electromation, Inc., Steven I. Locke
Kelo and the Local Political Process, Clayton P. Gillette
Kinder Morgan: When Management Conceals a Buyout From the Board of Directors, Jonathan Tiegerman
Knowing When to Keep Quiet: Weingarten and the Limitations on Representative Participation, Jodie Meade Michalski
Koizumi's Reform of Special Corporations, Susan Carpenter
Kraus v. New Rochelle Hosp. Medical Ctr.: Are Whistleblowers Finally Getting the Protection They Need?, Joan Corbo
Labor Force Recomposition and Industrial Restructuring in Electronics: Implications for Free Trade, M. Patricia Fernandez-Kelly
Labor Law and the Sports Industry, Robert D. Manfred Jr.
Labor Law During Hard Times: Challenges on the 75Th Anniversary of the National Labor Relations Act, Wilma B. Liebman
Labor Law: Labor Initiatives in the New Administration, Holly B. Fechner, Hon. William J. Kilberg, James A. Paretti, William Samuel, and Timothy M. Tymkovich
Labor-Management Cooperative Programs: Do They Foster or Frustrate National Labor Policy?, Carol A. Glick
Labor-Management Relations During the Clinton Administration, Robert B. Moberly
Labor Policy in Late Twentieth Century Capitalism: New Paradoxes for the Democratic State, Daniel J. Gifford
Lack of Informed Consent in Medical Malpractice and Product Liability Cases: The Burden of Presenting Evidence, David E. Seidelson
Latin America, Its Emerging Markets and the Global Economy - An Overview, Walter Molano
Latin America: The Outlook After WTC, Walter T. Molano
Law and Economics: Science or Politics?, Morton J. Horwitz
Law and Justice in Caesar's Gallic Wars, Russ VerSteeg
Law, Belief, and Bildung: The Education of Harry Edwards, Brian C. Murchison
Law, Economics, and Society, Lawrence M. Friedman
Lawyer Ethics Code Drafting in the Twenty-First Century, Nancy J. Moore
Lawyering at the Edge: Foreword, Roy D. Simon
Lawyering for Social Change: The Power of the Narrative in Domestic Violence Law Reform, Jane C. Murphy
Lawyering in the Supreme Court, Paul D. Clement
Lawyers' Ethics in an Adversary System. By Monroe H. Freedman, William M. Kunstler
Lawyers' Ethics in an Adversary System - Foreword: Like Gravity, Roy D. Simon
Lay Perceptions of Justice vs. Criminal Law Doctrine: A False Dichotomy?, Dan M. Kahan
Leadership and the Law, Ralph Nader
Leading the Way in Unconstitutional Delegations of Legislative Power: Statutory Incorporation of the LEED Rating System, Frank David Ditta
Leave Your Clients at the Door, Lawrence J. Fox
Leaving Well Enough Alone: Reflections on the Current State of ERISA Remedial Law, Thomas P. Gies and Jane R. Foster
Legal Analysis and the Economic Analysis of Allocative Efficiency, Richard S. Markovits
Legal Analysis and the Economic Analysis of Allocative Efficiency: A Response to Professor Posner's Reply, Richard S. Markovits
Legal and Practical Implications of ADR and Arbitration in Employment Disputes, Evan J. Spelfogel
Legal Audits and Dishonest Legal Bills, John J. Marquess
Legal Cocaine and Kids: The Very Bitterness of Shame, Gregory A. Loken Esq. and James Kennedy M.D.
Legal Ethics and Collaborative Practice Ethics, Robert F. Cochran Jr.
Legal Ethics and the Constitution, Alan Dershowitz
Legal Ethics in an Adversary System: The Persistent Questions, Deborah L. Rhode
Legalizing Nonlawyer Proprietorship in the Legal Clinic Industry: Reform in the Public Interest, Gerhardt M. Nielsen
Legal Turmoil in a Factious Colony: New York, 1664-1776, William E. Nelson
Legislative Intent and Impasse Resolution Under the National Labor Relations Act: Does Law Matter?, Ellen J. Dannin
Legisprudence: Problems and Agenda, Julius Cohen
Liability for Direct Advertising of Drugs to Consumers: An Idea Whose Time Has Not Come, Aaron D. Twerski
Liability Regulations in European Subcontracting: Will Joint Liability be the 21 St Century European Approach?, Matthew R. Amon
Liberty, Diversity, Academic Freedom, and Survival: Preferential Hiring Among Religiously-Affliated Institutions of Higher Education, Jamie Darin Prenkert
Like Mackerel in the Moonlight: Some Reflections on Richmond Newspapers, Lillian R. BeVier
Limitations in the Regulation of Unfair Marketing Practices in Hong Kong, Stefan Lo
Limiting the Manufacturer's Duty for Subsequent Product Alteration: Three Steps to a Rational Approach, Michael B. Gallub
Limits of Private Law: Enriching Legal Dogmatics, Marc A. Loth
Linden Lumber Division, Summer & Co. v. NLRB, Robert L. Douglas
Listening to Deaf Culture: A Reconceptualization of Difference Analysis Under Title VII, Mary Ellen Maatman
Litigation and Relitigation: The Uncertain Status of Federal Habeas Corpus for State Prisoners, Brenda Soloff
Litigation Funding Devices for Franchisees: Are They Securities?, Jennifer Carlucci
Live Birth: A Condition Precedent to Recognition of Rights, Karen G. Crockett and Miriam Hyman
Living in Harmony? Reasonable Accommodations, Employee Expectations and US Airways, Inc. v. Barnett, Sandy Andrikopoulos and Theo E. M. Gould
Lobbying and the American Law Institute: The Example of Insurance Defense, William T. Barker
Locke for the Masses: Property Rights and the Products of Collective Creativity, Robert P. Merges
Look What Katz Leaves Out: Why DNA Collection Challenges the Scope of the Fourth Amendment, Justin A. Alfano
Love on the Oregon Trail: What the Story of Maynard v. Hill Teaches Us About Marriage and Democratic Self-Governance, Steven H. Hobbs
Love with a Proper Stranger: What Anti-Miscegenation Laws Can Tell Us About the Meaning of Race, Sex, and Marriage, Rachel F. Moran
Maintaining Employees' Privacy of HIV and AIDS Information in the Workplace, Erika L. Greenfield
"Making Marriage and Divorce Safe for Women" Revisited, Herman Hill Kay
Making Prisons Private: An Improper Delegation of a Governmental Power, Joseph E. Field
Making Sense of Successor Liability, Marie T. Reilly
Making the Case One's Own, John T. Noonan Jr.
Making the Grade: Testing for Human Genetic Disorders, Robert Wachbroit
Making the Last Chance Meaningful: Predecessor Counsel's Ethical Duty to the Capital Defendant, Lawrence J. Fox
Making Title VII Law and Policy: The Supreme Court's Sexual Harassment Jursiprudence, Ronald Turner
Malicki v. Doe: Defining a Split of Authority Based on the State Tort Claims of Negligent Hiring and Supervision of Roman Catholic Clergy and the First Amendment Conflict, Christopher L. Barbaruolo
Malpica-Orsini v. Blasi, Norton L. Travis
Malpractice Statute of Limitations in New York: Conflict and Confusion
Management Controlled Firms v. Owner Controlled Firms: A Historical Perspective of Ownership Concentration in the US, East Asia and the EU, Andrew C. Spieler and Andrew S. Murray
Mandatory Pro Bono, Roger C. Cramton
Mandatory Pro Bono: An Attack on the Constitution, John C. Scully
Mandatory Pro Bono Publico for Law Students: The Right Place to Start, Christina M. Rosas
Maney v. Ratcliff, Lawrence N. Mullman
Manipulation in Commodity Futures Trading: Toward a Definitition, Thomas A. Hieronymus
"Manna for the Entire World" or "Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself"--Comment on Neumeier v. Kuehner, Dr. Amos Shapira
Manufacturing Solidarity: Adventure Training for Managers, Joan Vogel
Manville: Good Faith Reorganization or "Insulated" Bankruptcy, Sandrea Friedman
Many Paths to Justice: The Glass Ceiling, the Looking Glass, and Strategies for Getting to the Other Side, M. Neil Browne and Andrea Giampetro-Meyer
Market Triumphalism, Electoral Pathologies, and the Abiding Wisdom of First Amendment Access Rights, Gregory P. Magarian
Marriage, Divorce, and the Family: A Cautionary Tale, Judith T. Younger
Massachusetts v. EPA: The Causes and Effects of Creating Comprehensive Climate Change Regulations, Colin H. Cassedy
Mass Media Violence: Thoughts on the Debate, Edward Donnerstein
Matters of Life and Death: Inheritance Consequences of Reproductive Technologies, Helene S. Shapo
May We Plead the Court - Twombly, Iqbal, and the "New" Practice of Pleading, Jonathan D. Frankel
Media Policy and Free Speech: The First Amendment at War with Itself, Ellen P. Goodman
Mediation and Arbitration of International Disputes, Arthur J. Goldberg
Mediation of a Sexual Harassment Claim, Robert Lewis
Mediation Research: Studying Transformative Effects, Joseph P. Folger
Medicaid Funding for Abortions: The Medicaid Statute and the Equal Protection Clause, Andrea Bayer Felder
Medical Ethical Considerations in Collaborative Research, Samuel Packer
Medicare Managed Care: A New Constitutional Right to Due Process for Denials of Care Under Grijalva v. Shalala, Christopher G. Gegwich
"Membership" Obligations Under NLRA Section 8(a)(3): A Proposal for Statutory Change, Ronald Turner
Membership Rights in Union Referenda to Ratify Collective Bargaining Agreements, Paul Alan Levy
Metromedia, Inc. v. City of San Diego, Angela M. Liuzzi
Migration and Trade Policies: Symmetry or Paradox?, Jagdeep S. Bhandari
Military Lawyering at the Edge of the Rule of Law at Guantanamo: Should Lawyers Be Permitted to Violate the Law?, Ellen Yaroshefsky
Milliken v. Bradley, James R. Freeswick
"Mind Control," " Synthetic Sanity," "Artificial Competence," and Genuine Confusion: Legally Relevant Effects of Antipsychotic Medication, Thomas G. Gutheil M.D. and Paul S. Applebaum M.D.
Minor Rights: The Adolescent Abortion Cases, Martin Guggenheim
Misappropriation: A General Theory of Liability for Trading on Nonpublic Information, Barbara Bader Aldave
Mischaracterizations of the Board and its Processes: The Aftermath of Midland and Riveredge, Jeffrey M. Schlossberg
Missed Opportunities in Sentencing Reform, David L. Bazelon
Mistrial in 140 Characters or Less? How the Internet and Social Networking are Undermining the American Jury System and What Can Be Done to Fix It, Timothy J. Fallon
Mitigation Abroad: Preparing a Successful Case for Life for the Foreign National Client, Gregory J. Kuykendall, Alicia Amezcua-Rodriguez, and Mark Warren
Mixing Law and Art: The Role of Anti-Discrimination Law and Color-Blind Casting in Broadway Theater, Bonnie Chen
Mohonk Trust v. Board of Assessors, Gail Miers
Monell v. Department of Social Services: One Step Forward and a Half Step Back for Municipal Liability under Section 1983, Eric M. Hellige
Monetary Conditions and Fair Currencies: Gauging the Stance of Monetary Conditions and Fair Monetary Currency Values, Jose M. Barrionuevo
Monroe Freedman's Solution to the Criminal Defense Lawyer's Trilemma Is Wrong as a Matter of Policy and Constitutional Law, Stephen Gillers
Moore v. City of East Cleveland, Kathe J. Tyrrell
Moralizing in Public, Anita L. Allen
Moral Right Protections in the Colorization of Black and White Motion Pictures: A Black and White Issue, Daniel McKendree Sessa
More Than Just A Cool T-Shirt: What We Don't Know About Collective Bargaining-But Should-To Make Organizing Effective, Ellen Dannin and Gangaram Singh
Mortgage Discrimination: Paperwork and Prohibitions Prove Insufficient-Is it Time for Simplification and Incentives?, Robert G. Boehmer
Mortgage on America. By Leonard Downie, Jr., S. William Green
Much Ado about Due-on-Sale: Avoiding the Tempest in New York, Linda L. Kreicher
Mullaney v. Wilbur, Alan E. Wolin
Multiemployer Bargaining and Withdrawing from the Association After Bargaining Has Begun: 38 Years of "Unusual Circumstances" Under Retail Associates, Richard A. Bock
Multistate Choice-of-Law Rules: Continuing the Colloquy with Professors Trautman and Sedler, Aaron D. Twerski and Renee G. Mayer
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and its Evidentiary Problems, Tracy Vollaro
Music Mashups: Testing the Limits of Copyright Law as Remix Culture Takes Society by Storm, Emily Harper
Music Recording, Publishing, and Compulsory Licenses: Toward a Consistent Copyright Law, Scott L. Bach
Name-Calling, Elizabeth M. Glazer
Name Robbers: Privacy, Blackmail, and Assorted Matters in Legal History, Lawrence M. Friedman
National Security Information Under the Amended Freedom of Information Act: Historical Perspectives and Analysis, Mark S. Adler
Negotiating the People's Capital Revised, Samuel Estreicher
Neil T. Shayne Memorial Lecture: Foreword, Chris McDonough
Neumeier: Through the Eyes of Nullifidians, Josephine Y. King
Neumeier v. Kuehner: Where Are the Emperor's Clothes?, Aaron D. Twerski
New Article 8 of the Uniform Commercial Code: Are Certificated Shares Subject to a Perfected Security Interest If Held in Escrow?, Claire Moore Dickerson
New Directions in American Health Care, Lawrence G. Smith and Megan Anderson
New Findings, New Views: A Note of Caution Regarding Sentencing Reform, Robert Martinson
New Freedom for Employer Communications, Cynthia Milne
New Partnerships for a New World Order: NGOs, State Actors, and International Law in the Post-Cold War World, Robert O. Muller
New Trends of Globalization: Do We Need New Theories?, Wi Saeng Kim
New York's Amended Code of Professional Responsibility: A Guide to What's New, Grace D. Moran
New York's New Ethics Law: Turning the Tide on Corruption, Robert C. Newman
New York State's Office of the Special Prosecutor: A Creation Born of Necessity, Maurice H. Nadjari
Nigerian Anti-Corruption Initiatives, Ijeoma Opara
NLRA Section 8(a)(3) and the Search for a National Labor Policy, Joan Baker
NLRB Rulemaking on Health Care Collective Bargaining Units: Predictability, But at What Cost?, Marc Mandelman
No Duty at Any Speed?: Determining the Responsibility of the Automobile Manufacturer in Speed-Related Accidents, Gina M. DeDominicis
No Human Cloning: A Social Ethics Perspective, Lisa Sowle Cahill
No Place to Go After 60: The Plight of Pilots and Flight Engineers in the Airline Industry, Amy Gibbons
Norms and Interests, Geoffrey P. Miller
North American Free Trade and Labor Issues: Accomplishments and Challenges, Shellyn G. McCaffrey
No Squeezing, No Cornering: Some Rules for Commodity Exchanges, Ralph T. Byrd
Notes from the Front: A Dissident Law-Enforcement Perspective on Drug Prohibition, John T. Schuler and Arthur McBride
Notes from the Underground: Integrating Psychological and Legal Perspectives on Domestic Violence in Theory and Practice, Joan S. Meier
Nothing but the Facts: An In-Depth Analysis of the Effects of Economic Sanctions Against Cuba, Christy M. DeMelfi
Nuclear Employers No Longer Shielded From Whistleblower State Tort Claims: Fallout From English v. General Electric Company, Thomas Michael Rittweger
Objections to Western Conceptions of Human Rights, Cornelius F. Murphy Jr.
Obligatory Pro Bono Publico Legal Services: Mandatory or Voluntary? Distinction Without a Difference?, Honorable Joseph W. Bellacosa
O'Connor v. Donaldson, Jeffrey D. Fields
Of Blogs, eBooks, and Broadband: Access to Digital Media as a First Amendment Right, Hannibal Travis
Old Principles, New Technology, and the Future of Notice in Newspapers, Lauren A. Rieders
On Assassination as Anticipatory Self-Defense: The Case of Israel, Louis Rene Beres
On Being Regulated: Remarks by a Futures Commission Merchant, Stephen Greenberg
On Campaign Finance Reform: The Root of All Evil is Deeply Rooted, Daniel Hays Lowenstein
Once is Enough: Evaluating When a Person is Substantially Limited in Her Ability to Work, R. Bales
On Choice of Law and the Great Quest: A Critique of Special Multistate Solutions to Choice-of-Law Problems, Robert Allen Sedler
On Frivolous Litigation: A Study of Tort Liability and Procedural Sanctions, John W. Wade
On Impeaching Presidents, Akhil Reed Amar
On Prosecuting Presidents, Akhil Reed Amar
On Protecting Accountability, Eric M. Freedman
On Territoriality and Sovereignty: System Shock and Constitutional Choice of Law, Aaron D. Twerski
On the Authority of the Two-Member NLRB: Statutory Interpretation Approaches and Judicial Choices, Ronald Turner
On the Governance of the Modern Corporation, Oliver E. Williamson
Pandora's (E-Mail) Box: E-Mail Monitoring in the Workplace, John Araneo
Paramount Revisited: The Resurgence of Vertical Integration in the Motion Picture Industry, Kraig G. Fox
Parents by the Numbers, Susan Frelich Appleton
Pareto Superiority, Consent, and Justice, Lawrence G. Sager
Particularism in the Conflict of Laws, Courtland H. Peterson
Parties' Admissions, Agents' Admissions: Hearsay Wolves in Sheep's Clothing, Freda F. Bein
Part III: Student Comment: The Attorney-Client Privilege
Part I: Introduction, Stuart J. Filler
Part II: Student Comment: Use of the Summons, Intervention and Constitutional Rights
Part IV: Protecting Your Client: Advice to Accountants and Attorneys, Stuart J. Filler
Party Autonomy and Choice-of-Law: The Restatement (Second), Interest Analysis, and the Search for a Methodological Synthesis, Alan D. Weinberger
Patenting Biotherapeutics, Michael A. Sanzo
Paul v. Davis, Michael B. Frank
Pensions in Peril: Single Employer Pension Plan Terminations in the Context of Corporate Bankruptcies, Mark Daniels
People v. Sandoval, Robert M. Abrahams
People v. Selikoff, Alan E. Wolin
Perception or Reality?: Some Reflections on the Interpretation of Disability Discrimination Statutes, Michael D. Moberly
Perennial Problems of Criminal Law, Jerome Hall
Peril Invites Rescue: An Evolutionary Perspective, Bailey Kuklin
Perilous Executive Power--Perspective on Special Prosecutors in New York, Lawrence T. Kurlander and Valerie Friedlander
Perjury as a Ground for Impeachment-A Textual and Contextual Analysis, Monroe H. Freedman
Permitting the Sale of a Law Practice: Furthering the Interests of Both Attorneys and Their Clients, Gayle L. Coy
Perplexing Problems with Plain Meaning, Eric S. Lasky
Persistence of Illogic: Further Constitutional Aspects of the Law of Defamation, Terri S. Feinstein
Pirates, Blackwater and Maritime Security: The Rise of Private Navies in Response to Modern Piracy, Michael L. Mineau
Planning for P.E.A.C.E.: The Development of Court-Connected Education Programs for Divorcing and Separating Families, Andrew Schepard and Stephen W. Schlissel
Platinum Parachutes: Who's Protecting the Shareholder?, Susan L. Martin
"Play in the Joints Between the Religion Clauses" and Other Supreme Court Catachreses, Carl H. Esbeck
Pocket Part 1976, Hofstra University School of Law and Elyse Klein
Pocket Part 1977, Hofstra University School of Law, Kathy Rosenthal Ed., and Gloria Reich Ed.
Pocket Part 1978, Hofstra School of Law and Sandra Blank Ed.
Pocket Part 1979, Hofstra School of Law, William A. Cherno Ed., and Stephen M. Spahr Ed.
Pocket Part 1980, Hofstra School of Law and Vicki Lindgren Ed.
Pocket Part 1981, Hofstra School of Law and Daphne Gronich Ed.
Pocket Part 1982, Hofstra School of Law and Robert Keith Fischl Ed.
Pocket Part 1983, Hofstra School of Law, Ray Smolenski Ed., and Bob Wilk Ed.
Pocket Part 1987, Hofstra School of Law and Stewart J. Isman Ed.
Pocket Part 1988, Hofstra School of Law and Pamela D. Faison Ed.
Pocket Part 1990, Hofstra School of Law and Michael Abneri Ed.
Pocket Part 1991, Hofstra School of Law and Joe DeProcida Ed.
Pocket Part 1992, Hofstra School of Law and Shari B. Lash Ed.
Pocket Part 1993, Hofstra School of Law
Pocket Part 1994, Hofstra School of Law, Robyn Sonntag, Mike Kimack, and Eileen Decallies
Pocket Part 1995, Hofstra School of Law
Pocket Part 1996, Hofstra School of Law and Christine Bagetakos
Pocket Part 1997, Hofstra School of Law and Christine Bagetakos Ed.
Pocket Part 1998, Hofstra School of Law and Leon Feingold
Pocket Part 1999, Hofstra School of Law
Pocket Part 2000, Hofstra School of Law
Pocket Part 2001: Millennium Edition, Hofstra School of Law and Wendy L. Schugar Ed.
Pocket Part 2003, Hofstra School of Law
Poe v. Gerstein, Arthur David Sanders
Policing Prosecutors: What Role Can Appellate Courts Play?, Hon. D. Brooks Smith
Policy Implication Of Rules Governing Harassment And Discrimination Complaints In Private And Federal Employment, Francis Achampong
Political Question Doctrine and Allocation of the Foreign Affairs Power, Linda Champlin and Alan Schwarz
Polygamy and Same-Sex Marriage, David L. Chambers
Postcards from the Bench: Federal Habeas Review of Unarticulated State Court Decisions, Monique Anne Gaylor
Post-Modern Labor-Management Relations: The Southwestern Bell/Communications Workers Strategic Alliance, Roger L. Abrams
Postpartum Psychosis: A Way Out for Murderous Moms, Anne Damante Brusca
Post-Revolutionary Law and Economics: A Foreword to the Symposium, Anthony D'Amato
Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberation, Susan D. Carle
Powered by More Than GAAS: Section 10A of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act Takes the Accounting Profession for a New Ride, Andrew W. Reiss
Practice Makes Perfect: Judicial Discretion and the 1993 Amendments to Rule 11, Maureen N. Armour
Pragmatism Applied: Imagining a Solution to the Problem of Court Congestion, Michael L. Seigel
Preamble Preemption and the Challenged Role of Failure to Warn and Defective Design Pharmaceutical Cases in Revealing Scientific Fraud, Marketing Mischief, and Conflicts of Interest, Teresa Curtin and Ellen Relkin
Pre-Conviction Mandatory HIV Testing: Rape, AIDS and the Fourth Amendment, Stacey B. Fishbein
Predatory Attorneys and Professional Plaintiffs: Reforms are Needed to Limit Vexatious Securities Litigation, Douglas C. Buffone
Pre-Employment Dispute Arbitration Agreements: Yes, No and Maybe, Walter J. Gershenfeld
Pre-Employment Screening and Investigation: Navigating Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Stephen F. Befort
Preemption of Section 1983 by Title VII: An Unwarranted Deprivation of Remedies, Nancy Levit
Preemption v. Punishment: A Comparative Study of White Collar Crime Prosecution in the United States and the United Kingdom, Daniel Huynh
Premise for a Sensible Sentencing Debate: Giving Up Imprisonment, M. Kay Harris and Frank M. Dunbaugh
Prepaid Legal Services Have Arrived, John R. Dunne
Preserving Meritorious Claims against Public Corporations: Easing the Harshness of Notice of Claim Requirements, Mark J. Fox
Preserving the Garment Industry Proviso: Protecting Acceptable Working Conditions Within the Apparel and Accessories Industries, Holly R. Winefsky and Julie A. Tenney
Presumption Against Incarceration, Morris E. Lasker
Preventing Prescription Drug Overdose in the Twenty-First Century: Is the Controlled Substances Act Enough?, Danielle M. Nunziato
Preventing "Senseless" Arrests: Searching for a Constitutional Resolution of Atwater v. City of Lago Vista, Matthew Minerva
Preventing the Execution of the Innocent: Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee, Peter Neufeld
Preventing the Execution of the Innocent: Testimony Before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Barry C. Scheck
Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins: A Personal Account of a Sexual Discrimination Plaintiff, Ann Hopkins
Printers' Claims to Lithographic Film Ownership: You Can't Always Get What You Want, Jeffrey D. Powell
Prisoners' Rights Litigation: An Examination into the Appurtenant Procedural Problems
Privacy Legislation: Protection of Individual Liberties or Threat to a Free Press?, Faith Wender
Probing "Life Qualification" Through Expanded Voir Dire, John H. Blume, Sheri Lynn Johnson, and A. Brian Threlkeld
Problems Facing the First Generation of Local Immigration Laws, Huyen Pham
Pro Bono Publico in a Parallel Universe: The Meaning of Pro Bono in Solo and Small Law Firms, Leslie C. Levin
Procedures for Management of Non-Routine Cases, Dennis A. Kendig
Product Misrepresentation and the Doctrine of Causation, Jerry J. Phillips
Products Liability of Successor Corporations: A Corporate and Commercial Law Perspective, David Morris Phillips
Products Liability: The Next Act, Marshall S. Shapo
Professional Discipline of Prosecutors: A Response to Professor Zacharias, Monroe H. Freedman
Professor John J. Regan, Stuart Rabinowitz
Professor Kingsfield: The Most Misunderstood Character in Literature, Michael Vitiello
Prof. Mahon's Guide to Contract Law
Promissory Estoppel Damages, Mary E. Becker
Promoting Effective Ethical Infrastructure in Large Law Firms: A Call for Research and Reporting, Elizabeth Chambliss and David B. Wilkins
Promoting Transparency and Effectively Fighting International Money Laundering, Antoine H. Cousin and Jean Albert
Proof of Actual Malice in Defamation Actions: An Unsolved Dilemma, James L. Oakes
Proposed State Euthanasia Statutes: A Philosophical and Legal Analysis, Erik Kapner
Prosecutorial Discretion at the Complaint Bureau Level, Gary Rotenberg
Prosecutorial Misconduct--Recent Second Circuit Cases
Prosecutors and Corrupt Science, Kevin C. McMunigal
Protecting Airline Employees, Protecting the Public Interest, Bob Graham
Protecting the Expectations of Permanent Replacements: When May An Employer Limit the Seniority Rights of Striking Employees?, Sean J. O'Sullivan
Protecting Workers from Unlawful Interference with Their Jobs, Allan Kanner
Protection of Existing Workers and the Implementation of "Workfare", Patricia A. Quigley
Protection of the Design of Useful Articles: Current Inadequacies and Proposed Solutions, Steve W. Ackerman
Protective Exclusion in the VDT Workplace, Why Alternatives are Needed, Leslie Ann Berkoff
Protective Orders and Third-Party Government Access to Civil Discovery: A Modest Proposal, Pamela A. Mathy
Providing Legal Protection for Battered Women: An Analysis of State Statutes and Case Law, Catherine F. Klein and Leslye E. Orloff
Proving Causation in Toxic Torts Litigation, Myra Paiewonsky Mulcahy
PruneYard Shopping Center v. Robins, Richard B. Sypher
Public Sector Labor Law and History: The Politics of Ancient History?, William A. Herbert
Public Service by Public Servants, Lisa G. Lerman
Public Speech and Libel Litigation: Are They Compatible?, Donald Meiklejohn
Public Trial and Public Right: The Missing Bottom Line, Louis Lusky
Punitive Damages as a Remedy for Discrimination Claim Arbitrations in the Securities Industry, Julie A. Friedlander
Punitive Sentences, Ernest van den Haag
Pushing for the Injury: Tort Law's Influence in Defining the Constitutional Limitations on Punitive Damage Awards, Jill Wieber Lens
Putting a Plug in America's Brian Drain: A Proposal to Increase the U.S. Retention of Foreign Students Post-Graduation, Christine Chester and Amanda Cully
Putting Gilmer Where it Belongs: The FAA's Labor Exemption, David E. Feller
Quo Vadis Latin America? (Part Dois), Jose M. Barrionuevo
Rambo Depositions: Controlling an Ethical Cancer in Civil Litigation, Jean M. Cary
Rationalizing Injustice: The Supreme Court and the Property Tax, John A. Miller
Rationalizing the Allocative/Distributive Relationship in Copyright, Jeffrey L. Harrison
Reading Back, Reading Black, I. Bennett Capers
Reality and Hope in International Human Rights: A Critique, Rosalyn Higgins
Rebuilding the Right of Association: The Right to Hold a Convention as a Test Case, Stephen E. Gottlieb
Recent Supreme Court Decisions Affecting the Employer-Employee Relationship: Arbitration of Employment Disputes, the Scope and Remedies of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Affirmative Action, Paula Alexander Becker, Susan A. O'Sullivan, and Karen A. Prelich Passaro
Recent Trends in the Law of Endorsement Advertising: Infomercials, Celebrity Endorsers and Nontraditional Defendants in Deceptive Advertising Cases, Consuelo Lauda Kertz and Roobina Ohanian
Reciprocity and Environmental Obligations, Leslie P. Francis
Recognizing an Independent Tort Action Will Spoil a Spoliator's Splendor, Jay E. Rivlin
Reconciling the Goals of Federalism with the Policy of Title VII: Subject Matter Jurisdiction in Judicial Enforcement of EEOC Conciliation Agreements, Charles R. Calleros
Reconsidering the Corporate Attorney-Client Privilege: A Response to the Compelled-Voluntary Waiver Paradox, Lonnie T. Brown Jr.
Recovering the Costs of DoL Wage Increases Under the Service Contract Act, Allen Cannon III and Richard B. Clifford Jr.
Recovery from Halper: The Pain from Additions to Tax is Not the Sting of Punishment, Suellen M. Wolfe
Redefining the Legal Family: Protecting the Rights of Coparents and the Best Interests of Their Children, Marissa Wiley
Reducing Television Violence, Marvin Kitman
Reexamining Fourth Amendment Seizures: A New Starting Point, Scott J. Glick
Reflections on Human Cloning, Lewis D. Solomon
Reflections on Inclusionary Housing and a Renewed Look at its Viability, Laura M. Padilla
Reflections on Liberty, Margaret Thatcher
Reflections on Murder, Misdemeanors, and Madison, Jonathan Turley
Reflections on Reform of § 2254 Habeas Petitions, Honorable Patrick E. Higginbotham
Reflections on the First Years of the International Criminal Court, Claude Jorda
Reflections on the Wrong Question: Special Constitutional Privilege for the Institutional Press, Robert D. Sack
Reforming the Language of Jury Instructions, Peter Meijes Tiersma
Reforming the National Labor Relations Act: A Cautionary Note, David Weinstein
Reform in the Determination of Prison Terms: Equity, Determinacy, and the Parole Release Function, Peter B. Hoffman and Michael A. Stover
Refuge in the United States: The Sanctuary Movement Should Use the Legal System, Paul Wickham Schmidt
Regulating Attorney Conduct: Past, Present, and Future, Steven Krane
Regulating Genetically Engineered Microorganisms Under the Toxic Substances Control Act, Robin A. Chadwick
Regulating Managed Care Plans Under Current Law: A Radical Reversion to Established Doctrine, Sheva J. Sanders
Regulating the Grain Gambler and His Successors, John V. Rainbolt II
Regulatory Reform and the Revival of Nuclear Power, Richard Goldsmith
Rehnquist or Rorty?, Carl Tobias
Reinstatement: A Remedy for an Employer's Violation of a Handbook or Written Employment Policy, Kurt S. Decker
Rekindling Labor Law Successorship in an Era of Decline, Wilson McLeod
Religious Attitudes Toward Cloning: A Tale of Two Creatures, Dena S. Davis
Religious Exemptions - Applicability to Vegetarian Beliefs, Caroline L. Kraus
Remarks at the Investiture of Eric M. Freedman as the Maurice A. Deane Distinguished Professor of Constitutional Law, November 22, 2004, Anthony G. Amsterdam
Remarks Before the Hofstra Journal of International Business & Law Conference on Investment Management Law, Andrew J. Donohue
Remarks Before the National Academy of Arbitrators, Jean McKee
Remarks on the Installation of Mark Movsesian as Max Schmertz Distinguished Professor of Law, John O. McGinnis
Remembering David Kadane: Teacher, Mentor, Colleague and Friend, Joseph Rosenberg
Remembering John J. Regan, The Members and Staff of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law
Re-Membering Law in the Internationalizing World, Vivian Grosswald Curran
Report from the Front Line: The Bennett Plan, Street-Level Drug Enforcement in New York City and the Legalization Debate, Michael Z. Letwin
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1967-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1967-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1967-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1967-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1967-5, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1968-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1968-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1968-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1968-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1969-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1969-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1970-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1970-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1970-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1971-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1971-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1971-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1971-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1972-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1972-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1973-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1974-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1974-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1975-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1975-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1975-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1975-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1976-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1976-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1977-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1977-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1978-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1979-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1979-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1979-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1980-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1980-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1980-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1980-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1981-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1981-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1982-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1982-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1983-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1983-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1983-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1983-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1984-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1984-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1985-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1985-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1985-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1986-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1986-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1986-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1986-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1987-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1987-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1988-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1988-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1989-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1989-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1989-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1990-1991-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1990-1991-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1992-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1992-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1992-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1993-1994-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1993-1994-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1995-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1995-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1996-1997-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards, and Opinions 1996-1997-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards,and Opinions 1998-1999-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 1998-1999-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2000-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2000-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2001-2002-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2001-2002-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2001-2002-3, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2001-2002-4, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2003-2004-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2003-2004-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2005-2006-1, Eric J. Schmertz
Reports, Awards and Opinions 2005-2006-2, Eric J. Schmertz
Representing Capital Clients and the Elusive Quest for "Meaningful Access to Justice", Glenda G. Grace
Resolving the Conflict Between Jewish and Secular Estate Law, Benjamin C. Wolf
Resolving the Conflict of Interest in Management Buyouts, Bill Shaw
Respecting Intellectually Disabled Parents: A Call for Change in State Termination of Parental Rights Statutes, Alexis C. Collentine
Respecting Nonunion Member Employees' Rights While Avoiding a Free Ride, Lehnert v. Ferris Faculty Association, Charles J. Ogeka
Respondeat Superior and the Federal Securities Laws: A Round Peg in a Square Hole, William J. Fitzpatrick and Ronald T. Carman
Responsibility and Control, Michael Louis Corrado
Responsibility to Protect, Humanitarian Intervention and North Korea, Young Sok KIM
Responsible Environmental Behavior, Energy Conservation, and Compact Fluorescent Bulbs: You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But Can You Make It Drink?, Hope M. Babcock
Rethinking Bargaining Unit Determination: Labor Law and the Structure of Collective Representation in a Changing Workplace, Alexander Colvin
Rethinking Information Privacy in an Age of Online Transparency, Robert Sprague
Rethinking Revocation: Adoption from a New Perspective, Mindy Schulman Roman
Retributivism: A Just Basis for Criminal Sentences, Robert A. Pugsley
Retroactivity, Implied Waiver, and the FSIA: Is it Time to Reform the Law on Sovereign Immunity?, Michael W. Hoops
Retroactivity of the Civil Rights Act of 1991: Landgraf v. USI Film Products and Rivers v. Roadway Express, Inc., Linda B. Contino
Return to the Cuckoo's Nest: An Examination of the National Commission Report on Psychosurgery, Steven C. Spronz
Review of the Merits in Class Action Certification, Geoffrey P. Miller
Revisiting "Truth in Securities": The Use of the Efficient Capital Market Hypothesis, Michael W. Prozan and Michael T. Fatale
Revitalizing the FLSA, Scott D. Miller
Reviving the Nuclear Power Option in the United States: Using Domestic Energy Law to Cure Two Perceptions of International Law Illegality, James E. Hickey Jr.
Rhetorical Federalism: The Value State-Based Dissent to Federal Health Reform, Elizabeth Weeks Leonard
Rhode Island v. Innis, Alan M. Schutzman
RICO: Is it a Panacea or a Bitter Pill for Labor Unions, Union Democracy and Collective Bargaining?, Steven T. Ieronimo
RICO's Conspiracy Agreement Requirement: A Matter of Semantics?, Jeanette Cotting
Rights of the Dead, Kirsten Rabe Smolensky
Robinson v. Shell Oil Co.: Providing Former Employees with Protection from Retaliation, Donna P. Fenn
Roemer v. Commissioner, Stuart M. Schabes
Roger Traynor as a Judge, Page Keeton
Romance in the Workplace: When "Love" Becomes Litigation, Maureen S. Binetti
Ronald Dworkin, Ronald Dworkin
Rosenthal v. Warren & New England Baptist Hospital
Rush v. Savchuk: Is the Seider Spoiled or Just Getting Harder?, Emily Hermanson Levin
Safeguarding a Crown Jewel: Judicial Independence and Lawyer Criticism of Courts, Judith S. Kaye
Safeguarding Employee Stock Ownership Plans: Insurance as Assurance, Lauren E. Berson and Nicholas L. Cushing
Salting the Mines: the Legal and Political Implications of Placing Paid Union Organizers in the Employer's Workplace, Victor J. Van Bourg and Ellyn Moscowitz
Same-Sex Marriage and Slippery Slopes, Eugene Volokh
Same-Sex Marriage: The Evolving Landscape for Employee Benefits, Neal S. Schelberg and Carri L. Mitnick
Sanctioning Insurance Carriers for Bad-Faith Litigation Practices: A Proposal to Change the "Named Party" Rule, Andrea Yoon
Sanctions in the Proposed Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure: Some Questions about Power, Stephen B. Burbank
Sanctuary: Because There Are Still Many Who Wait for Death, Toney Anaya
Sarbanes-Oxley Writ Large: Sarbanes-Oxley and the Foreign Commerce Clause, Karl T. Muth
Scandals Great and Small, John Steele
Scraping beneath the Surface: Finally Holding Lead-Based Paint Manufacturers Liable by Applying Public Nuisance and Market-Share Liability Theories?, Lisa A. Perillo
Scriveners in Cyberspace: Online Document Preparation and the Unauthorized Practice of Law, Catherine J. Lanctot
SEC Enforcement Actions to Enjoin Violations of Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5: The Scienter Question, Ezra D. Singer
Secrecy in Limbo: What the Most Recent Settlement with the IRS Means for UBS and the Rest of the Swiss Banking Industry, Spencer Daly
Secret Evidence Is Slowly Eroding the Adversary System: CIPA and FISA in the Courts, Ellen Yaroshefsky
SEC Rule 10b5-2: A Call for Revitalizing the Commission's Efforts in the War on Insider Trading, Michael G. Capeci
Section 14(e) of the Williams Act: Can There be Manipulation with Full Disclosure or Was the Mobil Court Running on Empty?, Eric M. Mencher
Section 8(F) Prehire Agreements and the Exception to Majority Representation: Are Construction Workers Getting the Shaft?, Desiree LeClercq
Secularizing the Sacrosanct: Defining "Sacred" for Native American Sacred Sites Protection Legislation, Amber L. McDonald
Secured Financing's Uneasy Place in Bankruptcy: Claims for Interest in Chapter 11, Paula A. Franzese
Security Interests in Human Materials, Kevin H. Smith
Seeking John Doe: The Provision and Propriety of DNA-Based Warrants in the Wake of Wisconsin v. Dabney, Corey E. Delaney
Self Help, the Media and the First Amendment, David Kohler
Self-Interest or Self-Defense: Lawyer Disregard of the Attorney-Client Privilege for Profit and Protection, Henry D. Levine
Self-Love and the Judicial Power to Appoint a Special Prosecutor, James A. Cohen
Selling Your Torts: Creating a Market for Tort Claims and Liability, Isaac Marcushamer
Sentence Blending and the Promise of Rehabilitation: Bringing the Juvenile Justice System Full Circle, Randi-Lynn Smallheer
Sentencing and Social Science: Research for the Formulation of Federal Sentencing Guidelines, Brian Forst, William Rhodes, and Charles Wellford
Sentencing Guidelines: Control of Discretion in Federal Sentencing, Harold R. Tyler Jr.
Service Member Experiences Roundtable, James A. Garland
Sex-Based Wage Discrimination: One Step Beyond the Equal Pay Act, Lisa Levine Shapiro
"Sex-Plus" Discrimination: A Discussion of Fisher v. Vassar College, Wendi Barish
Shaffer v. Heitner: New Constitutional Questions Concerning Seider v. Roth, Lesley Beth Magaril
Shaking the Foundation of Gideon: A Critique of Nichols in Overruling Baldasar v. Illinois, Ralph Ruebner, Jennifer Berner, and Anne Herbert
Shared Sovereign Immunity as an Alternative to Federal Preemption: An Essay on the Attribution of Responsibility for Harm to Others, Martin A. Kotler
Shareholders' Liability and Workers' Rights: Piercing the Corporate Veil Under Federal LaborLaw, Wilson McLeod
Shoplifting Law: Constitutional Ramifications of Merchant Detention Statutes
Shoring Up the Citadel (At-Will Employment), Matthew W. Finkin
Should Lawyers be Free to Publicly Excoriate Judges?, Hal R. Lieberman
Should Radicals Be Judges?, Paul Butler
Should the NLRB Revisit Excelsior?, David Greenhaus
Silence in the Court: Participation and Subordination of Poor Tenants' Voices in Legal Process, Barbara Bezdek
Six-Person Nonunanimous Verdicts: Further Cutbacks on the Right to Jury Trial?, Dolores Fredrich
Small is the New Biglaw: Some Thoughts on Technology, Economics, and the Practice of Law, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Smith v. Westland Life Insurance Co., Barry C. Weiss
Social Choice Theory and the Imperfectability of a Legal Order, Allan Gibbard
Society's Choice and Legal Change, Alan Watson
Socio-Religious Obstacles to Judicial Reconstruction in Post-Saddam Iraq, Stanley A. Roberts
Solidarity and Betrayal in the North Woods: A Review of Strike! By Julius Getman, Cynthia Estlund
Solomon and Strikes: Labor Activity, the Contract Doctrine of Impossibility or Impracticability of Performance, and Federal Labor Policy, Daniel P. O'Gorman
Some Current Thinking at the Board from Brooklyn and Beyond, Alvin P. Blyer
Some Decision-Theoretic Reflections on Welfare Protection, Edward F. McClennen
Some Historical Reflections on Landrum-Griffin, Clyde W. Summers
Some Keys to the NBA Lockout, Grant M. Hayden
Some Realism about Facial Invalidation of Statutes, Alfred Hill
Something Every Lawyer Needs to Know: The Employer-Employee Distinction in the Modern Law Firm, Catherine Lovly and Matthew J. Mehnert
Some Thoughts on Statutory Interpretation with Special Emphasis on Jurisdiction, Bernard S. Meyer
Some Thoughts on the Decline of International Law and Future Prospects, Richard Falk
Some Words of Caution About Divorce Mediation, Phyllis Gangel-Jacob
Sony Computer Entertainment, Case Study, Ayse Erguner
Speak No Evil: Settlement Agreements Conditioned on Noncooperation Are Illegal and Unethical, Stephen Gillers
Spectrum Set-Asides as Content-Neutral Metric: Creating a Practical Balance Between Media Access and Market Power, Michael M. Epstein
Sperm, Spleens, and Other Valuables: The Need to Recognize Property Rights in Human Body Parts, William Boulier
Spier v. Barker, Alan D. Reitzfeld
Spousal Notification: An Unconstitutional Limitation on a Woman's Right to Privacy in the Abortion Decision, Helaine F. Lobman
Standardized Tests: The Continuation of Gender Bias in Higher Education, Andrea L. Silverstein
Standards of Conduct, Multiple Defendants, and Full Recovery of Damages in Tort Liability for the Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Richard Carl Schoenstein
Standards Without Goals--Review of Toward a Just and Effective Sentencing System, Andrew von Hirsch
Standing to Challenge Internal Revenue Service Decisionmaking: The Need for a Better Rationale, Clifford M. Gerber
Starting Points in Economic Analysis of Law, C. Edwin Baker
State Action and the Enforcement of Compulsory Arbitration Agreements Against Employment Discrimination Claims, Jeffrey L. Fisher
State Anti-Strikebreaker Laws: Unconstitutional Interference with Employers' Right to Self-Help, I. Walter Fisher and James J. McDonald Jr.
State Commission Treatment of Nuclear Plant Cancellation Costs, Paul Rodgers and Charles D. Gray
State Competence to Regulate Corporate Takeovers: Lessons from State Takeover Statutes, Alan E. Garfield
State Implementation of the Consumer Product Safety Act, Robert A. Faller
State Interest and Marriage - The Theoretical Perspective, Brian H. Bix
States' Rights and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990: A Sea of Confusion?, Michael P. Mullahy
Statutes of Limitations and Pollutant Injuries: The Need for a Contemporary Legal Response to Contemporary Technological Failure, Michelle Sokol
Statutory Discrimination Claims: Rights "Waived" and Lost in the Arbitration Forum, Reginald Alleyne
Statutory Interpretation: Dipping into Legislative History, Reed Dickerson
Staying Above the Surface- Surface Bargaining Claims Under the National Labor Relations Act, Marc Mandelman and Kevin Manara
Stepping Out of the Courtroom and Into the Personnel Department: An Analysis of Reasonable Accommodation and Disparate Impact in Raytheon v. Hernandez, Douglas Menikheim and Frederick R. Trelfa
Step Up to the Bargaining Table: A Call for the Unionization of Minor League Baseball, David M. Szuchman
Stopping the Revolving Door: Adopting a Rational System for the Insanity Defense, Andrew J. Nathan and Bonnie L. Raymond
Strict Products Liability: The Implied Warranty of Safety, and Negligence with Hindsight as Tests of Defect, Gerald J. Adler
Striking Bargains: The At-Will Employment of Permanent Strike Replacements, Michael D. Moberly
Stripping Down the Reasonableness Standard: The Problems with Using In Loco Parentis to Define Students' Fourth Amendment Rights, Alysa B. Koloms
Subcontracting Agreements in the Construction Industry: Woelke & Romero "Frames" Connell, Jan Stiglitz
"Substantive Administrative Law": A Review of Recent Texts, Samuel Estreicher
Successor Liability for Defective Products: A Tort Exception to a Corporate Rule, Roberta L. Schuhalter
Summary Judgment Benchmarks for Settling Employment Discrimination Lawsuits, Vivian Berger, Michael O. Finkelstein, and Kenneth Cheung
Supermarket Use and Exclusive Clauses, Emanuel B. Halper
Supplementary Guidelines for the Mitigation Function of Defense Teams in Death Penalty Cases
Supreme Court Tips Against Individual Rights-Again, Roger B. Jacobs
Surprise! That Damaging Turncoat Witness is Still with Us: An Analysis of Federal Rules of Evidence 607, 801 (d)(1)(A) and 403, Abraham P. Ordover
Sweet Without the Bitter? The Administrative Transfer of Civilly Committed Psychiatric Patients in New York: Savastano v. Nurnberg, Daniel A. Rosen
Symposium on Efficiency as a Legal Concern Introduction
Symposium on Human Cloning: Legal, Social, and Moral Perspectives for the Twenty-First Century- Foreword: Cloning Debate, Janet L. Dolgin
Symposium on the Death Penalty: Reforming a Process Fraught with Error: Foreword, Eric M. Freedman
Symposium Remarks: Plea for the Next Great Wave of Reform, Burnele V. Powell
Table of Contents, Poletti, Freidin, Prashker & Gartner
Table of Contents, Poletti, Freidin, Prashker & Gartner and Eric J. Schmertz
Take Your Paws Off Me: An Argument in Favor of Revising the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the Protecting America's Workers Act, Jaime Rigel and Alexi T. Poulianos
Target Date Funds: Can One Just Glide Into Retirement?, Jonathan Miller; Martin J. Rosenburgh CFA, Esq.; and Andrew C. Spieler Phd, CFA, FRM, CAIA
Tax Aspects of Commodity Futures Trading, Stephen F. Selig and R. Wayne Schmittberger
Taxation of Boot Distributions: A Return to Bedford?, Ivan Dreyer
Tax Shelters: The Continuing Struggle, Daniel Q. Posin
Technology Transfers from the United States to the People's Republic of China, David Williams Russell
Telecommuters and Their Virtual Existence in the Unemployment World, Beverly Reyes
Television and Violence: A Symposium - Introductions, Stuart Rabinowitz and Leon Friedman
Television Networks: Taking Affirmative Action, Beth Bressan
Ten Years After: A Legal Framework of Collective Bargaining in the Hospital Industry, Michael J. Stapp
Testing Lay Intuitions of Justice: How and Why?, Paul H. Robinson
The 12(i)'ed Monster: Administration of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by the Federal Bank Regulatory Agencies, Michael P. Malloy
The 1982 New York Legal Aid Strike: Ethical Implications Under the Code of Professional Responsibility, Randy Lee Arthur
The 1999 Amendments to the Ethical Considerations in New York's Code of Professional Responsibility, Roy Simon
The 45Th Anniversary of Title VII: Where We are, Where We've Been, and Where We May Go, Sarah Crabtree and Daphnie Stock
The ABA and the Supplementary Guidelines for the Mitigation Function of Defense Teams in Death Penalty Cases, Robin M. Maher
The Abolition of Three-Judge Courts: Too High a Price for Judicial Efficiency?, Wendy G. Singley
The ADA Amendments Act: Dramatic Changes in Coverage, David K. Fram Esq.
The Advantages of Utilizing the WTO as a Global Forum for Environmental Regulation, Christopher J. Kula
The Affirmative Action Controversy, Mitchell H. Rubinstein
The Affirmative Duty of Federal Departments and Agencies to Restore Endangered and Threatened Species, Martha T. Eider-Orley
The AIDS Epidemic: A Constitutional Conundrum, Leonard Orland and Sue L. Wise
The Alien Tort Claims Act and Section 1983: The Improper Use of Domestic Laws to "Create" and "Define" International Liability for Multi-National Corporations, Samuel A. Khalil
The American Experience Under the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 - An Airline Perspective, Michael A. Katz
The American Law Institute, 1923-1998, John P. Frank
The American Law Institute is Alive and Well, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
The American Law Institute is Dead in the Water, Frank J. Vandall
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Does the ADA Protect a Person With the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from Employment Discrimination?, Matthew I. Kozinets
The Americans with Disabilities Act: Employers' New Responsibilities to HIV-Positive Employees, Laura Pincus
The Americans with Disabilities Act Protects Individuals with a History of Cancer from Employment Discrimination: Myth or Reality?, Susan M. Gibson
The Anamag Decision: an Illustration of Legislative Inadequacy, Carmine E. Esposito
The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act's In Rem Provision: Making American Trademark Law the Law of the Internet?, Steven J. Coran
The Antitrust/Intellectual Property Interface: An Emerging Solution to an Intractable Problem, Daniel J. Gifford
The Arbitration of Statutory Disputes: The Role of the Arbitrator -- Procedural and Substantive Considerations, Ira F. Jaffe
The Argument for a Hybrid Retaliation Law: A Comparative Law Study to Define Retaliation Under Title VII by Comparing the United Kingdom, Including the European Union, Australia, and Canada, Dana K. Scalere and Corinne D. Sorisi
The Argument for Making American Judicial Remedies Under Title VII Available to Foreign Nationals Employed by U.S. Companies on Foreign Soil, Olivia P. Dirig and Mahra Sarafsky
The Attorney-Client Privilege and Client's Constitutional Rights, David E. Seidelson
The Award of Attorneys' Fees Under the Equal Access to Justice Act, Barry S. Rutcofsky
The Bonds of Matrimony and the Bonds of Constitutional Democracy, Lynn D. Wardle
The Boyle Test Is an Insufficient Standard for Determining Whether to Allow Private Military Contractors to Assert the Government Contractor Defense, Justin A. Jacobs
The Bribery of Warren Hastings: The Setting of a Standard for Integrity in Administration, John T. Noonan Jr.
The British and American Experiences From the Perspective of a Neutral, Eric J. Schmertz
The Bush NLRB in Perspective: Does the Playing Field Need Leveling?, Clifford R. Oviatt Jr.
The Business Judgment Rule and the Declaration of Corporate Dividends: A Reappraisal, David Michael Israel
The Business Judgment Rule Revisited, S. Samuel Arsht
The Buyers of Counterfeit Products in South Korea, Boonghee Yoo and Seung-Hee Lee
The Candor Factor: Does Nominee Evasiveness Affect Judiciary Committee Support for Supreme Court Nominees?, Justin Wedeking and Dion Farganis
The Case Against Human Cloning, Vernon J. Ehlers
The Case for Bright-Line Rules in Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence: Adopting the Tenth Circuit's Bright-Line Test for Determining the Voluntariness of Consent, Andrew McLetchie
The Case for First Amendment Limits on Copyright Law, Alan E. Garfield
The Case for Selective Abolition of the Rules of Evidence, David Crump
The Case for Specially Compensating the Victims of Terrorist Acts: An Assessment, Robert L. Rabin and Stephen D. Sugarman
The Case for the Repeal of Congressional Legislation that Places Conditions on Sovereign States Participation in International Organizations, Jason D. Flemma
The Case of the Disinterested Two States: Neumeier v. Kuehner, Hans W. Baade
The Case of the Headless Baby: Did Interracial Sex in the Massachusetts Bay Colony Lead to Infanticide and the Earliest Habeas Corpus Petition in America?, Melinde Lutz Sanborn
The Cassandra Complex: An Employer's Dilemma in the Genetic Workplace, Joanne Seltzer
The Central Moral Tradition of Lawyering, Robert P. Lawry
The Challenge of Corporate Value Management: A Financial Perspective, George J. Papaioannou
The Changing Face of Judicial Elections, Gerald Stern
The Changing Landscape of Global Sovereign Risk, Ramon Maronilla and Kevin D. Anderson
The Changing Professional Environment and the Ideal of General Practice, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
The Channelling Function in Family Law, Carl E. Schneider
The "Charles Stimson" Rule and Three Other Proposals to Protect Lawyers from Lawyers, Stephen Gillers
The Chilling Effect that the Threat of Sanctions Can Have on Effective Representation in Capital Cases, Richard P. Mauro
The CISG after Medellin v. Texas: Do U.S. Businesses Have It? Do They Want It?, Mark Cantora
The Civil Government Litigator: A View from the Jury Box, Bruce A. Green and Karen Bergreen
The Civil RICO Controversy Reaches the Supreme Court, Gary S. Abrams
The Civil Rights Act of 1991: An Examination of the Storm Preceding the Compromise of America's Civil Rights, Caryn Leslie Lilling
The Client Fraud Problem as a Justinian Quartet: An Extended Analysis, Geoffrey C. Hazard Jr.
The Coconspirators' Exception: Defining the Standard of the Independent Evidence Test under the New Federal Rules of Evidence, Paul B. Bergman
The Community Dimension of State Child Protection, Dorothy E. Roberts
The Confrontation Clause and the Supreme Court: Some Good News and Some Bad News, David E. Seidelson
The Consequences of Arbitrating a Legal Malpractice Claim: Rebuilding Faith in the Legal Profession, Louis A. Russo
The Constituional Mandate of Effective Assistance of Counsel: The Duty to Intvestigate, Marilyn Labb Zeitlan
The Constitutionality Of Racial Classifications in Public School Admissions, Kevin Brown
The Constitutional Politics of Presidential Succession, Richard Albert
The Constitutional Rights of Non-Custodial Parents, David D. Meyer
The Constitutional Validity of the Ethics in Government Act: Morrison v. Olson
The Constitution and Legislative Jurisdiction, James A. Martin
The Continuing Relevance of Race-Concious Remedies and Prgrams in Integrating the Nation's Workforce, Michael L. Foreman, Kristin M. Dadey, and Audrey J. Wiggins
The Contraception Misconception: Why Prescription Contraceptives Should Be Covered by Employer Insurance Plans, Jennifer N. White
The Corporate Lawyer and 'The Perjury Trilemma', Thomas D. Morgan
The Corporation as a Political Institution, Russell B. Stevenson Jr.
The Cost of Retaining vs. the Cost of Retraining: An Analysis of the Family and Medical Leave Act, Elissa Hope Gainsburg
The Creative Necessity Defense, Free Speech, and California Sexual Harassment Law, Thomas D. Brierton and Peter Bowal
The Crimes of Crime Labs, J. Herbie DiFonzo
The Criminal Defendant Who Proposes Perjury: Rethinking the Defense Lawyer's Dilemma, Norman Lefstein
The Criminal Element of Neutrality Agreements, Mark A. Carter and Shawn P. Burton
The Curious Incident of the Workers in the Boardroom, Brett H. McDonnell
The Death of the Ensuing Physical Injury Rule: Validating Claims for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Harm, Ethan Finneran
The Debate Over the Unionization and Collective Bargaining of Private Physicians, Angel M. Aton and Heidi S. Connolly
The Defense Team in Capital Cases, Jill Miller
The Deleware Takeover Statute: Constitutionally Infirm Even Under the Market Participant Exception, Ivy B. Dodes
The Demand for Human Cloning, Eric A. Posner and Richard A. Posner
The Demise of Vertical Privity: Economic Loss and the Uniform Commercial Code, Martin V. Schwartz
The Design Defect Test in New Jersey: An Unworkable Standard, Lawrence H. Haber
The Development of Reassignment to a Vacant Position in the Americans with Disabilities Act, Jeffrey S. Berenholz
The Development of the Employment At Will Rule Revisited: A Challenge to its Origins as Based in the Development of Advanced Capitalism, Deborah A. Ballam
The Dilemma of Election Campaign Finance Reform, Stephen E. Gottlieb
The Discharge of Sexual Harassment Judgments in Bankruptcy Court: An Attempt to Right a "Grave Injustice", David L. Adamson
The Discoverability Of Severance Agreements In Wrongful Discharge Litigation, Michael D. Moberly
The Discrepancy in Bankruptcy Code Section 330: Can a Chapter 7 Debtor's Attorney Collect Fees from the Bankruptcy Estate?, Frank Misiti
The Disparate Impact Hostile Environment Claim: Sexual Harassment Scholarship at a Crossroads, Robert A. Kearney
The Draining of Daubert and the Recidivism of Junk Science in Federal and State Courts, Victor E. Schwartz and Cary Silverman
The Duty to Bargain Over Layoffs in Other Western Countries: A View from an American Perspective, Athanassios Papaioanno
The Duty to Protect Customers from Criminal Acts Occurring Off the Premises: The Watering Down of the "Prior Similar Incidents" Rule, George Bair South
The Education of a Sailor, Keith Taylor
The Effect of the Multiemployer Pension Plan Amendments Act's Withdrawal Liability Rules on Collective Bargaining Relationships and Pension Administration, Carolyn Diane Gentile
The Eleventh Amendment: "A Work In Progress", Sabina Sosunova and Bonnie A. Tucker
The Emergence of State Data Privacy and Security Laws Affects Employers, Joseph J. Lazzarotti
The Emoluments Clause: An Anti-Federalist Intruder in a Federalist Constitution, John F. O'Connor
The Employee/Independent Contractor Dichotomy: A Rose is Not Always a Rose, John Bruntz
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988: Proper Penalties When Guilty Employees are Improperly Caught, Kathleen F. Reilly
The Employment Discrimination Provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act: Implementation and Impact, Scott Burris and Kathryn Moss
The End of an Era: Closing the Exclusionary Debate Under Herring v. United States, Sean D. Doherty
The Enigma of Felix Frankfurter. By H.N. Hirsch, Jerome Alan Cohen
The Environmental Implications of a North American Free Trade Agreement, James P. Duffy III
The Equal Access Act: A Haven for High School "Hate Groups"?, Michael P. Aaron
The Equity Cushion Analysis in Bankruptcy, Lawrence J. Dash
The Escalating Copyright Wars, Peter K. Yu
The Essence of the Agent Orange Litigation: The Government Contract Defense, Richard A. Roth
The Ethical and Political Basis of the Efficiency Norm in Common Law Adjudication, Richard A. Posner
The Ethical Responsibility to Reduce Energy Consumption, John C. Dernbach and Donald A. Brown
The European Union's Gatekeeper Initiative: The European Union Enlists Lawyers in the Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing, Danielle Jasmin Kirby
The Evolution of the Justice Department's Power to Investigate Civil Violations of the Antitrust Laws, Sanford M. Adler
The Evolution of the "Patient": Shifts in Attitudes About Consent, Genetic Information, and Commercialization in Health Care, Janet L. Dolgin
The Evolving Role of Physicians in a Reformed American Health Care System, Gov. Howard Dean
The Exclusive Jurisdiction of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Thomas A. Russo and Edwin L. Lyon
The Expanding Liability of the Product Supplier: A Primer, Paul D. Rheingold
The Extraterritorial Force of Title VII: Regulating the Conduct of American Employers Overseas, Sean M. Bunting
The Failure of Gissel Bargaining Orders, Terry A. Bethel and Catherine Melfi
The Failure of the Family and Medical Leave Act: Alternative Proposals for Contemporary American Families, Marc Mory and Lia Pistilli
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act-Reconciling the Interests of Consumers and Debt Collectors, Elwin Griffith
The Fair Housing Act and Insurance: An Update and the Question of Disability Discrimination, John F. Stanton
The Family and Medical Leave Act: Unlocking the Door to the "Key Employee" Exemption, Neil S. Levinbook
The FCC's Deregulation of Cable Television: The Problem of Unfair Competition and the 1976 Copyright Act, David Bowman
The Federal Arbitration Act's Interstate Commerce Requirement: What's Left for State Arbitration Law?, Henry C. Strickland
The Federal Coconspirator Exception: Action, Assertion, and Hearsay, Christopher B. Mueller
The Federal District Court as a Small Claims Tribunal: An Argument Against the Holding in Guernsey v. Rich Plan, Steven Naclerio
The Federal Income-Contingent Repayment Option for Law Student Loans, Philip G. Schrag
The Federal Rules of Evidence: A Few Surprises, David E. Seidelson
The Federal Rules of Evidence: Defining and Refining the Goals of Codification, Margaret A. Berger
The Federal Rules of Evidence: Rule 501, Klaxon and the Constitution, David E. Seidelson
The Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the Key Compromises Upon Which They Rest, Stephen Breyer
The Feres Exception to the Federal Tort Claims Act: New Insight Into an Old Problem, David E. Seidelson
The Fight to Safeguard American Drug Safety in the Twenty-First Century, Maurice Hinchey
The First Amendment and the Free Press: A Comment on Some New Trends and Some Old Theories, William W. Van Alstyne
The Five Elements of Negligence, David G. Owen
The Flood: Political Economy and Disaster, Mari Matsuda
The Folly of Uniformity? Lessons from the Restatement Movement, Kristen David Adams
The Foreign Bank Exemption to the Sarbanes-Oxley Prohibition on Loans to Directors and Officers, Dina Colon
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and its Application to U.S. Business Operations in China, Eric M. Pedersen
The Foreign Policy Role of the President: Origins and Limitations, Jody S. Fink
The Framers' Intent and the Early Years of the Republic, Bruce Stein
The Free Press-Fair Trial Dilemma: New Dimensions in a Continuing Struggle, John Pacht
The Free Speech Metamorphosis of Mr. Justice Holmes, David S. Bogen
The Future of Human Rights in International Jurisprudence: An Optimistic Appraisal, Benjamin B. Ferencz
The Future of Imprisonment. By Norval Morris, Christopher T. Bayley
The Future of Special Economic Zones in the Aftermath of Poland's Accession to the European Union, Monika G. Kislowska
The Gender Gap on the Federal Bench, Carl Tobias
The Ghost of Sears-Compco is Finally Laid to Rest (Or Is It?), Joseph P. Zammit
The Global Financial Crisis and its Impact on India, K. G. Viswanathan
The Globalization and Changing Industrial Dynamics in Asia, Susumu Yoshida
The Good Faith Defense in Constitutional Litigation, Leon Friedman
The Good Guys, The Bad Guys and the First Amendment. By Fred W. Friendly., Ben C. Fisher
The Graduate Assistant Labor Movement, NYU and its Aftermath: A Study of the Attitudes of Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants at Seven Universities, Gerilynn Falasco and William J. Jackson
The Group Legal Plan Revolution: Bright Horizon or Dark Future?, Brian Heid and Eitan Misulovin
The Growing Financial Pie of Online Publication: Tasini's New-Use Analysis Leaves Freelance Authors Less than Crumbs, Dom F. Atteritano
The Growth of Distrust: The Emergence of Hostility Toward Government Regulation of the Economy, William E. Nelson
'The Guiding Hand of Counsel' and the ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty Cases, Robin M. Maher
The Hague Case: An Opportunity Lost, Willis L. M. Reese
The Hate Speech Case: A Pyrrhic Victory for Freedom of Speech?, G. Sidney Buchanan
The Hidden Dangers of Sentencing Guidelines, Kenneth N. Flaxman
The Historical and Constitutional Contexts of Jury Reform, Douglas G. Smith
The Historical and Constitutional Significance of the Impeachment and Trial of President Clinton, Michael J. Gerhardt
The Historical and Political Origins of the Corporate Board of Directors, Franklin A. Gevurtz
The Historical Misconception of Right to Work Laws in the The United States: Senator Robert Wagner, Legal Policy, and the Decline of American Unions, Raymond L. Hogler
The Hollings Bill: Unconstitutional Under the First Amendment, Arthur Eisenberg
The Home Office Deduction: Administrative Complexity versus Taxpayer Equity, Michael H. Berns
The House at Work. Edited by Joseph Cooper & G. Calvin Mackenzie, Robert F. Drinan S.J.
The Human Genome Project: Genetic Screening and the Fundamental Right of Privacy, Kristin M. Raffone
The Human Genome Project: The Road to Our Improved Health or the New Civil Rights Movement, Danielle Leventhal
The Human Life Bill: Personhood Revisited, Or Congress Takes Aim at Roe v. Wade, John G. Ferreira
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 ("IRCA"): Impact Upon Employer/Employee Fourth Amendment Protections Against Unreasonable Search and Seizure, Barbara A. Susman
The Impact of Emerging Techologies in the Workplace: Who's Watching the Man (Who's Watching Me)?, William A. Herbert and Amelia K. Tuminaro
The Impact of International Organizations on the AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa, Christopher Richins
The Impact of Regulatory Reform on Labor Law: Redressing the Historical Balance, Malcolm R. Lovell Jr.
The Impact of Televised Violence, John P. Murray
The Impact of the New National Labor Policy on Public Sector Bargaining: The Unfinished Agenda, Arvid Anderson
The Impact on Public Sector Collective Bargaining , R. Theodore Clark Jr.